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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Live With Purpose - Part 4 - by Craig Holiday

Last week I talked about how our struggles are what make us true leaders. And I guess that was one of the things I understood years ago when I started my business. I understood that I had to do what didn't feel good. Because a lot of us in our lives we make poor decisions and we keep making the same decisions and we expect different results. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. You have to change the decisions that you're making. And one of the greatest things I always talk about when I mentor people is that this business is a blessing because we CAN change ourselves.

 I'm not asking you to change anybody else's life, just change yours. And model the life you want others to have, and model the overcoming of challenges, and model that change and watch what happens around you.     
People will come to you, people will gather around you, people will be drawn to you because you have that attraction - because you are a fighter and you can win the battles you have had in your life. From that you give others the courage to do the same.

 What makes your life less than it should be? Fear. Lack of confidence. Not believing in yourself. Maybe your life has been one of abuse, maybe your life has been one where no one has ever believed in you. Well, I can tell you right now, I may not even know who you are but I believe in you. I believe in you because I've seen lives change. I have seen lives change when someone cares enough about somebody to be there for them, to love them when no one else does - to speak truth into their life, to create visions for their life, to create dreams for their life and then to buy into those dreams.

 So many of us dwell on our past failures. That causes us to shrink in our life because we look at what we haven't done instead of what we CAN do. That's that voice inside of you that's constantly trying to convince you that you don't deserve anything more than you are. But see, I believe for every single one of us, that accomplishment is already there, that mountain top is already won - we just need to go and claim that in our lives.

 We have the potential, we have the gifts, we've been given the ability but for a lot of us - we have to get over the idea that we are average. We say to ourselves, "I've never seen that kind of success, I've never been an impactful person." But if I were sitting across the table from you or sitting in your living room having a conversation with you, you would see that I know what you can become. And all you have to do is embrace that and believe it about yourself. And once you own that about your life, you can give it to someone else. And that is the greatest gift you can ever give to anybody. The greatest gift you can ever give to someone is the gift of believing in them.

 You must believe in yourself so that then you can believe in someone else and transform their lives. You have a responsibility to be true to your purpose so that you can lead others to their destiny. Then their purpose in life can be fulfilled because you took the time in their lives to say, I care, I love you, I believe in you. And that's really what our role is in this kind of a business.

 Fulfill your purpose in order to be significant in the lives of all the people who are just waiting for you to be the person that leads them to their purpose, their significance. With that kind of attitude, you will never know where your influence will end. I believe in you. Own your destiny.

 Someday is today!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Love your work not so much your job

GregDuBois summed it up beautifully. Greg loves the work he does at his job but not so much the JOB itself. Read what he has to share, "I have to say, I love the work that I do. Essentially I am a paid science guy, investigator, researcher, I help people and companies with environmental problems or issues or help them stay in compliance and in good stead. But I DON'T love my JOB. Having a job means someone else can decide my fate. So I am striving for my financial independence."

Gregs philosophy for emerging at a place down the road to own his destiny is spot on.  Most people who love their work don't differentiate between work and job and tragically don't see a problem with that.  Loving your work is a blessing because most people do not.  Love your work / hate your work it doesn't matter if you don't own your destiny and your income you can loose it all at no fault of your own.  That's the problem with ONLY having a job and doing nothing to build your wealth in your spare time.

If you LOVE your job re examine  exactly what it is you love and you may make a discovery that could change the course of the rest of your life in a VERY positive way.  You may discover that it's the work you love and probably the people you work with you love as well.   But the job itself, if you open your eyes, you will discover has never nor will it ever give you more control over your own life, your income, and your destiny.  It doesn't matter if you love your work or not.  If the job your work is attached to is suddenly gone at no fault of your own what's going to happen to you and your family if you suddenly have no income?  What kind of problems will stem from that?  How about the stress and toll it takes on your health and wellness?

You can build your wealth in your spare time so that a few years down the road you can keep your job or loose your job and either way you will be fine.  Either way you will still be able to provide for your family.  Either way your stress will be in check and you can more easily live a good life.  There is something very logically wrong and against your own self interest if all you have is a job and nothing else.  Putting all your eggs into one basket, a basket you have no control over, leaves you 100% vulnerable to loosing everything.  That kind of life style is for the biggest risk takers to ever walk the earth.  Isn't it ironic that the bulk of the individuals living the riskiest of all life styles live like that all the while citing their core values of a secure and a steady pay check?  That "safety" is a delusion and a dangerous one.

