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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Muscle Burns FAT... ChaLEAN Extreme is almost here and I can get you yours

ChaLEAN Extreme: Taking Chalene Home with You

By Steve Edwards

Chalene Johnson"When I'm personally training someone, I don't use Turbo Jam®," said Turbo Jam creator Chalene Johnson. "So when Carl [Daikeler, Beachbody® CEO] asked me to bring personal training to the masses, I jumped at the chance. ChaLEAN Extreme combines legitimate strength training with cardio, along with helpful diet tips, motivation, and other tools. With this program, I essentially come into your home."

Since Turbo Jam, which is also called Turbo Kick® at gyms around the country, is one of the most popular fitness programs in the U.S., I was very interested to hear why its founder would embark on something completely different. At Beachbody, we're well aware that there are numerous ways to get someone into shape. But this was the first time we'd turned one of our trainers loose to create a personalized program that would fit the masses. The resulting program is something that's completely different than the movement-to-music medley of workouts that is Turbo Jam. ChaLEAN Extreme test group results were off the charts. Today, we sit down with Chalene to get the scoop on ChaLEAN Extreme.

ChaLEAN Extreme™ Workout Group

  • Steve Edwards: When we talked originally about Turbo Jam, you were all about the music (see "The Hottest Class in the U.S. Is Now on Video" in the Related Articles section below). Is it true that there won't be any music in ChaLEAN Extreme?

  • Chalene Johnson: When I'm personally training a client, I don't use music. There is some music [in the videos], but it's in the background. This isn't dance. I don't want a distraction. I want them to slow down. It's about total mental focus, and music can interfere with that. I don't want people moving to a rhythm, using momentum, or anything that can break down form. For entertainment, I use my personality and my 20-plus years of personal training experience. The cardio workouts have great music, though!

  • Steve: So it's not a complete about-face from Turbo Jam. What does the program consist of?

  • Hard BodiesChalene: The program consists of 4 months of workouts. Each week is broken down into strength one day and cardio the next. It's based on undulating periodization, so you can mix and match and continually keep the program fresh.

  • Steve: Let's shelve the technical talk until later. What else do they get?

  • Chalene: I come home with them.

  • Steve: That's got to be expensive.

  • Chalene: It would be, yes. Most people can't afford to pay for a personal trainer, but almost everyone could use one. My goal was to create the one-on-one experience you get when you hire a trainer. I come into your home and help you reorganize your life.

  • Steve: That sounds challenging, to say the least. How do you accomplish such a thing that will work for everyone?

  • Chalene: It's all about changing their lifestyle. First, I get into their car. They get an audio program that covers everything from how their childhood may have affected how they feel about food to how to stop thinking like a short-term dieter. I discuss how to change your way of thinking. This often means changing habits. Sometimes, it means changing friends, or at least finding new ones that support your healthy lifestyle.

    'Before' and 'After' of Renee S.We've got an epidemic in the country, and someone needs to step forward and do something about it. Especially for moms—we have to break the trend of how we show care. For 100 years, we've been trained to show love and care with fattening sugary foods. There are better ways to show kids how we care about them. There are better ways to show ourselves. I talk about how to rewire the voice that speaks to you. Essentially, if you really care about someone, wouldn't you give them every opportunity for a healthy lifestyle? That's the attitude I try and instill in them, about their loved ones and themselves.

    Then, I come into their home. They get an instruction[al] DVD, with my family showing you how to reorganize your kitchen to make healthy food prep[aration] more realistic. Some stuff that you hear in advice columns, it's, like, get real[.] They can't do that. They don't have time. So I show them how a crazy busy mom does it, because I am a crazy busy mom. If I can do it, anyone can.

  • Steve: Want to share a few of these tricks with us?

  • Chalene: Sure. We will eat what's convenient, especially kids, so you want to acknowledge this fact and prepare for it. So the first thing we do in the DVD is to rearrange the fridge, the pantry, the whole kitchen. Watch kids—actually anyone—in a kitchen. The first thing they do when they aren't sure what they want to eat is to open the fridge. Then, they move to the pantry. So one of my tricks at home is to wash fruit and keep it at eye level. This makes healthy snacks the first thing you see.

