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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Over 1 Billion people are STARVING for the first time in history

There is so much YOU and I can do to help reverse this terrible trend.  But first just a few brief statistics so you can begin to appreciate what's happening in the world we live in.  Without enough RAGE I know most people simply won't care:

For the first time, the number of chronically hungry people worldwide is greater than 1 billion, according to a recent U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in June of 2009.  This is an 11% increase from just one year prior.

According to the College of Agriculture and Life Science at Cornell University 1 person dies every second of hunger - 4,000 every hour - 100,000 each day - 36 million each year.  1 child dies every 5 seconds as a result of hunger - 700 every hour - 16 000 each day - 6 million each year.

Here is where WE CAN ALL HELP AND WE MUST HELP.  Money donations are nice but they are typically only temporary and doesn't address the root of the problem for more long term solutions.  We can provide funding for sex education, birth control, agriculture education etc.. These things would give hungry people a lot at long term hunger alleviation but I'm going to focus this article solely on  grain, livestock, and how we vote with our daily dollars right here in the USA. 

Here it is!  This is the one thing that can alleviate hunger for hundreds of millions of men women and children throughout the world and WE MUST DO IT.  Are you ready??  

Buy Grass fed organic Beef instead of Corn Fed Beef or go organic vegetarian!

A whopping 70% percent of the grains our farmers grow right here in the USA gos toward feeding our livestocks all the while an un precedented terrible 1 BILLION plus people in the world are literally starving to death.  Further more; this massive grain fed live stock right here in the USA is arguable the largest contributing factor to our own 80% death rate right here in America.  Most of us are sabotaging our own self interest to save a buck all the while over a Billion people starve to death!  That's stupid!

You see, cows never were suppose to be eating corn.  Mother nature intended for cows to eat Grass.  Not grains!  I don't personally understand how it all works but when humans eat cows that have been on a grain diet we slowly begin dying from the health problems it causes as we get older.  Inflammation, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high C-Reactive protein levels, less efficient central nervous system and brain function etc...  When humans eat cows that are on an appropriate diet of eating grass then we get our omega 3 Healthy Fats and we live a higher quality of life.  Grass fed Organic beef  is an anti inflammatory rather than inflammatory.  It lessons high blood pressure, cholesterol, promotes better brain health and central nervous system efficiency etc...   It's sadly become common place in the USA for people to begin taking medications around ONLY forty years of age!  For an increasing number of people ONLY 30 years of age!  And inexcusably some of our citizenry don't make it out of child hood without needing medication of some kind as a result of poor diet choices made by the parents or guardians.  That's unintentional child abuse but for a different article on a different day.

We are meat eaters which is fine I'm the first in line for the dead meat wagon.  The problem is within the overwhelming majority of us who are eating grain fed meat rather than grass fed organic. If you're a meat eater and you regularly eat grain fed meat you will live in more needless anguish than you need to as you grow older and you won't die of natural causes whether you believe it or not.  It's just a question of getting yourself informed and then caring enough about the quality of your life and then how you teach your children.

So here is what we have set up currently derived by our daily choices...  We (most of us) buy corn fed beef while over 1 BILLION people are starving to death all the while destroying ourselves in the process. This is unintelligent!

I don't mean to sound like I'm dumping on us.  My aim with this article is to help YOU become more informed so that WE ACT by shifting our corn fed beef purchases to GRASS FED organic beef purchases.  Here is just the tip of the iceberg as to what will happen if enough of US do that...  We (if most of us is we) buy GRASS FED BEEF from now on.  This will set the stage for hundreds of millions of starving men women and children to get the nourishment they need if they get the 70% of our grains that use to feed our livestock.  We, the meat consumers, will live Healthier Happier more fulfilling lives.  Health care would become more affordable for more people.  Since industry and politics always follow the money they will meet the new demand making Grass Fed Organic Beef cheaper to purchase and farmers will be earning a more reasonable income than they are now.  More dreams will come true for a LOT more people.  

Just this one thing alone can do so much.  It's not a silver bullet but it's the closest thing to a silver bullet along with birth control.

The other option is to go vegetarian, organic.  But I'm not going to ask anyone to do that we love our beef!  I LOVE beef!  Furthermore; GRASS FED BEEF is very good for you.  Corn fed beef is not good for you and 70% of our grains CURRENTLY gos toward feeding our livestock while those One BILLION plus people we share the planet with are dying of hunger.

I realize some people still are not going to care.  Even if they have the benefit of knowing all this some still won't give a damn and will keep voting for corn fed beef with their daily dollars.  To those people I say, every time you spend money on corn fed beef you're creating a demand for grain that could be used to save the lives of starving children in the world all the while sabotaging your own self interest in living a healthy life.  That's stupid!  And cruel.  Kill your apathy along with your unintelligent self interest.

Throughout our history there has always been less needless suffering when more fortunate people help those who are less fortunate.  There are many things the fortunate can do but my VERY specific call to action here is to either shift your beef purchases to GRASS FED ORGANIC BEEF or to go organic vegetarian.  Don't keep voting with your daily dollars for corn fed beef because it's the stupid thing to do for your own self interest AND over 1 BILLION people could use those grains just to keep from dying of hunger.

Spread the word.  It's worth spreading!  I don't believe most people are consciously making decisions that sabotage there own self interest while over a billion people starve to death.  I believe we the USA just need more education so we can become more powerful to create change the world so desperately needs.


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