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Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Cost of Waiting ForTomorrow

Forget about my whole Team Beachbody opportunities for a moment this is a life philosophy that WILL make you or break you over time.

If you know what you want to do then waiting stinks. It not only stinks but it's more costly than acting today and eventually will cost you your dreams. "Position your daily actions so time is working for instead of against you. Because time will either promote you or expose you" - Jeff Olson.  Jeff is brilliantly pointing out a simple fact of life.  Time waits for no one.  Every day you're either moving closer toward achieving or you're waiting.  Tomorrow never comes it will ALWAYS be a day away.

Here is a Brilliant Excerpt from a book called, "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson about the Cost of Waiting:

"I'm sure you've heard about the power of compounding interest before.  In fact, you've probably heard about it many times.  What makes this time different? Nothing! Unless you act on it.

The single most important thing I can tell you about the Slight Edge is this:  it's already working, right now, either for you or against you.  So don't wait.

My hope for you, my request for you, is that before you reach the last page of this book, you will have put in place a slight edge financial plan for yourself so that you are consistently building your equity.  Some simple, daily (or weekly, or monthly) discipline that over time, will buy your financial freedom.

Easy to do?  Surprisingly so.  Easy not to do?  Tragically so.  It's never too late to start.  It's always too late to wait."

By making time work for you instead of against you you're success becomes inevitable.  You just need to stay in the process long enough to give it a chance to win so be patient!  Caution yourself from subscribing to quantum leap theories of overnight success.

If you haven't started yet then the important thing, where your focus should be TODAY, is to start.  If you don't at least get out of the starting gate and onto the line you will never reach the finish line I promise.

If you're waiting for a plan that will take you to the finish line from the beginning then you're finished before you get started because that plan does not exist (it doesn't sound like you're willing to get started anyway if you're waiting for a plan that does not exist).  Un predictable things are going to happen along the way that are out of your control.   Have a general plan that contains certain bench marks but don't make those general plans permanent.  LEARN how to refine yourself so you can adapt and continue moving toward achieving over time.  When the space shuttle travels to the moon it takes on a 250,000 mile journey.  It's only on course about 7,500 miles of the trip.  The remaining 242,500 miles it's correcting, refining, adjusting it's course to get back on track.  That means it's only on track 3% of the time!  But because the remaining 97% of the time it's off track it's working productively to make those minor adjustments to get back on track til at last it arrives on the moon!  When you're driving your car it's the same thing.  Even if you're steering alignment is fine and you're driving on the straightest road ever constructed you're still spending most of your time making minor little adjustments to the steering wheel or you'll go off the road and into the ditch.  Getting yourself out of the starting gate and onto the line toward the finish line is going to work EXACTLY the same way.

If you're waiting for your ship to come in before you get started I've got news for you. It's never coming because it's already here, docked and waiting! The longer you let your ship sit and rust the more difficult and COSTLY it will be to get going.

If you're waiting for things around you to change; for outside conditions to become more favorable before you will change then nothing will change.  Instead of change you'll live among the majority who live in quiet despair; always waiting for changes to take place around them before they will change.   

"If you want things to change first you've got to change" - Jim Rohn.

Try telling your boss you want a pay raise before you're willing to earn it (entitlement).  It doesn't work like that!  If you grow a garden try waiting for a harvest before you're willing to plant and cultivate.  It doesn't work like that!  If you wait for your boss to give you a pay raise before you're willing to earn it then you'll ALWAYS be making the minimum wage (unless you find a boss willing to give you a sense of entitlement and psychologically damage you).  If you're waiting for your garden to give you a harvest before you're willing to plant and cultivate then you will NEVER have a harvest.  If you're waiting for things around you to change and become more favorable before YOU are willing to get out of the starting gate and onto the line that will take you to the finish line of achieving your dreams then you will NEVER achieve, but you'll always be in Wait mode.