    Fat-Burning Food GuideMost of this prep[aration] happens when you first come home from the market. I prepackage chips, pretzels, and other [snack] foods into single servings. If you give someone a bag of chips, they'll overeat pretty much 100 percent of the time. But a small serving is plenty to satiate their craving, and it doesn't ruin your diet for the day. If you grab a small serving, instead of a whole bag, your mind tends to sign off on the craving.

    The tips I give are easy. They won't turn your life upside down. The goal is to simplify it, to make everything easier. Because we're all busy. The more organized we are, the easier life becomes.

  • Steve: What else do they get?

  • Chalene: There's a beautiful nutritional book. It's like a coffee-table book, with big photos of [almost] every recipe. It provides you with all of the ammunition to make simple, healthy meals with stuff you can find in any store. At its core are recipes that are very simplistic. I didn't want you to need to find a certain store and use expensive ingredients. Anyone has the means to make these recipes.

    Muscle Burns Fat™ GuidebookAnd there's a guidebook, of course, but a really thorough guidebook. It had to be thorough because I talk a lot about using heavy weights, and I wanted something that you could take to the gym, if that becomes necessary. It's also designed to take with you when you travel so you never need to miss a workout. There are photos of all the moves, and you are urged to record the weight you use. And there's a lot about the science behind super-slow training and breakdown sets—the reasons that you're doing this program.

  • Steve: Okay, let's talk tech for a bit. Explain why you use weight training instead of cardio when the goal is to become leaner.

  • Chalene: As you know, nothing can reshape your body like weight training. Adding muscle increases your metabolism, resulting in a leaner you. This program utilizes all of the latest research. Movements are done slowly, with strict form. You progressively overload your muscles, which creates the most hypertrophy [muscle growth].

  • Steve: A lot of women aren't going to want to hear about muscle growth. Want to address the myth of bulk?

  • Chalene: It's such a ridiculous myth! Women who get bulky have to train so hard for it—way over the top of what a normal strength program offers. Not one woman in the test group ended up with larger measurements. They all ended up leaner, tighter, and smaller.

  • Hard BodySteve: Let's talk about undulating periodization. All of our Beachbody programs use some form of periodization. For those who don't know, this term refers basically to training in different blocks, each with a different focus. The goal is to eliminate a results plateau, which happens whenever you do the same type of training over and over. At its most basic, we see something very simple, like the Sectional Progression™ concept of Power 90®. P90X® is far more advanced, using 4-week training blocks to create what we call "Muscle Confusion."

  • Chalene: Undulating periodization is different than traditional in that it allows you to mix and match your workouts, similar to how you'd create different programs with P90X. Because you can mix and match your workouts and the way your program is structured, you can always keep things fresh, new, and exciting. Plus, if you blow it and fall off the program, you don't need to go back to the beginning. These workouts will allow you to jump back in anywhere. This means that you can restart anytime you want, and this eliminates guilt and excuses for quitting.

  • Steve: Tell us about your cardio element. Is it like Turbo Jam?

  • Chalene: No, as there is no coordination requirement. No dance. [The ChaLEAN Extreme workouts are] like my boot camp workouts. Anyone can do them. You don't have to stay on a beat. But I also encourage you to do any cardio that makes that [happen]. Anything will work with the program.

    When it comes to cardio, the best workout is the one you look forward to and will do with the greatest intensity. So if you like Tony, Shaun, Debbie, or whomever, I encourage you to do that. Whatever it is that inspires you will work.

  • Steve: Do you worry about this being too complicated for the masses? It sounds like you're attempting to revolutionize the way many people have been taught to think.

  • Chalene: It's actually simple, but the first DVD we want everyone to watch is Burn Basics. I ask you to erase everything you've learned about strength training—again, it's what I'd do as their personal trainer. I then teach anything you'll need to know. I do an in-depth analysis about form, how to know if you've selected the right weight, etc.

    It teaches the concepts that they need to understand. For example, why we need to use different weights and different exercises, and how to do so in a way you won't get injured.

  • Steve: Speaking of weights, do they need to have a lot at home?

  • Chalene Working OutChalene: The bands work great, so you don't need to buy a collection of weights. If you are going to invest in weight[s], I highly recommend the Bowflex® SelectTech® [Dumbbells]. These allow you to move up and down in half-pound increments, which is something that's very rare to be able to do even in a health club. They are a little expensive . . .

