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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The future costs of Obesity will Quadruple the cost of Health care over the next decade

There is no political solution here. It doesn’t matter who is in the white house or who is fighting for us in congress. It all rests on our shoulders and our willingness to live up to the burdens of a free people. We are more dangerous to our way of life than any terrorist from a foreign land ever could be. Health care is already unaffordable for most people. If we don’t reverse the trend of obesity then it won’t be a terrorist attack that collapses our economy and way of life, it will be our bad habits and daily bad decision making compounded over time; specifically over the next ten years. This one epidemic alone is enough to spill over into every area and in more devastating ways than the housing market collapse spilled over into other areas. Obesity is where the money is because not only is it vital to our health but it’s also “vital to the solvency of our health care system.”

There is hope in a great opportunity here to show the rest of the world that we have not become a nation of fat self destructive losers. We are the richest nation in the civilized world but yet we are the most disease riddled. How can that be? We are fat and getting fatter. Obesity is linked to more illness and disease than any other single symptom; so much so that obesity is becoming more recognized as a disease in itself rather than just a symptom. That’s indeed what makes Obesity in and of itself not only vital to our health but “vital to the solvency of our health care system” as well as our economy and way of life. When so many people have so many preventable problems that costs an entire nation of people record setting debts then it becomes all of our problem and the cries of “It’s none of your business how I live my unhealthy life” looses all credibility in the context of being "none of our business". It’s profoundly affecting all of us today and stands to get profoundly worse in a decade.

This whole crises/epidemic presents an enormous opportunity here for all of us to cease. The adage “Time will either promote you or expose you” has never been more relevant. If we continue on our current trends time will expose us in devastating ways we may not want to even consider. The “even keel” philosophy is already being exposed for what it is, a big facade, and time is doing all of the exposure. There is no even keel in life; sadly most people strive to keep everything at an even keel. Every one of us is always going to be on a curve in life no matter what, even if you don't recognize it. That curve is either going to work for us or against us by our actions and daily decision making in compounding affect over time. Time is always going to either promote us or expose us. Use time to promote you, not expose you. Do you want to win or do you want to loose? Do you want our country to be promoted or exposed?

For decades, starting about when office jobs of physical inactivity became the norm, we’ve been tinkering around and experimenting with ways to make up for the lack of physical activity that our modernized lives have evolved into and with backward results to show for. The more we experiment with diets and aerobic exercise that don’t work the fatter we get and more likely to quit we become. Lets stop experiment and do something that works, and works for a life time. Yo yo diets with yo yo weight loss must become a thing of the past. Miracle pills and potions without a comprehensive and realistic approach to getting healthy is an industry that all together needs to be put out of business by driving down demand to absolutely zero. Aerobic exercise with no strength training must stop unless you like aging achy joints and weight gain just from smelling the wrong foods. Enough!

I believe Team Beachbody is it. Team Beachbody is the ONLY fitness company in the country that has a time proven, comprehensive approach to a real life style change and getting healthy. Exercise is never enough, nutrition is never enough, supplements is never enough, peer support is never enough, reading how to books and watching how to videos is never enough. You need all of those things intertwined in a way that compliments all of those variables to work together to bring about real change. Team Beachbody is the only company, period, in the nation that thought through all of those details so that you don’t have to. Believe me you don’t need another experiment to try, to see if this experiment is going to be the one that makes a difference, believe me it will be just like all the rest. If you want to get healthy you need to be realistic and do something that has already proven to work. Probably most of all, for most of us myself included, you need a success buddy who has goals and a passion that is worthy of your goals and passion. That way you both push each other to succeed and you can’t fail. Eventually your healthy life style will become so ingrained in your brain it will become second nature. Habit is like a cable, we weave a thread of it each day until at last it cannot be broken.

If you’ve already got something that is working for you and you are committed to it for life then run with that and keep at it! If you’re still looking for something that works, quit experimenting and lets do this the right way so you don’t have to go through the frustrations of more stuff out there that just does not work for you. Take a look at my Team Beachbody store: Everything here has been proven to work for thousands and thousands of people with huge success stories of their own. Having trouble picking out a program? Do you have questions about anything? Call or write me. I want to personally help you decide, commit, and succeed.

Do you want to take a more pro active role in reversing the trend of Obesity? I will always need more people to help me spread the word of Feeling good and using these time proven products to get people their. If you would like to help me please by all means Sign Up With Me to be a Team Beachbody Coach. This will not only give you a HUGE layer of extra motivation to get yourself in great shape but you can make very good money doing so in combination with helping others get in great shape.

