If you know what you want to do then waiting stinks. It not only stinks but it's more costly than acting today and eventually will cost you your dreams. "Position your daily actions so time is working for instead of against you. Because time will either promote you or expose you" - Jeff Olson. Jeff is brilliantly pointing out a simple fact of life. Time waits for no one. Every day you're either moving closer toward achieving or you're waiting. Tomorrow never comes it will ALWAYS be a day away.
Here is a Brilliant Excerpt from a book called, "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson about the Cost of Waiting:
"I'm sure you've heard about the power of compounding interest before. In fact, you've probably heard about it many times. What makes this time different? Nothing! Unless you act on it.
The single most important thing I can tell you about the Slight Edge is this: it's already working, right now, either for you or against you. So don't wait.
My hope for you, my request for you, is that before you reach the last page of this book, you will have put in place a slight edge financial plan for yourself so that you are consistently building your equity. Some simple, daily (or weekly, or monthly) discipline that over time, will buy your financial freedom.
Easy to do? Surprisingly so. Easy not to do? Tragically so. It's never too late to start. It's always too late to wait."
By making time work for you instead of against you you're success becomes inevitable. You just need to stay in the process long enough to give it a chance to win so be patient! Caution yourself from subscribing to quantum leap theories of overnight success.
If you haven't started yet then the important thing, where your focus should be TODAY, is to start. If you don't at least get out of the starting gate and onto the line you will never reach the finish line I promise.
If you're waiting for a plan that will take you to the finish line from the beginning then you're finished before you get started because that plan does not exist (it doesn't sound like you're willing to get started anyway if you're waiting for a plan that does not exist). Un predictable things are going to happen along the way that are out of your control. Have a general plan that contains certain bench marks but don't make those general plans permanent. LEARN how to refine yourself so you can adapt and continue moving toward achieving over time. When the space shuttle travels to the moon it takes on a 250,000 mile journey. It's only on course about 7,500 miles of the trip. The remaining 242,500 miles it's correcting, refining, adjusting it's course to get back on track. That means it's only on track 3% of the time! But because the remaining 97% of the time it's off track it's working productively to make those minor adjustments to get back on track til at last it arrives on the moon! When you're driving your car it's the same thing. Even if you're steering alignment is fine and you're driving on the straightest road ever constructed you're still spending most of your time making minor little adjustments to the steering wheel or you'll go off the road and into the ditch. Getting yourself out of the starting gate and onto the line toward the finish line is going to work EXACTLY the same way.
If you're waiting for your ship to come in before you get started I've got news for you. It's never coming because it's already here, docked and waiting! The longer you let your ship sit and rust the more difficult and COSTLY it will be to get going.
If you're waiting for things around you to change; for outside conditions to become more favorable before you will change then nothing will change. Instead of change you'll live among the majority who live in quiet despair; always waiting for changes to take place around them before they will change.
"If you want things to change first you've got to change" - Jim Rohn.
Try telling your boss you want a pay raise before you're willing to earn it (entitlement). It doesn't work like that! If you grow a garden try waiting for a harvest before you're willing to plant and cultivate. It doesn't work like that! If you wait for your boss to give you a pay raise before you're willing to earn it then you'll ALWAYS be making the minimum wage (unless you find a boss willing to give you a sense of entitlement and psychologically damage you). If you're waiting for your garden to give you a harvest before you're willing to plant and cultivate then you will NEVER have a harvest. If you're waiting for things around you to change and become more favorable before YOU are willing to get out of the starting gate and onto the line that will take you to the finish line of achieving your dreams then you will NEVER achieve, but you'll always be in Wait mode.
Procrastination is the corner stone of all poverty. Procrastination is a sickness not a virtue. But, it's treatable and a 100% curable sickness. I've procrastinated before and it has costed me. But I stopped procrastinating and made it habit to go after something now rather than tomorrow when I see something I want. As a result I'm achieving more, learning more, becoming more than I ever have before in my life.
"Humans can do the most amazing things to matter what" - Jim Rohn
Is there too much difficulty in your life to make some changes now rather than later? Mary Kay, Helen Keller, Jim Rohn, Jeff Olson, Oprah Winfrey, Madame Curie, John D. Rockefeller, Liz Murray, Richard Branson, J.K. Rowling, H. Wayne Huizenga, Chris Gardner, Jim Carrey, Andrew Carnegie, Shania Twain, Snoop Dogg, Shia LaBoeuf, Amancio Ortega, American President Abraham Lincoln, etc. Some are famous, some are not, some are professional, some are not, some are men, some are women, ALL of them grew up in extreme difficulty. Many of them grew up in impoverished conditions that you and I could never imagine. They didn't wait for conditions to change before they changed and they DID NOT use our system of welfare and subsidies as a crutch to under achieve.
Two thirds of the worlds Billionaires are self made. 80% of all millionaires in our own country, the United States, are self made. Many of whom struggled with adversities that you and I have never known or imagined. They didn't wait to pull themselves out from the darkness. They didn't wait for there life to become just a little bit easier before they would get on the line that took them to the finish line. The most detrimental variable to most peoples potential for success is that life just isn't hard enough yet to motivate us to get on the line that takes us to the finish line. Human nature is very fickle. We are strange beings no question!
When I decided to make the change, to get out of the starting gate and onto the line I wasn't exactly in an easy situation either. My job had recently been off shored to India, I was attending school full time and a half, I was skinny scrawny easily winded VERY out of shape and getting worse, I had ZERO income BUT I discovered a unique opportunity that I believed in so I took it! With so much working against me I whipped out my final credit card and put $250 on it. The minimum was only $39.95 but I wanted to be a product of the product so I could simply share and not sell to build my new business. I did NOT want to be in the same dyer straights situation, or worse, a year from then so I acted rather than waited any longer. Today I am healthier, I feel wonderful, and I am no longer worried about money. If I didn't act, if I continued to wait for my life to get a little bit easier, I'd still be waiting around for god knows what in my dyer straights situation.
What are you waiting for? You're running out of life with each passing day.
Does my Team Beachbody opportunities strike a chord in you? Contact me! If not and you're still looking for something to pique your passion don't give up on yourself! Stay in a discovery process til you find what piques your passion then get out of the starting gate and onto the line that takes you to the finish line without putting it off another day.
Tom - Independent Team Beachbody Coach