It doesn't matter if you love or hate your job or the work that you do in your job.  Either way if you keep your job or want to get rid of your job for the love of yourself take some initiative to start building up your wealth in your spare time if you have not started already.  If you have ONLY a job then one day TIME is likely to expose your daily slight error in judgment.  You can escape initiative but you cannot escape the consequences of inaction.  MILLIONS of Americans feel that right now who are out of a job after doing years of nothing to build their wealth in their spare time while they did have a job.   The moral here is if you loose all of your income and benefits it's not because you lost your job, it's because you did nothing in your spare time to build your wealth.

If you're one of the "lucky" ones who has a job start building up your wealth in your spare time TODAY it very well could save you down the road.  If you don't have a job start building your wealth anyway there isn't much else out there if you're still looking for a job.  Even if you're college educated the odds are not good in the JOB market.  Most college graduates are earning drastically less than what they are qualified for.  But in the larger scope of things nobody will ever earn what they are worth in a job it's the nature of the unfair beast.  Where ever you are, rich or poor, start building your wealth in your spare time and let it be a residual income of some kind so you can essentially emerge in a place a few years from now to spend your time how you want.

Check out what Greg is doing to build his wealth in his spare time:

What are you going to do?  Are you going to let time expose you or promote you?  My advice to you is to take initiative and put time on your side to promote you!  Time will pass either way so get involved in your own life and OWN IT.

p.s. If you loved this article you'll probably love this one to, "Money and False Altruistic Moral Egos"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Let your kids inspire you to DREAM again

A child of a friend of mine not yet old enough to have a job said this after watching a video I posted today, "he can have his hair long if he wants to, he can even have it pink it is a free country, nobody should tell him to cut his hair except for him." In the video I was talking about freedom being my core values. Years ago I was told to cut my hair short or face permanent lay off without pay so I quit. I didn't quit because I wanted to keep my long hair so much as I wanted to be a free and dignified human being.  The length of my hair was irrelevant to my job performance and I wasn't about let some arrogant corporate man involve me in a human domestication program and teach me how to be a good pet at my job :-) My friend Nikki Olson watched my video with her daughter Bryanna when Bryanna said those simple-powerful words reflecting her core values of freedom that almost all of us seem to loose with "maturity".

All of us start out with dreams reflecting our innate core values of freedom which are bestowed upon us by our creator. Oppression is something learned by our environment as we get older and "mature".  It's ironic that, "While our Constitution was set up to prevent political dictatorship in doing so we established a society where every ward boss is a dictator, every financier is a dictator, every private employer a dictator, all with the livelihood of the workers at there mercy" - George Bernard Shaw.

As children we dream big dreams but then tragedy slowly creeps in invoking something to take place that is worse than death itself. Most of us if not all of us begin to place our dreams in the "attic" .  We begin to trade our dreams for a life of oppression.  Most of us never pull them back out of the attic and die before giving our dreams life; making the tragedy irreversible. Some of us will ignite our passions all over again and pull our child hood dreams, along with some new dreams, back out of the attic and begin to take action to give those dreams life.

We should be listening to our kids more often. Maybe not about wisdom quite yet but when it comes to dreams they are far more wise than most adults. If you're a parent or guardian don't teach your kids to put those dreams into the attic to never see life again. Instead teach your kids to gain the wisdom to crystallize their dreams into reality.

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." Leon Suenens 1904 - 1996, Clergyman

I must confess I am not a parent myself but that doesn't stop me from learning from MANY others who are parents. In friends and in the incredible books I read it seems consistent that the children who don't let their dreams die, but rather develop the discipline and the wisdom to crystallize those dreams into reality, do just that and live happier much more fulfilled lives. It's the kids who are taught to put their dreams away and join the "real world" that more often than not grow into very unhappy adults because they traded their dreams for oppression.  If you're daily actions are not fueled by your passions then your daily actions are like a cancer that will eventually kill you unless you change. I don't need to be a parent to learn these fundamentals from others who are parents. Encourage your kids to dream but don't stop with encouraging them to dream.  Encourage them to develop the discipline and the wisdom to make their dreams come true otherwise those dreams will destroy their sense of self worth which could influence them to do something horrible like join the "real world".

