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Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Scheme in Pyramid Schemes

A lot of people, probably a lot of you, just wanting more time money and personal freedom have tried an "opportunity" that promises the world and you just end up getting burned pretty badly and expensively.

It makes a skeptic out of you. It's good to learn and grow more wise from our mistakes but sadly most of us who have been burned in the past become such a skeptic that it causes many of you to really miss out on legitimate opportunities that you see as just another, "Pyramid Scheme". You can avoid that danger and be more wise at the same time simply by learning what a Pyramid scheme is and is not.  Don't let a bad experience in your past rob you of your future.  Instead you should be learning, growing, doing, and repeating instead of quitting.  Quitting is average.  Most people are average and most people don't have more than most other people have.

My friend and fellow Independent Team Beachbody coach Mike Thompson wrote a brilliant truthful description of what a Pyramid scheme is and what Team Beachbody is...

"There's a distinct difference - You need to look up what a pyramid scheme is - technically, A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, often without any product or service being delivered.
Not only do we have a product, but we have a product that changes peoples lives and You don't have to be a part of it to change your life - you can simply use the products.

In a pyramid - there's really one person who makes the money is the guy up top.
A Pyramid structure is when the organizers of the scheme use the assets of new investors to make profit payments to the old investors. The scheme typically has no other source of revenue other than from the new investors. Pyramid schemes, often called ponzi schemes, progress geometrically until they reach the point that the operators cannot find enough recruits (victims) to continue the payout. A bust out is a form of a pyramid scheme whereby the suppliers are like the investors, and the bust out (pyramid) scheme continually uses its new debt to pay old debt, building a "house of cards," which must, ultimately, collapse.

In Beachbody, new coaches do not pay their dues to those above them but to the company itself. Beachbody operates on profits from a product - not the investment of new coaches. Not only that but Beachbody gets profits from a greater percentage of those who are not Coaches but regular customers - 30,000 - 50,000 per week to be exact. This is business as any other business - nothing like a pyramid. 

Coaching is simply a profit sharing program. We are independant consultants/representatives that share in the profits based on commission, NOT INVESTMENT.

Those who say Beachbody is a pyramid simply don't know what a pyramid is...." - Mike Thompson

Another distinction of a pyramid scheme is that its not possible for anyone to out rank or out earn anyone in their up line. If you have a weak leader in your upline in a pyramid scheme then you're screwed. In team beachbody every coach has the potential to out rank and out earn anyone in his / her upline or downline. Each coach is rewarded based on his / her determination and productivity! I love the fact that my team is not hindered by my performance in any way. We're independents we can outperform anyone we want. The people on the bottom can work their way to TOP COACH and that is true for anyone no matter where there position in the down line / up line is!

The best way to prove that this is an awesome business is to just succeed and show everyone that it is an AWESOME business.

I'm doing that! I no longer have to work a day job AND I'm physically healthier than I've ever been before in my life. To finally bury any pyramid scheme beliefs out there, I actually have a coach in my down line on the verge of out ranking me and another one who earns more in commission checks than I do. This would not be possible in a pyramid scheme.

By now you should easily see the kind of company Team Beachbody is with such a high level of moral integrity and how it's a polar opposite of what a pyramid scheme is.

If you'd like to join my Team and even possibly Out Earn Me then Sign Up!  In fact I would Absolutely LOVE to see you Earn more money than I do.  That would just be a reflection of my leadership skills which would truly warm the cockles of my heart :-)

Tom - Independent Team Beachbody Coach and Success Story

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