Procrastination is the corner stone of all poverty.  Procrastination is a sickness not a virtue.  But, it's treatable and a 100% curable sickness.  I've procrastinated before and it has costed me.  But I stopped procrastinating and made it habit to go after something now rather than tomorrow when I see something I want.  As a result I'm achieving more, learning more, becoming more than I ever have before in my life. 

"Humans can do the most amazing things to matter what" - Jim Rohn

Is there too much difficulty in your life to make some changes now rather than later?  Mary Kay, Helen Keller, Jim Rohn, Jeff Olson, Oprah Winfrey, Madame Curie, John D. Rockefeller, Liz Murray, Richard Branson, J.K. Rowling, H. Wayne Huizenga, Chris Gardner, Jim Carrey, Andrew Carnegie, Shania Twain, Snoop Dogg, Shia LaBoeuf, Amancio Ortega, American President Abraham Lincoln, etc.  Some are famous, some are not, some are professional, some are not, some are men, some are women, ALL of them grew up in extreme difficulty.  Many of them grew up in impoverished conditions that you and I could never imagine.  They didn't wait for conditions to change before they changed and they DID NOT use our system of welfare and subsidies as a crutch to under achieve.

Two thirds of the worlds Billionaires are self made.  80% of all millionaires in our own country, the United States, are self made.  Many of whom struggled with adversities that you and I have never known or imagined.  They didn't wait to pull themselves out from the darkness.  They didn't wait for there life to become just a little bit easier before they would get on the line that took them to the finish line.  The most detrimental variable to most peoples potential for success is that life just isn't hard enough yet to motivate us to get on the line that takes us to the finish line.  Human nature is very fickle.  We are strange beings no question!

When I decided to make the change, to get out of the starting gate and onto the line I wasn't exactly in an easy situation either.  My job had recently been off shored to India, I was attending school full time and a half, I was skinny scrawny easily winded VERY out of shape and getting worse, I had ZERO income BUT I discovered a unique opportunity that I believed in so I took it!  With so much working against me I whipped out my final credit card and put $250 on it.  The minimum was only $39.95 but I wanted to be a product of the product so I could simply share and not sell to build my new business.  I did NOT want to be in the same dyer straights situation, or worse, a year from then so I acted rather than waited any longer. Today I am healthier, I feel wonderful, and I am no longer worried about money.  If I didn't act, if I continued to wait for my life to get a little bit easier, I'd still be waiting around for god knows what in my dyer straights situation.

What are you waiting for?  You're running out of life with each passing day.

Does my Team Beachbody opportunities strike a chord in you? Contact me! If not and you're still looking for something to pique your passion don't give up on yourself! Stay in a discovery process til you find what piques your passion then get out of the starting gate and onto the line that takes you to the finish line without putting it off another day.

Tom - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Friday, February 26, 2010

Shakeology at ½ a serving twice a day = twice the $ savings

Instead of drinking a FULL serving of Shakeology ONCE a day try drinking a HALF serving of Shakeology TWICE a day!  Most people feel completely satisfied with just a half serving so why not?  As an extra added bonus you can save approximately double in monthly groceries than what you would save if you replaced just one meal a day with one full serving of Shakeology. 

Most people save $130 - $150 (some as much as $200) every month because of Shakeology.  Shakeology retails at only $119 a month so it’s already paying for itself which means you’re essentially getting Shakeology for free just from replacing one meal a day with one full serving of Shakeology. 