The truly happy person is one who is not afraid to dream dreams and be willing to pay the price to make their dreams come true. THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD BE TEACHING YOUR KIDS AND LIVING BY EXAMPLE. Don't you think so?  Be the example parents and guardians it's not enough to talk it... Your commitments are only as strong as your actions don't turn your commitments into a joke through inactions in the eyes of your kids because they will see through you and unfortunately most likely model you as they grow.  Furthermore, mark my words, your kids will feel sad their mom or dad doesn't have a big enough self image to feel they are worth while to pay the price for their dreams.  You must not only preach it to your kids you must also LIVE IT or you will cause immeasurable pain for your kids.

Apathy is at an all time high and so is unhappiness. They correlate. Kill your apathy, pull your dreams back down from the attic, dream big dreams, and be willing to pay the price for your dreams to crystallize into reality. Let that be the wave of positive impact the world so desperately needs.  The victories you score over your struggles will give other people hope. It will inspire more people, including our kids, to dream dreams and pay the price for them to come true.  To let your struggles win in your life is purely selfish.  Don't be selfish...


Tom - Full time dreamer and Independent Team Beachbody Coach
p.s. The video young Bryanna commented on to inspire this blog :-) (click here)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Become Change

I know we live in an economy that is incredibly unkind and that the price of gas is way to high. I know we live in a market place that is largely exploiting people struggling just to get by.  I know in a market place so dominated by corporations it's all about cut throat and seniority which only exists in pyramids which corporations are; they are pyramid schemes. 

Knowing what you know you've got to ask yourself... Are those the perfect reasons for change or are they the perfect reasons not to change and go for the "even keel" which does not exist?  Of those two philosophies to live by which side of the fence of people are going to have more than the other side?  I know the answer is obvious but I'll say it anyway.  It's the side that sees the state of our economy as perfect reasons to CHANGE that has the real shot at winning and having much more than the side who sees the state of our economy as perfect reasons to not change and maybe keep waiting for "someday" that does not exist; that delusion of someday that most people subscribe to.

The change I'm talking about is the change that takes place inside yourself not the things going on around you that you have no control over.  You have no control over the economy, the price of gas, corporations etc... If you're waiting for those things to change before you change then you're in your own way of having more.  That's how you stay in "fight to survive" mode year after year in a vicious circle of no end unless YOU change first.   When you change first everything else changes for you.  Most people work against this natural law of the earth that's existed for thousands of years and the only possible outcome of fighting any natural law is you will loose.

If you are waiting for things around you to change first then YOU are your own biggest obstacle.  Not the economy, not family drama, not gas prices, not your job or your boss... YOU are your biggest obstacle.  Change your philosophy to one that supports you and ONLY THEN will you gain real power to change your life because you will finally be out of your own way.  There are enough obstacles in your path without you being one of them so cut it out and change.  Get out of your own way. 

Score some victories over your struggles and give hope to other people who could use some hope and encouragement to score some victories over their own struggles.  We are impact creatures like it or not.  CHANGE from the inside, pay the price to crystallize your dreams into reality, tell your story to anyone who will listen, and be part of a wave of change that people all around you so desperately need.  Let them know nothing else changed until YOU changed first.  You can do it because you are an impact creature.  Impact positively.  Go out there and do it but first start with YOU because there is no other way you can effectively change your life and positively impact others around you.

-Independent Team Beachbody Coach, Tom 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sour on Milk? 5 Healthy Dairy Substitutes - By Jeanine Natale

So you've made the decision to go dairy free for health, diet, and/or allergy reasons. Maybe you're trying to avoid lactose. Maybe you just don't like the way the dairy industry tends to treat cows. But here's the rub: You love milk! So what are you going to do? Fear not, it's easy to avoid lactose and still get your fill of milk-like liquids. Soy, rice, coconut, almond, and even hemp "milks" have all found their way into the diets, hearts, and grocers' shelves of health-conscious people everywhere. Some, like coconut and rice milk, have been around for hundreds of years as dietary staples in many cultures around the world.

We're going to take a look at the five most widely available—and very diverse—milk substitutes, but before we start, let's quickly look at what you're leaving behind when you give up dairy. A 1-cup serving of regular skim milk has 90 calories, 125 milligrams of sodium, 8 grams of protein, 30 percent of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of calcium, 25 percent of your RDA of vitamin D, phosphorus, and riboflavin, and 16 percent of your RDA for vitamin B12. That same cup of skim milk also contains 12 grams of carbohydrates, 11 of which are sugar.