I sincerely hope my writing will motivate more of you to leave experimenting in the past where it should be, be more pro active in your lives, and experience a life time of feeling really good in a national economy that thrives instead of sinks.

Lets Kick Obesity Square in the Butt for good!

Passion Fitness

My article is based on the Data published here:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Broccoli Salad - so good you won't believe it has a name like Broccoli Salad

Very simple and very delicious. You can eat this and nothing else and make a satisfying meal out of it or you can serve it as a side with something like Chicken, pasta, fish, or anything for that matter.

This is another dish that I never measure the ingredients out on. Believe me you don't need to you know how much of what you will like with this.

- Fresh Broccoli
- Sweet Red Onion
- Sunflower Seeds
- Low fat 100% natural shredded cheese of your choice

Very loosely chop up the Fresh Broccoli and Sweet red onion. Add all ingredients to a bowl, mix, and enjoy! You also have the option of mixing some red wine vinegar with some sugar to make a sauce that you can stir in with the broccoli salad.

I Love Love LOVE this dish it makes my mouth salivate :)

Passion Fitness

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One of the most inspirational things I have EVER read! Read this

My coach Melanie Bolen wrote an AMAZING newsletter today (Based on notes she took from attending a speech given by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine) covering various topics but I wanted to share the section on Personal Development. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do you NEED personal development or you won't grow, period.

"Your relationships will not work until you give 100% and expect 0% in return."

No matter how hard you try, you will never be everybody's cup of tea. Think of someone out there in the world who you really admire... to you, they are the world. Now, I bet you that someone else out there thinks that very same person is nothing... and that they could care less about them and what they stand for. That is EVERYONE! So, learn not to take things personally. If people are not interested in what you are passionate about it's OK... say, "Thank you for your time," and move on to find someone who shares your passion!

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."

Darren Hardy, editor of SUCCESS magazine was really an eye opener. He spoke to us on personal development. Personal Development is SO important. How many times have you spent an entire day doing things for other people, running yourself ragged, getting emotional, and then having no time or energy to do anything for yourself? Well... STOP IT! It's time to set your SELF WORTH. Realize how important you are. In fact, you are the most important person in your life.

"If you want to have more, YOU have to become more."
"For things to change, YOU have to change."
"If you want things to improve, YOU must improve."
"If you want things in your life to grow, YOU must grow."
"Be the message that you want to attract."
"Don't treat the problem, treat the cause."

(oh, how relevant this one is in regards to our own mental health as well as our physical health... in fact, as coaches, this is what we are trying to help people do... treat the cause!)

The biggest part of you is your attitude. The most successful people in the world all have the attitude to succeed. They are usually not the smartest, they usually don't have the biggest bags of skills (though skill are necessary), but they have very attractive attitudes.

So, how do I change my attitude to work better for me?

Well, one of the first things that Darren Hardy suggested was the input. How many of you fill your brains with the horrible events on the news, or the dirty gossip of friends and family, or the negative things that people may say to you? Stop carrying that stuff around... Just turn it off! Instead, start filling your mind with POSITIVE images, POSITIVE words, POSITIVE thoughts... this is where those self development tools come into play.

A recommended book "THE SLIGHT EDGE" by Jeff Olson... it's a GREAT starting point. Commit yourself to at least 10 pages of a good book per day... and not a good novel (though those can be fun) but a life-changing book. A book that will help you change your thinking!

Next, work on giving yourself a positive environment!

Then, work on hanging out with positive people. If the people closest to you are those types of people who tear you down to make themselves feel better, than you DON'T need them. A true friend is someone who will life you up, provide you with positive support, and won't nitpick every little thing that you do. I think that this is a #1 step that many of us need to take... because in order to do things for ourselves we need to first love ourselves.

let's get SUCCESS BUDDIES going!

What IS a succeed buddy?
A succeed buddy is someone who you have weekly contact with and who you share your progress and goals with. From there, you will set up a time each week to chat with your success buddy about how you did on your goals and then help each other with ideas and motivation to keep moving forward.

As a Team Beachbody coach I have endless peer support and a success buddy I talk to about my goals, progress, and hurdles regularly. That kind of support and buddy system is usually the missing link for ANYONE to finally become successful.

Apply some personal development to your life consistently over a period of time and you will be astounded and what can happen for you! If you are interested in what I'm doing as a team beachbody coach then watch this short video, write down questions, and get in touch with me so that WE can do this together:

Passion Fitness