You can see where I’m going with this… 

If you drink a ½ serving of Shakeology twice a day instead of 1 full serving once a day you’d CERTAINLY save at least $200 per month in groceries. Most of you will save between $260 - $300 in groceries
.  A select few will save upwards of $400 in groceries a month.  Guess what?  Shakeology is still only $119 per month!  Even the bare bones minimum is going to be well over $119 per month in groceries which means you’re going to get Shakeology, health and nutrition, for free EVEN if you buy the cheapest food available in the super markets.  Guess what else?  Since your saving a bare bones minimum of at least $200 per month that means you get Shakeology essentially for FREE AND an additional $80 of new money in your pocket while getting healthy and feeling better.  But most people will probably have an additional $140 - $180 of new money in their pockets while getting healthy and feeling better.  What could you do with an extra $80 - $180 of new money every month and the new health and vitality to enjoy it???   I hope it’s beginning to resonate how life changing this can be.  Without exaggeration I have more cash in my pockets every month and the health and vitality along with it to really be able to enjoy that extra money because I drink Shakeology.

I’ve never heard, “no Tom I don’t want to try Shakeology”.  Everyone I talk to would like to try it but in this Economy it’s not happening for a lot of interested people.  For the rest of my life I'll be working to find solutions for people who want to get better and feel better; that’s my passion.  That's why I coined Passion Fitness for my website.  I’m speaking to YOU; all of you who have not tried Shakeology yet but would like to.  With every new feedback and testimonial I get from every Shakeology user is another reminder that once you try Shakeology the odds are incredibly in your favor that you’re going to love it and you’re going to get healthy.

Get on Shakeology and LIVE better with me:

Passion For Fitness

Would you like to Build your own Shakeology Business? I'll help you

With over 200 products I represent there is no other single item that I’ve gotten as much positive life changing feedback as I have with Shakeology, period. Many of you already know this because you’re drinking it every day and have told me all about how it’s helping you live a better life. I’m being paid twice here and maybe YOU would like to be paid in the same ways that I am. The first and more meaningful of the two is the intense gratification and sense of fulfillment I feel every time someone thanks me for introducing them to something that is helping them live a fuller life. The second way is in weekly Beachbody checks which is affording me to being able to buy a new house this year in cash; all this from working part time.

With each Shakeology retail commission you earn $29.99. To keep the math simple lets say $30. There are 12 months in a year. Here is what’s possible if you share enough times every week that leads to only five Shakeologys sold every month consistently for a year via Home Direct (approx. ONLY one Shakeology sale per week)…

1st Month: 5 Shakeologys Home Direct sold times $30 Commission per sale = $150
2nd Month: $150 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $300
3rd Month: $300 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $450
4th Month: $450 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $600
5th Month: $600 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $750
6th Month: $750 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $900
7th Month: $900 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $1,050
8th Month: $1,050 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $1,200
9th Month: $1,200 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $1,350
10th Month: $1,350 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $1,500
11th Month: $1,500 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $1,650
12th Month: $1,650 carried over from last month + $150 in new sales this month = $1,800

1 year of sharing and selling just five Shakeologys Home Direct per month = $1,800 Extra income EVERY month just for that one item alone. Will your lifestyle change with $1,800 extra a month?

In two years earn an extra $3,600 every month
In five years earn an extra $9,000 every month

No matter what you are never going to retain 100% of your Shakeology home direct customers. But, the Shakeology Home Direct program is the most successful continuity program in all of Beachbody or Team Beachbody. Odds are that well over half of your Shakeology Home Direct customers are going to stay with it because of how they feel on the days they drink it. Let’s go with the low number example here, 5. Even If you retained only half at just 5 Shakeology Home Direct sales per month, over the course of a year that is still an extra $900 per month just from that one item. How much do you think your lifestyle will change with that much extra income?

If you haven’t got the hang of retailing Shakeology yet then you might start out with just one every couple weeks or one a month. So what??? I personally went five and a half MONTHS before I sold anything but I kept going anyway. If you keep sharing, learning, refining yourself, REACHING OUT FOR HELP etc. you will get better AND you’ll increase your average from one a month to one a week to 5 a week or more. Some of you sold you're first Shakeology your first week!  If it takes time to get the hang of this that’s perfectly fine. If it takes you a couple months or a couple years to get the hang of this so what? When you get there you’re set and you’ve achieved something that will change your life forever. You will have developed a million dollar mind and NOTHING can take that away from you even if you lost everything else BUT your mind.