Now let's compare the rest. Keep in mind that these are all vegetarian/vegan-friendly, gluten-free alternatives.

1. Soy Milk. Soy milk is probably the best-known milk alternative in the Western world. It's easy to find it in a variety of flavors and options at just about any market. So how does soy milk stack up nutritionally compared to skim milk? A typical 1-cup serving has about 100 calories—slightly more than skim milk—with 7 grams of protein, 29 milligrams of sodium, 25 percent of your RDA of thiamin, 9 percent of your RDA of riboflavin, 8 percent of your RDA of iron, 15 percent of your RDA of copper, 20 percent of your RDA of manganese, and just about 35 percent of your RDA of calcium.

Despite soy milk's popularity, there is some controversy surrounding it. The trend toward foods that are or contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is currently a cause for great concern, and more than 90 percent of all soybeans sold in the U.S. are GMOs, making it pretty difficult to find truly natural, organic soybeans or soybean milk products.

Also, unfermented soy products like soy milk naturally contain what are known as phytoestrogens—chemicals that when introduced to the human body tend to act like estrogen. There are many studies on this subject, but unfortunately most of them tend to contradict each other: Do phytoestrogens cause or prevent cancer? Are there negative side effects to ingesting too much of the stuff if you're male? Should infants be given soy products at all? The best way to deal with the soy debate and its consequences, aside from doing a bunch of research yourself, is simply to remember the age-old adage, "All things in moderation." If you aren't going to be consuming gallons of soy milk per day, you should be just fine.

Bottom Line: You might want to explore other choices before settling for this somewhat controversial and overprocessed milk alternative.

2. Rice milk. If you've ever had the popular Mexican drink horchata, you've had rice milk. The popular commercial brands are enriched with calcium and other nutrients found in dairy milk, but they also (like commercial soy milk) have a variety of additives, sweeteners, and flavorings, many of which can't be considered either organic or natural.

So how does rice milk add up nutritionally? A 1-cup serving has approximately 80 to 90 calories, but they come mostly from sugar, which you probably already get plenty of, and which you're probably trying to avoid if you're trying to consume a healthy diet. If you're a rice milk or horchata fan, great—you can mix it with all kinds of things to make it a fun, refreshing treat. But realistically speaking, rice milk doesn't have much else going for it.

Bottom Line: Although it's relatively popular, I wouldn't settle on rice milk as a truly complete and healthy alternative to regular milk, unless I was mixing it with Shakeology®. Store-bought brands will be more nutritious, but will contain a lot of sugar.

3. Coconut milk. Thai food, anyone? How about a piƱa colada? If you're a fan of either, chances are, you've had plenty of coconut milk in your lifetime. Now, don't mistake coconut milk for the watery liquid found in the center of the coconut, which is known as coconut water (the stuff you hear sloshing around inside when you shake one). Rather, we're talking about the rich, creamy stuff that's extracted from the white coconut flesh nutmeat itself. Want to do it yourself at home? You're looking at some pretty intensive labor.

Until recently, a cup of coconut milk contained at least 500 calories, most of which was saturated fat, but now low-calorie coconut milk has begun finding its way onto grocers' shelves. A typical 1-cup serving has about 150 calories, most of which is still saturated fat. It has 3 grams of protein, 45 milligrams of sodium, 50 percent of the RDA of vitamin B12, 30 percent of the RDA of vitamin D, and 10 percent of the RDA of calcium and magnesium. If you're a vegan looking to get more vitamin D in your diet, this stuff might help, but keep in mind that you won't be getting any protein from it and you'll be getting a lot of fat.

Bottom Line: Regular coconut milk has traditionally been intended to be used in small amounts, mainly for cooking, not as a milk substitute for drinking a glass at a time. Although it's delicious and has lots of healthful benefits, it's way too rich to have as a drink by itself. And while light coconut milks may not pack the same caloric punch, they're still essentially just fat.

4. Almond milk. This is one I can live with. Nutritionally, a 1-cup serving will have anywhere from 50 to 80 calories, depending on how much water has been added. Although it has minimal protein, it does have 25 percent of the RDA of vitamin D, 50 percent of the RDA of vitamin E, and 150 milligrams of potassium, along with some manganese, selenium, and many other trace elements.