  • Steve: But people spend hundreds, and often thousands, of dollars on treadmills, ellipticals, and other machines that only have one application and end up as a place to hang their laundry.

  • Chalene: Yes! And these are so much more useful. You'll use these for the rest of your life, because you can always use weights, no matter what exercise program you end up doing. And they take up very little space.

  • Steve: Since Turbo Jam has been so successful, why would you design something completely different?

  • Chalene TrainingChalene: Because I was given the opportunity. As a trainer, I've always prescribed both cardio and strength training. Turbo Jam is what I teach to classes, which are limited by what's in the health club. It's fun, and it's great exercise, but how I teach to a group has always been different than how I work as a personal trainer.

    Clubs have always been afraid to make an investment for heavy weights for group exercise. More than cost, it's that they think women are afraid of weight. But at the club I teach at in Southern California, we've been offering three classes a day, four times per week, and have a waiting list every month.

  • Steve: How have your legion of Turbo Kick teachers reacted to the new program?

They haven't done it yet. They know it's coming, and are excited to teach it to their students. But that, ultimately, will come down to the clubs and whether they will invest in the equipment. What I've created is a way for trainers to do group personal training. It's an outlet for those who can't afford a personal trainer, and hopefully, it will be in the club's best interest to offer it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2™ Beachbody/American Diabetes

Beachbody® and the American Diabetes Association® have teamed together to form an alliance in support of Beachbody's lifestyle program, Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2™, which was developed in conjunction with doctors, certified diabetes educators, and the American Diabetes Association to help people fight type 2 diabetes. Its the only full fitness program supported by the ADA, the first of its kind in the industry.

If you would like a copy for yourself, or for someone you care about please Order today from my Kathy Smith Poject YOU Type 2 website.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Home based fitness business - Team BeachBody revolution

Here is a sneak peak preview of the new infomercial BeachBody is going to start airing on December 19th. I personally know several of the people in the infomercial and I have watched them grow including my own girlfriend.

Most of you personally know me and that I would never feed you a line of crap. This is the real deal. If any of you want to take care of yourselves physically, mentally, and financially I really believe this is it. Take a minute to watch the video then beat the rush and sign up with me by clicking the "be a coach" link at the bottom right side of the page. Give me a shout if you would like to talk about it one on one with me


Friday, November 21, 2008

New P90X infomercial, I’m in it for a second...

This is a beginning excerpt from the new P90X infomercial running in the late hours of the night, and in some prime time spots that I have seen. I am in it for literally one second. Look for me in this video clip at the one minute and ten second marker...


Watching this video really pumps me up. Perhaps because I know it works and its all natural. But even when I had just gotten started and I was a skinny string bean of a person I got excited from watching the earlier p90x infomercials probably because it looked genuine to me and I was looking forward to a new me. Seriously, you have got to check this stuff out.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The cost of Diabetes and controlling it

This is from Carls blog, CEO and founder of BeachBody and its an astonishing article...

Article about the costs of diabetes

Here's the section that made me sit up in my chair:

Nearly 24 million Americans, 8 percent of the population, have Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure, blindness and heart disease.

Current guidelines say doctors should prescribe metformin (about $30 a month) to lower blood sugar in newly diagnosed patients and urge them to eat healthy food and get more exercise. Other drugs can be added later, on top of metformin,
to help patients who don't meet blood sugar goals. The updated guidelines don't include Avandia, which costs about $225 a month.

Dr. Susan Spratt, an endocrinologist at Duke University Medical Center, said she
prescribes whatever it takes to lower her patients' future risk of blindness and
amputations. That can mean coupling more costly drugs with metformin to hit
blood sugar goals.

Ok... $225 for patients "who don't meet blood sugar goals"... to lower risks of blindness and amputation. Seems worth $2,700 a year. So does some change to diet and exercise.

For $99.95 - one time - Kathy Smith's Project You for Type 2 will help someone "meet their blood sugar goals" with exercise and diet. The American Diabetes Association saw the need for this type of product, and co-produced the program with Beachbody.