Here is another GREAT thing about this kind of retailing… If you’re doing this kind of retailing then this for sure is not going to be the only money you make. Some of these customers will buy other stuff, some will sign up for coaching, some will sign up for the Team Beachbody club, who knows. They will do this on their own terms you don’t need to be a sales person in fact I’d MUCH prefer you were not a sales person. Just know that with these kinds of numbers you WILL earn more in addition to what you’re earning in Shakeology sales. Most people who are drinking Shakeology are also doing a Beachbody program, signing up for the club, some are so impressed with it they sign up for coaching and begin building a sales force within your team. Before you know it you’re surrounded by a whole bunch of people with great attitudes who want to get healthy and everybody is inspiring everyone else! It’s amazing!!

And ya know what? Forget about all this money for a moment. When all these people start calling you, writing you, sharing their stories, sharing their testimonials, visiting you to thank YOU from the depths of their hearts for introducing them to something that is making everything in their life so much better and fuller, it’s going to make you feel better than all of this money you’re earning.

One of the great things about all this extra income you’re earning is that you will eventually have the option of doing this full time to help even MORE people get healthy and live better lives.

You truly do get paid two ways here. The first is the fulfillment you get when you help someone get healthy and feel better. The second way you get paid is the weekly Beachbody checks. Because you’re a human being who takes a genuine interest in the health and well being of people you care about it’s the feeling of fulfillment that will drive you to keep helping people more so than the money will drive you. But the money is a motivator to! Don’t think for a second there is something unethical about getting paid to take care of yourself and to help others to. Without money you can’t earn a living and take care of your family. Without money you can’t leave a tough job situation to do MORE of what you’re really passionate about. There is no better way to get out of a tough job situation than to develop a secondary source of income that turns into your FIRST source of income and you can do it PART TIME. The more you have the more you can give back and help even more people live a better life. If you want to achieve greatness make a fortune and help millions.

Would you like to build your own Shakeology Business? I’ll help you. Get in touch with me today.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Diets are Evil

The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our health. Not to think so is naive. You can have all the money in the world but if you go through your day feeling tired, fatigued or weak, unable to alleviate the daily stresses that we all experience, you can't be living your life to the fullest.

Diets are evil

Because of their temporary nature, diets don't work. The people who do lose weight end up gaining it back again once they come off the diet and they gain it back more quickly this time. Instead of dieting, change your lifestyle. The changes you make to the way you eat should be sustainable for the rest of your life.

The insidious nature of "Diet" food is that it robs you of enjoying your food all the while the quality of your life is continuing to diminish, not improve. I'm not sure I can think of a bigger slap in the face than to sacrifice an innate joy for food in an effort to get healthy all the while in reality you're only diminishing the quality of your life as you get older.

I'm drinking Shakeology every day and eating REAL food, not diet food. The satiety in my nutrition is unmatched by junk food and much better for me in contributing directly to living a good life full of sustainable calming like energy. There is a very wide spread detrimental misconception that in order to eat healthy you have to eat food you don't enjoy. That devastating philosophy can only come from a person who just simply needs to learn about food. Some people go year after year without knowing that eating real food tastes better than junk food all the while improving the quality of life. You've got to keep learning so you can make the discoveries that you can use in your life to better your life; other wise you'll go year after year without knowing you can make a few simple changes to get better and have more. Stop learning and you begin sliding backward instead of forward. There is no such thing as an even keel you're either getting better or you're getting worse.

Subscribe to a nutritional philosophy of eating REAL all natural whole foods to be enjoyed and that the body can metabolize for fuel instead of storing as fat. That's how you gain a real sustainable calming like energy throughout the day. That's how you fuel your workouts for a more invigorating workout instead of feeling sick from it. That's how you live a better life.