There are a wide variety of fortified store-bought brands that all taste pretty darn good—sweetened, unflavored, or otherwise. Along with the more mainstream commercial brands, it's also easy to find almond milk products that are raw and organic.

Almond milk is a personal favorite and quite versatile too, although keep in mind it's still low in protein. On a side note, it's fun to make from scratch. A 1-pound bag of raw almonds can get a little pricey at around $12.00, but the investment is worth it. Make your own—it's delicious!

5. Hemp milk. Places like Trader Joe's® or Whole Foods Market® are your best bet for hemp milk. There are a couple of different brands, again, all fortified and sweetened to taste more like regular milk. And no, it doesn't get you high. Interestingly though, the U.S. is pretty much the only country in the world that doesn't allow hempseed cultivation, even though there's no drug content in it. All hempseed in the U.S. is from Canada; it's guaranteed to be organic and pesticide-free.

Hemp milk could be a real find. Hempseeds are pretty much considered a superfood, meaning that even in very small amounts, like an ounce or two, they pack a wallop nutritionally. A 1-cup serving of hemp milk has approximately 110 calories and has 24 percent of the RDA of iron, 72 percent of the RDA of magnesium and phosphorus, 35 percent of the RDA of zinc, plus 11 grams of omega-6 fatty acids, 4.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and 16 grams of protein. Wow.

Bottom Line: A milk alternative that's naturally packed with nutrients. Definitely worth checking out.

If or when you decide to go with one or more of these alternatives to milk, also know that you can use them in most recipes just like regular milk. There are literally hundreds of recipes available free online, and dozens of well-informed cookbooks on the market. So experiment a little, and find out which milk substitute works best for you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Dads Life Was Saved Share This And Be Significant

We almost lost my dad a couple years ago. He only has 1/3rd of his lungs left after many years of smoking. He no longer smokes but the damage to his lungs is irreversible. He is now very vulnerable. For example just one bout of pneumonia or a bad bronchitis flare up could kill him. His immune status is of paramount importance to protect him from such things.

Today I took my dad to a routine doctor visit but the feedback from the doctor was anything but routine. My dads doctor today tells my dad, "You're doing much better than you have any right to expect. You're no where near wear I first saw you a year and a half ago. Most people would be dead by now".

I bought my dad Shakeology a year and a half ago and told him he's drinking this from now on. I saved my dads life with Shakeology.  He's also able to walk the treadmill a few minutes at a time now which for a guy with only 1/3rd of his lungs left capable of exchanging gases is an amazing feat. It's critical for him to work his lungs out to the best of his ability every day to keep the functionality of what's left of his lungs working optimally.  He's also pre diabetic.  Shakeology is a meal shake rated at only 24 on the glycemic index and will prevent him from becoming diabetic.  Many who were full blown diabetics have literally reversed their diabetes using Shakeology as an effective tool.

On the opposite side of life saving... In the past 5 or 6 months I've known several people to drop dead of a massive heart attack or stroke leaving behind spouses, children, friends, family and other loved ones to grieve.  All of whom had the warning signs and did nothing about it. They were shown Shakeology and that it's proven to lower those risk factors and decided to either wait for "someday", which sadly never came for them, or some just giggled about it referring to Shakeology as "one of those silly health shakes".  Stubbornness can either kill you or save you.  For petes sake develop the wisdom to know the difference if you haven't already.

I've got four messages that's extremely important to me and for you to share...

1.) I'm NOT promising Shakeology is going to save your life or cure anything:  I'm not undermining any health care professional you might be working with. Fact is I know thousands of people drinking Shakeology and I'm not aware of a single case where those risk factors for heart attack or stroke hasn't been significantly reduced among many other benefits. Include your doctor and others as part of your over all TEAM in your life to make important decisions and make those decisions CONSCIOUSLY.  In other words... It's your life so OWN IT.

2.) Fellow Team Beachbody Coaches: The people you are meant to help are one million times more important than your nay sayers. Do not project a negative experience from a negative person onto someone you're suppose to meet in the future; whos life you will significantly impact and possibly even save. No nay sayer in your life is worth while to keep you from sharing this gift with as many people as you possibly can. You're doing this for those people and NOT your nay sayers, right? Know where your focus is.  It's not on your nay sayers it's on the cooperative and nurturing relationships you will build as you meet new people.

