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Friday, March 11, 2011

Live With Purpose by Craig Holiday

I believe in every moment that somewhere in our heart and in our soul there is a voice that is either screaming, almost silent, or softly there in the background saying that you ARE significant.

So many of us live this life of fear where we are afraid to confront people. We’re afraid to fail, we are afraid to be significant in other people’s lives because there is pain with that, there is potential for hurt when we open our hearts to another person. But when our purpose rises in us we know we have to change. We need to go through these challenges for a purpose and for a reason. We gain the most in life as servants. We don’t gain the most as takers. We gain the most as givers.

My message this week to you is that – it’s not about you. It’s about those you are going to meet in your business that are dying physically, they are dying emotionally. And the answer isn’t your business it is YOU becoming significant in their lives. Our purpose is known, yet we fear because we feel comfortable where we are. We know what to expect where we are, even if we feel unsatisfied and unhappy.

So deep in your heart you know what your purpose is; you know what you’ve been designed to do; you know the greatness that you have been called to. Yet you stay where you are because it safer. But you begin to realize as you get older that isn’t a choice any more. You know that if you want to be prosperous, if you want to be successful, especially in the network marketing arena, you must embrace the gift you’ve been given in this business of changing lives. You must realize that you need to grow.

You need to go through what it takes for you to be different. That’s why you read the books for personal development, that’s why you’re around the people that make you grow and change, that’s why you watch the lives of significant people in this business and you emulate them, and model after them.

But so many times I remember in my own business, people would come to this 14,000 sq. ft. house I lived in and see these fancy cars I drove and they would think that this was always my life. I would have to sit them down and walk them through the journey of my story. They needed to understand that I started with nothing and worked every single moment I could to turn my business into the amazing success that it was.

Whether this is your first time reading my newsletter and you’re brand new in your business or you are a seasoned leader, you already know if you have that DNA (Determined Natural Ambition) to do something greater with your life. When you sit and look at your life do you really know what your purpose is? My answer for most of you is a resounding yes! And the next part of this newsletter series about purpose is about growing. All of us have this dream inside of us – it’s just a seed right? But we nurture it with struggle. That seed never grows without struggle. It’s not a seed that’s going to germinate without pain and tears. We water the seed of the dreams in our lives with our tears.

Those are the things that get us to grow. So to sit here and think that because of what you’ve gone through in your past that you can’t ever become significant -that you can’t ever touch the lives of people around you – those are lies. For many of us, we’re going to have to make a decision. We realize that pain is what causes us to grow. And we’ve all been through that. What are you going to decide today? Will you decide to fulfill your purpose? Will you let your past hold you back ? Will you continue to believe you can’t be significant in the lives of those people just waiting for you to make a difference? I say fulfill your destiny and take that first step of the journey. I am here to tell you - that you CAN be significant! 

Until next time,


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