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Monday, October 4, 2010

Overeating Costs over lifetime: $258,000

America isn't healthy: These statistics haven't convinced too many people to eat less, exercise more or just add more fruits and vegetables to their diets (In fact, 3 out of 4 Americans will be overweight or obese by 2020), maybe these statistics, which show how significantly POORER you will be, will inspire you: Over a lifetime, obesity costs $4,879 and $2,646 a year for women and men, respectively. Tack on the value of lost life (8-10 years) and it's even more dramatic : $8,365 and $6,518. Plus, you're up against weight discrimination at the office -- this is most prevalent among women. In fact, when white females gain 64 pounds, their wages drop 9%, according to a study by Cornell University.

If you are in a mess and you can see yourself in the mess... See yourself out of the mess and thriving in a very positive way if you just make a few changes and repeat them every day forming new habits in your life. Watch what happens! It's exciting stuff :-) Don't stay in the mess you can get out of it!

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