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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Replace your Medication with Yoga and live Free

What would you say if you could get yourself off of all of your medication or at the very least decrease your medication significantly just from opening your mind to the enormous possibilities of Yoga? If you’re satisfied with hope packaged up nice and neat into a pill to spare you from having to exercise then move on this article isn’t for you.

Yoga as a therapy and a replacement for internal medicine is completely mind blowing. It can literally replace all of your medication or a significant portion of the stock pile you keep in your medicine cabinet. Any modality of exercise (resistance, cardio, plyo, core etc.) is beneficial but there is something truly amazing about Yoga in it’s capacity to treat and ultimately cure illness and disease; probably more effectively than internal medicine ever could in more cases than we would think.

Medical Doctor Loren Fishman says, “End Back Pain Through Yoga," prescribes downward-facing dog for osteoporosis, twisted triangle pose for piriformis syndrome, and side plank pose for scoliosis”. See what I mean about mind blowing? That isn’t even the tip of the iceberg! Here is more from the same Medical Doctor, “It calms people down, just being calm is a tremendous asset when you are in pain."
Doctor Fishman believes yoga and western medicine are naturally well matched and can help patients avoid unnecessary surgery, medication, and suffering.” A possibility of trading unnecessary surgery, medication, and suffering for Yoga??? Count me in!

There are poses in yoga that will help clear artery blockages and reduce high blood pressure. Say bye bye to your high cholesterol and high blood pressure medications. There are other poses that focus more on digestion and mental focus. Yoga is also known to be highly beneficial in terminal cancer, heart problems, reduces varicose veins, improves over all blood circulation etc.

Do you suffer from arthritis? Yoga may help relieve your pain and even cure you! Yoga can even treat infertility problems, improve asthma conditions, clear and regulate bowel movements, reduce or even eliminate menstrual abdomen pain etc. The list goes on and on. This isn’t simply just shedding body fat, toning up and having more energy which is all very nice. In addition to those things yoga is very special from other forms of exercise because it is known to treat and even cure many problems that we typically take drugs for which consequently those drugs have a horrid trade off on vital organ stress.

Unfortunately most doctors in western medicine aren’t referring patients to yoga therapy for cures. Instead most patients aren’t being cured; they are being treated with drugs and most of the time this is totally unnecessary. However; the bulk of the problem here is people. Most people will not comply to exercise and changing eating habits, period, which leaves medicine as the only option. It will be up to you to seek out a local yoga therapist with proper credentials. Ask your doctor to be referred out to a yoga therapist and if he/she thinks it’s a good idea. Sometimes it may not be a good idea so it’s worth clearing that with your doctor.

Some references:

I can tell you first hand that it feels wonderful to not have to be dependent on medication. If I want to take a trip somewhere I don’t have to worry about remembering to pack enough medicine to keep me going. If I want to be spontaneous there is nothing stopping me! I also have more spending money in my pockets that probably would have gone towards my medicine. I like extra spending money!

I personally have never been dependent on medicine, not even a Tylenol, so I can only imagine the relief that must be felt by those who were able to rid themselves of such things by pure wholesome nutrition and exercise. What a feeling that must be!!!

Some people genuinely need medication to control a problem brought on by genetics. Thank god advancements in medicine make many common issues completely manageable now a days when not so long ago people would suffer their whole lives. But for most of us it seems we have utterly abused the availability of these medicines purely to replace wholesome nutrition and exercise with a pill. What a facade! Medicine doesn’t replace nutrition and exercise! Medicine prolongs the inevitable, makes rich drug companies more rich, and places extra burdens on vital organs as a trade off! If you are taking a medication to treat symptoms that are brought on by physical inactivity and poor nutrition then you need to be realistic; realize that your medication is not a replacement for good nutrition. You’re destroying your vital organs and giving yourself a more probably likelihood of a pre-mature death preceded by a life time of suffering and increased risk factors for disease and illnesses. If you’re ok with that then be honest about it. If you’re on something as an attempted replacement for eating good and being physically active then enjoy yourself and don’t insist on dipping into the health care pool. We cannot afford to financially support you any longer.

Get into Yoga! If you already exercise then add Yoga to your routine! It will do things for you that other modalities of exercise simply cannot. If you don’t know what to do as far as programming an affective yoga routine look at this: There are several Yoga programs here. My favorite is Yoga ; part of the P90X total fitness program. Yoga booty ballet is great if you aren't looking for something as intense as Yoga X.

Get into Yoga, Today!


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