3. Anyone NOT drinking Shakeology and sharing it with friends and family: Try it, Contact me for the coach discounts. Get this today. And get it not just for yourself but also for everyone you love and care about. In other words Don't be selfish! Point blank the more people who try Shakeology the happier, healthier, and more fulfilled more people will be. And quite honestly the more people will LIVE and treat others with more kindness.

4.) SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE:  Sign up with the Independent Beachbody coach of your choosing. Coaches and non coaches you can share this with everyone. Coaches make sure they know to go to your website and not mine.  You need to communicate with your friends and family this is a "belly to belly" relational business.  Non coaches sign up, use Shakeology in your own life, share it with everyone else around you it's too important not to.

There are people all around you who will not be around 10 years from now because of how they are health wise. GET INVOLVED IN THEIR LIVES, HELP THEM, AND BE SIGNIFICANT.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm in it to WIN it... And I am WINNING Despite my environment... So can YOU!!!!!

In august of 2007 I signed up for the Team Beachbody Coach opportunity. Almost all of my friends who have signed up with me waited 2 or 3 years to sign up with me in my Team Beachbody Business. Some of them will sign up 4 years later, 5, and so on... None of them signed up with me my first 8 or 9 months of business. Most coaches will quit before they give this a chance to work. Not me. The majority will and the majority are broke and out of shape year after year because they are not in it to win it.

My friends who sign up with me see me achieve so much just based on what I've shared in facebook the past couple years. Sometimes a friend will call me up just to ask me if I'm still doing that Beachbody "thing" and how it's going for me. Once I tell them I'm still in it YEARS later and business is booming despite the economy some of them sign up. There are other variables involved differing from person to person but largely they were waiting to see if I was in it to win it or not! Can you imagine if I told them I quit? I would STINK to high heaven and every ex coach who has a dream experiences it.

Big moral here..

Coaches who get in for a lil while to "try it out" and then quit if they don't experience enough success quickly enough literally rob themselves of the respect of their friends and miss BIG opportunity to build a big business as time rolls on. Quitting stinks I'm glad I didn't quit my first couple years when I was virtually a failure or I would have missed my freedom. I will never have to worry about money, the economy, time, and all those problems everyone else experiences stemming from time, money, and personal freedom constraints.  I lifted myself out of poverty and achieved this.  There was no special deal.  I paid the price for a couple years.  Those couple years were going to pass by anyway so was it worth it?  YES!!!!!!  Most people do not think so and that's why most people are broke, out of shape, and falling short of the promises they made to themselves and to their families.

Most people in my shoes would have quit the first two months let alone the first two years of little to nothing to show for. I honestly and humbly have to pat myself on the back here. I hope all of you take a moment to pat yourselves on the back to when life rewards you for doing something most people will not do :) And then share it with us and the rest of your support team who nurtures you to grow so we can pat you on the back to!  If you don't have friends who nurture you to grow then you definitely need new friends.

If you're actively building a dream remember the moral of this story especially if you haven't made your way over the initial business "hump" yet..... Your friends, family, new friends you make along the way, all who do not make the commitment to come with you yet are just testing you.... Waiting to see if you're in it to win it or not. No one wants to follow a loser so stay in it to win it! Do NOT put yourself in a position to where they are ready but you've already quit. I've been told horror stories of ex Team Beachbody coaches who literally threw up once they realized what they threw away by quitting.

Does being significant in other peoples lives turn you on?  Does finding success by being significant fuel your passions?? In my Team Beachbody Business it is not possible to be successful unless you have significance in other peoples lives.  If that speaks to your heart write / call me I want you in my business.  Take pride in the fact that you find success in this business by becoming significant in other peoples lives. It's a wonderful concept get involved in this business, embrace it, and share it with everyone :-)

Enroll for a coach account: and call me:262 344 1733

Independent Beachbody Diamond Leader

Friday, April 15, 2011

Live with Purpose - by Craig Holiday

Right now - where we are in our life, most of us don't like where we are. And when we don't like where we are it forces us to grow, because we either live life in the past or we go forward. We never really stay where we are.

And we don't have a choice. That seed is there - but that seed is the dream that needs to be nurtured so it can grow. In that we have to expect struggle. For people to get in business and think everybody's going to jump in and support our business right away... you're going to make all this money in the first 6 months...that's a fallacy. You will be paid in perfect relationship to your servant-hood. The people you serve in your group will be perfect payment for what you deserve in this business.