If you are a coach, this should make it difficult to sleep. Be relentless about getting the word out about this. RELENTLESS. People you know have diabetes. Or there are people you know who know people who have diabetes. Their are education groups. There are doctors. THEY ALL NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU HAVE THE SOLUTION, CREATED IN COLLABORATION WITH THE ADA!

This is the ONLY product of its kind on the market. We could give every diabetic in the country this program for $2.5 Billion - one time - versus the $12.5 Billion spent on drugs in 2007 alone! People can save $10 Billion -- $2,700 a year for each person who uses lifestyle change with this program to avoid stepping up to Avandia.

It's amazing to me that we are in this position, but lifestyle style change really is that hard. That's what is so powerful about the effect of peer support; friends helping friends. That's how change happens. That's why you are the solution! Let's help some people!


Send me a myspace letter or write me from my website.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Are you up for a challenge?

Many of us make New Years resolutions every year... but do they work ?

A fellow coach created this challenge and I wanted to share it with everyone who is up for a meaningful enormously beneficial challenge.

If you are looking to get your life back on track, loose weight, get in shape... be healthy again I have a challenge for you to kick start your program...

If you do not currently have a workout routine in place contact me and I'll help you get going on this...

Lets set a goal and take on the challenge for the next 30 days to start with... then we can add on from there if you would like...

The Challenge:
1. You must be willing to follow a food program (MDB Club, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or other.) It must be an established food program.
In other words, you cannot make up your own program!

2. You must be willing to work out at least 6 days per week - it doesn't matter how long the workout is (a 20 minute workout is still a workout!) AND log your workouts into WOWY each day. You need to stay dedicated to your exercise program as much as your food program! Your workout can be walking, jogging, biking, other activity at a gym or at home or any Beachbody workout program.

3. You need to drink 8-12 glasses of water per day.
YES! Water is important to your diet! Not only does it help flush out all the toxins in your body, but it helps speed up your metabolism!!

4. You must participate in this message board as often as you can (at least once per week). This is important to stay focused and accountable and help support each other. Of course, participation in other message boards is great, but you need to participate in this one at least once per week hopefully more if you can.
(I will direct you to the message boards)

5. You must connect with your MDB Coach (or other mentor) at least once per week via email. This is another way to stay focused, accountable and supported. This is very important! (that would be me... I would love to help keep you accountable)

The reason I love this challenge is because it tackles specific reasons why so many of us set fitness goals, and fail. Lets get fit and stay that way for life.

Fitness trainers, doctors, health care providers

Another great BLOG post from BeachBody's CEO Carl Diakeler.. I wanted to share it with you!

Biz Plan For Personal Trainers

I just got off a radio interview with one of our newest coaches, Neil Anderson, a trainer and radio host of The Health and Fitness Zone in Salt Lake City. During the conversation, we came up with the concept of how trainers can actually expand their business and better serve their clients by becoming Team BeachBody coaches.

First the premise: I think personal trainers deliver a valuable service helping people learn about fitness and learn good form. But I think part of their job is to get people on a personal program that they can execute on their own, without the trainer's help counting reps.

And for anyone who is a trainer, you know how fixed the income potential is - you're locked into the hours you work. Let's say you can effectively serve 5 clients a day, 6 days a week. That's a total of 30 client hours a week, and you ONLY get paid if there is no cancellation. Here's the problem -- the only way to expand is either work longer hours, or increase your rate.

Instead, trainers should do is (1) work toward signing up ten new clients a month to train, to be members in the Team BeachBody Club, and Coaches so their sessions with you can eventually pay for themselves.

(2) You will put them on a 90 day program like Power 90, Turbo Jam, P90X, or Slim in 6, depending on their preferences, but you only train them for the first few weeks of it to make sure their form is accurate and they stay consistent.

(3) You take their before photos and measurements, and get them to set-up their online profile in the club.

(4) You make sure they log every workout, so you can check up on their progress, and they are eligible to win the daily WOWY prize up to $1,000.

(5) You make sure they use the diet tool to track their food.

(6) In exchange for your helping them become independently healthy, part of that client's job is to refer you two more people (some will, some won't. Some will refer a ton of people - when they get results and brag about how they did it on their own, with YOUR help!)

(7) You set the appointment for you to get together to take their 30 day progress photos and measurements. That locks them into accountability.