Passion For Fitness

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get Healthy with Shakeology for Free

I sampled Shakeology to a lady who was very curious about what Shakeology could do for her. She had already tried Slim Fast, EAS, Myoplex, MonaVie, and a bunch of other shakes and "health" drinks that she did not like the taste of. She described them as "gritty", "Chalky", "unsatisfying, and "ineffective" at helping her achieve her goals.

Before sampling Shakeology she was already aware of the enormous health benefits because of this video she watched beforehand.  It's this video she watched that really got her interested in at least trying Shakeology: Shakeology Breakthrough video

At first taste of Shakeology she was hooked and immediately said to me, "Tom this is amazing where can I get myself more of this stuff?".  I said, "I'm glad you asked let me tell ya :-)"  I showed her my Shakeology website at and told her about the free shipping option.   With the free shipping option she is getting free shipping for life, two free workout DVDs, a free shaker cup, and she will never run out of Shakeology.

Fast forward only ONE month later... She lost 15 pounds, she lost 12" including over 4" from her waist, her cholesterol is down, her high blood pressure is down, she has a new found calming kind of sustainable energy throughout the day so she is moving around more, she is more "regular", everything in her life is easier now including dealing with daily life stresses, and she feels so much better than she did before Shakeology which cannot be measured in numbers.  Add to all of that; she essentially got all of this for free.  Shakeology has replaced so much of her monthly grocery expenses that Shakeology has entirely paid for itself plus she got two free workout DVD's from the Free shipping option.

Let me tell you something worth noting... Even if Shakeology was an extra added expense she'd still be on it because of how good she feels.  She told me so! 

She has kids!  She is now sharing Shakeology with her kids and they are healthier for it.  Her kids LOVE the taste of Shakeology.  They are even coming around to eating real food, fresh produce included, and learning about good nutrition which is only going to help them in the world as they grow into adults.

I'm sharing this story because if you're still on the fence about Shakeology you need to know that if you make the decision to try it out the odds are Extremely Favorable you will thank me for it a month later (if not sooner).  The odds are extremely favorable you'll share with me your own success story to add to my growing collection of extra ordinary Shakeology Success stories.  The story I shared in this article is VERY common actually.  The details differ from person to person but the results for everyone that has shared with me has always been pretty significant. 

Try Shakeology:  It automatically comes with a 30 day "Bottom of the Bag" FULL refund guarantee.  Because shipping is already free you have not a single cent to loose.  Just so you know; no one has ever taken advantage of the refund in my experiences but it's available with no questions asked if you want it.


Monday, February 15, 2010

The Synthesized Food Conundrum

Ask a scientist from Big Food if synthesized food is fine in moderation and the scientist will say synthesized food is fine in moderation so keep buying the foods with synthesized ingredients (i.e. High Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame, Hydrogenated Oils etc.) and the scientist will point to evidence that shows as much. Ask almost any scientist from None Big Food incentives and the scientist will say synthesized ingredients are not good for you in any quantity and the scientist will show evidence to show as much.

So how does the average consumer, none scientist, such as myself discern and decide who's wrong and who's right?  This isn't a case scenario where both sides can be right.

Both scientists will have valid factual evidence to show their claims all the while one scientist is right and the other is wrong. William Faulkner once said, “Facts and truth really don't have much to do with each other.”  What that means is if someone has a bias, or in this case an incentive from Big Food and Big Pharmaceuticals, that person is more likely going to cherry pick evidence (or make up evidence) to support a pre conceived conclusion instead of being a good steward of truth without letting a personal bias or Big Food and Big Pharmaceutical incentive corrupt a conclusion.

So it comes down to the personal philosophies of the consumer. What are your personal philosophies? Are you for synthesized food where at least one enzyme has been genetically modified or are you for not removing nature from the processing of our food?  Do you want real food or fake food?  Do you want to live healthy or in sickness and disease?  Do you want your kids to have an advantage at a good life when they grow into adults or do you want your kids to have a disadvantage at a good life that follows them throughout their life?

