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Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Mission in a nation of Children dying of Obesity

My mission is to over turn the epidemic trends in obesity, type 2 diabetes, the alarming growing rate of disease riddled children, all diseases stemming from being too fat (or skinny and unhealthy), and prevention education all together.

For the first time in the history of our nation; babies being born today are expected to live a shorter life span than their parents because of what we are eating. The astonishing sense of empowerment that needs to be talked about on a national level is that by our choices we can reverse these devastating and fatal trends by our daily decisions. Our kids are more disease riddled than ever before, and dying, because of the daily bad choices parents are making.

In the past fifty years we went from paying more for our food and less on our health care costs to paying less on our food but more on our health care costs. We are spending the least amount of money, in percentages of our income, for our food than ever before in our history and more on health care costs than ever before in our history all while fueling a more disease riddled nation than ever before in our history. We are killing ourselves by what we eat. We are digging our graves with our teeth and bringing our children with us.

The moral driven philosophy here is simple but powerful. We are going to spend the money anyway so the choice is this...

Do we want to spend more on our food so we can feel better or do we want to spend more on our health care costs because we are not feeling better; stemming from buying cheap unhealthy food forcing us to spend unfordable rates on health care costs.

Shakeology along with a well balanced, portion controlled, and all 100% natural (Real Food) PERFORMANCE NUTRITION plan for life should be at the center of our nutrition and exercise. By the way; Shakeology for most people pays for itself in the cost of groceries saved.  You're going to spend that money on nutrition anyway; reallocate some of that money toward something you can handsomely benefit from in terms of wonderful health and vitality; driving down a probable need for more expensive health care costs. Financially you save two fold here. 1.) Savings in groceries will pay for Shakeology and 2.) Savings in health care costs as you get older and more exposed by the passing of time in the daily errors in judgment you make in what you're putting into your mouth. In terms of the enormous health benefits take 12 minutes to watch this no hype very sustenance filled Shakeology educational video:

Order Shakeology on Home Direct so that you do not have to pay for shipping, ever.  Plus you'll get two free work out DVD's.  The reason for the workout DVD's is so that you'll understand that if you want to get healthy and feel good you must include daily physical activity.  The daily activity will not only exercise your body but will also absorb and metabolize more of the nutrients you get from Shakeology and other healthy foods you're eating.  Order Shakeology:

If you're interested in joining my mission I NEED more coaches in order to reach more people.  The more genuinely Passion driven people the better.  The goal here is to Educate, Hope, Pray, and Inspire!  For more information and to join me in coaching:

Shakeology -

1 comment:

  1. "We are killing ourselves by what we eat. We are digging our graves with our teeth and bringing our children with us." ~ Oh my goodness, does that hit home or what?!? Good info!