(8) You make sure they enter their results in t the Million Dollar Body Game - since they could win $1,000 to $10,000 bucks every month if they make progress - and you as a coach will get rewarded too!

(9) You sign-up their referrals (either under them as a coach, or under you if they're not a coach) and do the same thing with these referrals. The tree grows!

Here's how the math works (without getting into the income of it, which would be substantial):

Instead of serving ten to fifteen clients in all the time you have, your new goal is to sign up ten new people a month, with the help of client referrals. You're still always training ten or so people a month, but once they have learned the program with your help, they are on your maintenance program (including supplements if you feel it appropriate) and your earnings from your clients becomes passive, rather than direct trainer-earnings.

So at the end of the year, you have at least 120 clients, calling you from time to time for refreshers and to take progress photos/measurements. After two years you have over 240 clients, plus all the coaches your clients have now signed up on their own. THAT'S A BUSINESS! You've created your own network of peer support; People who are thanking YOU for getting them started on the right path, and for helping them achieve it under their own power for the long term.

You make more money. They are rewarded for getting healthy and referring people into the program. And EVERYONE is a more independent healthy human being. if I were a trainer, that's the way I would approach it. And if I were a coach, I would call every trainer in the phone book and pitch this concept. people don't need help counting reps, they need to be empowered to succeed on their own once they know what they're doing!

By the way, this same formula works for doctors who see patients that need help losing weight, gyms, chiropractors, and nutritionists. The point here is to empower people to be independently healthy, and you reap the rewards in every way!

_______End of Blog________________________________

Feel free to contact me.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New progress pictures, no plateauing!

I have a couple of new pictures in my photo album but most of them I just put on my passion for fitness website. I also completely re structured the MyStory section of my page and built a new section called, "Post Round 1 P90X Progress". Check it out!

When I first started some of my criticizers said I wouldnt gain mass because I was skinny and not capable. After 90 days I proved them wrong and some began saying that I will plateau and not see anymore gains. Again I am proving them wrong right now with new un filtered progress pictures that I just took TODAY, april 30th 2008. Some will continue to un-realistically criticize me and tell me what I cannot do, and tomorrow I will once again prove them wrong with results. In fairness I can see why they figured I would plateau after my initial gains. Most strength trainers and weight lifters will see good initial gains and then stop gaining to the point of so much frustration that they quit because they do not know how to blast through a plateau.

If you are just starting, or thinking about starting, or have already started a training program but have plateaued, contact me! I know how to blast through or even prevent the dreaded plateau.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Business is taking off... Self employment is awesome!

A few months back when I first started I posted a bulletin inviting everyone to join me in fitness. Sadly, most of you ignored it and only a couple people showed interest.

A few months later here I am again and I am happy to say that because I signed up as an independent BeachBody coach I have improved my physical and financial shape. Not only am I in the greatest physical shape of my life but I also just received my eighth WEEKLY compensation check in a row from BeachBody for helping others get physically and financially fit. My first goal was fitness, my second goal was to earn a continuous income. At eight weeks in a row of receiving compensation checks I feel safe that I now have an extra continuous weekly income just from doing this part time. My new goal is to get myself entirely out of debt and that is in fact going to happen shortly and then I will be able to set a new goal of starting a new savings account. I will follow up with a new post down the road so you can follow my progress from nothing to something beyond great and that is exactly what’s currently happening.

So, the purpose of this post is to invite you all again to join me in fitness and in helping others get fit. If you aren’t interested that is fine. But for those of you who would like to get in better shape both physically and financially there is no reason you can’t join me especially since I set myself out there to be the guinea pig test dummy. It turned out not to be so dumb after all. Right now about one out of ten people I talk to are interested. I don’t mind at all if you are one of the nine that misses out. I wouldnt be a good friend if I didnt at least invite all of you.

I want people in my team who are seriously interested. You will have to contact me and ask me about signing up. When you join my team you are joining a group of people who hold each other up. Everybody is accountable to everybody else. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel, you learn from those of us who are already doing stuff that works. So, CONTACT ME and tell me you are interested in learning more about improving your physical and financial shape or be the 9 out of 10 people who miss out and read about it in my next post.

Thanks for reading,