Make it a good life and for the love of your kids give them every advantage for them to live a good life to.

Passion Fitness

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Do you believe HFCS is fine in moderation because those cute little commercials say so?

Oh where do I start...

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is about 10 times more concentrated in carbonyl compounds. Sucrose does not have any. Carbonyl compounds are elevated in people with diabetes causing diabetic complications such as foot ulcers and eye and nerve damage.

HFCS block appetite suppressors sent to the brain to tell you to stop eating.
Have some soda containing HFCS with your meal and you will encourage more fat uptake.

Mercury is found in HFCS 45% of the time and get this, we have no way of knowing which products containing HFCS are accompanied with Mercury. Mercury as you know is poison which makes HFCS an uncontrolled substance; making MOST SUPERMARKET FOODS AN UNCONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. There is no such thing as an acceptable moderation of HFCS in your nutrition. In case you're interested; sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid are the two chemicals that contain mercury that are used to produce HFCS.

Any fans of Honey here?
HFCS has become a sucrose replacement for honey bees. Honey bees for heavens sake???? At temps. above 45 celsius (113 fahrenheit) HFCS forms hydroxymethylfurfural (a toxic to the honeybees being fed HFCS). Honey consumers I'd start making sure my honey is the good stuff!

In 2000 the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) threatened to file a lawsuit against Cadbury Schweppes for labeling 7 Up as "All Natural" or "100% Natural" despite the presence of high-fructose corn syrup. Big Food uses synthetic fixing agents in the enzyme preparation which is used to produce HFCS. HFCS is NOT a natural ingredient due to the high level of processing and the use of at least one genetically modified enzyme required to produce it. In 2007 Cadbury Schweppes agreed to stop calling 7 Up "All Natural". They now label it "100% Natural Flavors". Take notice, they did not change their ingredients they simply changed the labeling to a more manipulative label to avoid a lawsuit. Big evidence that Big Food depends on the ignorance of it's consumers to survive and thrive.

We've known for at least a generation now that ANYTHING not natural will tear down the natural barriers within us that keep disease and illness at bay. There is no such thing as consuming HFCS and living as healthy as you can. Have I said that enough yet?

"But Tom I can't afford the more expensive food that doesnt have any synthesized ingredients!" If you're living paycheck to paycheck and already managing your money as best you can then hey I realize this is a valid concern for you. Farmers who use pesticides and BIG FOOD manufacturers who put HFCS in their foods get a whopping 40% of their income subsidized by the U.S. Government (U.S. Tax payers). Cheap food is not so cheap after all. We are ALL paying for it in massive subsidies all because we the people allow the lobbying efforts of Big Food to have a more powerful influential voice over our congress than our own voices. Just imagine how powerful we the people could be if all 300 million of us told our government that our country is for the people and BY the people? The power that is just sitting their waiting for we the people to harness is mind blowing.  So sad we are not exercising those powers that our founding fathers bestowed upon us.

Tom - Anti HFCS and all synthesized food proponent

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Big Food" is Telling us High Fructose Corn Syrup is Good For Us

Big Industry is Big Business. The latest and worst is Big Food and their advertising campaigns spreading their word that High Fructose Corn Syrup is good for us.

Big Food actually has an entire media campaign of commercial, radio, and internet ads telling us that High Fructose Corn Syrup is good for us all the while it's a major contributor to the 80% of all deaths in America stemming from chronic illness and disease ESPECIALLY Diabetes and a hundred other diseases.  Diabetes specifically is on the rise even in our kids largely do to High Fructose Corn Syrup and sedentary life style.

Big Food is advertising an inexcusable lie.

Why would they do that?  Thankfully there is a growing number of Americans, I'll be it still a very small minority in our nation, who are becoming a student of good nutrition.  When you become a student of good nutrition and take a real active interest in living a good life you learn what high fructose corn syrup does to the body so naturally you stop buying foods that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Big Food probably grew worried at this growing trend so they responded with their inexcusable advertising campaigns telling us that High Fructose Corn Syrup is good for us.

Unfortunately the United States government has various subsidies that incentivises Big Food to keep producing more synthesized ingredients such as High Fructose Corn Syrup which none of our elected leaders are even talking about because WE the people aren't talking about it.

Our nations food supply is not doing it's job, that is, to keep us healthy.  Instead it's literally killing us at an overwhelming 80% death rate.  Is anyone else besides me and a few others not alarmed, embarrassed, and motivated to become a student of good nutrition?

The bulk majority of us do not speak out against it, we do not vote against it with our purchasing powers, our elected leaders don't even talk about how our food supply is not doing it's job to keep us healthy, and no one in large groups seems to be indifferent to a food supply that is killing 80% of it's own population.   Are we really indifferent to that?

If the American people have spoken up at all about Big Food manufacturing synthesized ingredients we have said, "We're OK with it all".  Apparently as a citizenry we are not offended or concerned that 80% of us, and for the first time in our history our kids to, are literally dying from it.  If we really don't care then maybe tomorrow that percentage will rise to 90% so that only 1 out of every 10 Americans will die at an old age peacefully in their sleep after a full life of health and vitality.  Unfortunately that 1 out of 10, just as today 2 out of 10, can not economically sustain the rest of the population who is destroying health care and the economy at large in terms of the enormous cost in resources and money they require from the minority to treat their illnesses and diseases.

Health care and the Economy is only sustainable if the majority are healthy and wealthy enough to take care of the minority who are not.  Instead we have cultivated a health care system, an economy, and a people where the overwhelming bulk minority are taking care of the bulk majority and THAT  is NOT sustainable.  We are already seeing that it's not sustainable and we still continue to just rock right along.  The Center for Disease and Control projects the financial burden of health care is going to QUADRUPLE within the next ten years unless we change our life style.  The majority of us are digging our graves, making health care unaffordable, and sinking our own economy with our teeth in the food choices we make as well as our votes with our food purchasing dollars.   Never mind the new age threat of terrorism.  We are a greater threat to our culture and way of life than any terror network ever could be, period.

Fear not because the solution is simple!

We the people; the consumers are responsible not Big Food or the Government.  With responsibility comes REAL power and control over our own destiny IF we harness that power.  So why aren't we?  If we want real power over our destiny then the majority of us has to own our mistakes and make some changes so we can change everything for our future.   There is absolutely Nothing more POWERFUL and more LIBERATING than taking full responsibility so we can take control of our own destiny.

After taking FULL responsibility it starts with becoming a student of good nutrition and teaching it to others.  Vote with your dollars for 100% all natural foods when you do your grocery shopping.  Government and Big Food will follow the demand WE create because this is capitalism and in capitalism Demand will always win out.

My hope is that EVERYONE who reads this article Shares this with EVERYONE so it spreads virally; hopefully reaching most of America and wakes up enough people to begin a new revolution of Responsible people, Responsible Government, a new Food Supply that keeps its own people healthy, and a new brighter future that WE have real power over as a responsible and liberated people.

Wouldn't that be great?   Spread the word and lets to this.

Get Motivated

Learn about High Fructose Corn Syrup, over all become a student of good nutrition, and teach others.  Ive cited three resources to help you get started:

1.) Diabetes Health, "The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup" -
2.) Organic Consumers Association, "How High Fructsoe Corn Syrup Damages Your body" -
3.) Mary Glenda A Critical Care Nurse and author of various CookBooks, "Worse than Sugar" -

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Price of Shakeology - A VALID Concern

Price is the most commonly cited concern for Shakeology and it's a valid concern. Shakeology pays for itself and then some. I share that information with everyone. Some will get Shakeology and thank me for it relentlessly after they've begun drinking it every day while others don't because they believe it's too good to be true; all the while they continue getting sick or catching colds even though I'm a living breathing walking example of a wonderful solution.

I hope this very simple break down shows those of you who subscribe to the philosophy of, "It's too good to be true so it must not be", that it IS true; you WILL feel better and the Shakeology WILL pay for itself so that price is no longer a concern.

Monthly figures:
  • Cost of Shakeology = $119.95 (we'll round to $120 to keep it simple)
  • Average Savings in groceries = $140 (Some save as much as $180 in groceries)
  • Savings = $120 + $20 extra!
I'm no expert mental mathematician but as you can see, on average, people are not only saving enough in groceries to pay for their Shakeology, they have $20 extra in their pockets every month because they are drinking Shakeology every day.  I personally know some who are saving $180 every month in groceries giving them $60. Add to that, how you FEEL drinking shakeology every day will make the financial savings (or gains in this case) pale in comparison.

Want to save (or create) even more money for yourself every month from drinking Shakeology every day?  What if I told you that you can make Shakeology pay for itself not once but twice which is the equivalent to getting your Shakeology for free AND giving yourself an extra $140 plus every month that you didn't have before?   That's exactly what I am doing (and then some) and here's how:

Monthly figures if you sign up for the Coach Discounts:
  • Cost of Shakeology = $89.95 (Coaches get a 25% discount. In dollars that's a $30 discount)
  • Average Savings in groceries = $140 (This doesn't change and some still save as much as $180)
  • Savings = $89.95 + $50 extra!
Because of the coach discount you've now got an additional $30 in your pocket every month for a new total of $50 extra in your pocket every month because you're drinking Shakeology every day.  As a coach this is the the minimum you'd gain .  If you wan't to make shakeology pay for itself twice AND give yourself an extra $140 + every month you simply share with and get three friends on shakeology.  Here's how that breaks down:
  • Get one friend on Shakeology = $30 earned in commission
  • Get three friends on Shakeology = $30 x 3 friends = $90! Your Shakeology is now FREE!
  • Average Savings in groceries = $140 (This still doesn't change and some still save as much as $180.  This is more like a pay raise for you at this point and YOU gave it to yourself!)
$90 is what you pay for your Shakeology at the coach discount  The $90 you get in commission from sharing with and getting three friends on Shakeology means you get Shakeology for FREE and you've just given yourself a $140 + pay raise every month from the savings in groceries!  Try getting that from your boss in this economy or ANY economy.  You cannot control what your boss does but you do control what YOU do.  Take control!

All of my sharing of this wonderful health and weight loss meal replacement shake consistently leads to 1 or 2 or more sales every week.  I have a monstrously growing book of testimonials ranging from every walk of life addressing every health concern and financial concern.  This break down I'm sharing with YOU is based on the financial feedback from MANY Shakeology users; myself included.  Money is a very valid concern if you don't have the information but once you do have the information money concerns disappear unless you subscribe to a devastating philosophy of, "too good to be true so it must not be".

If you're ready to really get healthy without having to spend extra money to do it then lets get started.  Order your Shakeology Home Direct:  The Home Direct option is FREE.  You won't have to pay for shipping, EVER, and you'll get a workout booklet containing two workout DVDs and a Shakeology shaker cup.

For me Shakeology is my Heaven In A Glass every morning I hope it will become your every day Heaven In A Glass to. 

Tom Independent Beachbody Coach

P.S. Share your story with me!  I would LOVE to have your testimony to Shakeology

P.P.S. I posted this same article on my facebook page at Scroll down for a comment left by Samantha B it starts with, "For me personally, I am saving well over $200..." This is the most I've ever heard. Samantha has an extra $80 in per pocket every month along with her FREE Shakeology simply because she's spending $119.95 per month to drink her Shakeology every day. Add to that the added savings in medical and pharmaceutical costs as she gets older. Way to go Samantha!!!