For many of us we've been in business quite a while and it's about our level of achievement - we ask how come we're not more successful? But if you really sit back and analyze it and are honest with yourself you will see that you are actually right where you should be. That is because you haven't stepped over that line yet of saying I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my goals and help others achieve theirs.

You may know what you've been called to do, but it's not going to come easy and it won't be simple. Everyone who is successful or starting to be successful is only there because that person decided to take the challenge of life on. You may say to yourself, "I've got to live my life, I've got to be a husband, I've got to be a wife, I've got to be a Dad, I've got to clean the house, I've got to have a job." And yet still somewhere deep inside of you, you know that none of those things fulfill your purpose on this earth. That is because jobs don't fulfill purposes.

You have to get beyond to a greater calling of the bigness of your life, of what you've been called to do - and by taking on that that challenge, your victories one by one will propel those around you to overcome. If we live our life with no victories, people around us never win. Because people look at our lives and it's our victories over our struggles that give other people hope.

Whether you go to church or you go to hear motivational speakers or read books, you don't get inspired by someone who tells a story of how they have been successful all their lives. Imagine someone standing on stage and saying, "My family was rich and I never had it tough and I'm doing great." Does that inspire you to be more? Does that give you the motivation to push forward in spite of the day to day issues that come up? But if you listen to someone that almost died, or was abused, or lived in poverty - someone that has been to the lowest point in life, but made a decision with this voice inside saying, "You have a purpose." - Those people are the ones who step up and go out and become significant and those people are the leaders that then inspire greatness in others.

So your victories over your struggles bless the lives of other people. But if we remain dormant and we don't change, we change no one else's lives either. So our bigger calling, our greater purpose is that in overcoming our fears, our doubts, our problems we become the model for others to do the same. Everyone has things they wish were different, but nothing will change in your life until YOU change them. And if you had the DNA (Determined Natural Ambition) there is no choice, the dream is there and it will not be silenced until it comes to fruition. But you have to be willing to pay the price for it. You have to put the work in NOW.

Our life is not a mere destiny that awaits us. It's one that we determine. We're not just going through life and we're going to end up wherever we end up. We can determine our destiny and our lives. But we've got to be willing to change. We've got to be willing to grow. And we've got to be willing to do what doesn't feel good. If you don't feel comfortable going out and meeting people then take your eyes off of yourself and meet people. If you don't feel comfortable because you are innately an introvert, push yourself to just start talking to people. Start converstations, sincerely compliment someone on something. This isn't about you, it's about maybe lifting someone else up who's day isn't going so well. Maybe you will start talking to someone and find out they just moved to town and were feeling down and lonely because they didn't know anyone. When you get outside of yourself, it becomes easier and easier. Because that is what this business is about - it's about meeting people. It's about changing people's lives.

Next week I will talk more about the changes we need to make to fulfill our purpose. For now, I recommend you journal about what is holding you back. What are the excuses you make to keep you from being the person you are meant to be? I want to hear from you! Write on my facebook page if you want to share some of your story with others, or send me a message at As the song goes, "This is your life, are you who you're meant to be?"

Until we meet again,


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Insanity Asylum Fit Rest results Day 1

I do things every day to give my words some real meaning with my deeds. Today the fed ex man came by with my new Insanity Asylum Fitness program by Team Beachbody so I'm really excited about that! I've already gone through all the material, understand the nutrition, took my measurements, pictures, and fitness test. I'm asking YOU to hold ME accountable to my goals! I'm not only preaching fitness I LIVE it to :-) The fit test handed me my own butt. This was just the fit test! Only do this program if you're already in great shape. Graduate to this program if you're not there yet. Here are my fit test results from insanity asylum:

Agility Heisman: 6

In and Out Ab Progression: 43

Lat Push ups: 21

Mountain Climber Switch Kicks: 63

Agility Shoulder Taps: 3 1/2

X Jumps: 32

Moving Push ups: 2 1/2

Agility Lateral Shuffle: 10 1/2

Agility Bear Crawl: 5 1/2

Tomorrow begins day one of the thirty day program. Speed and Agility! Wish me LOTS of will power friends! If you would like to do this program with me I'd love to have some success buddies: click "Shop", browse by Trainer, Shaun T, Insanity Asylum. Do a different program first if you're not already in great shape. Give me a shout if you're going to do this with me let's hold each other accountable!


Amway nutritionals compared to Shakeology without the science

I was checking out amways line of nutritionals at the request of a friend and discovered all of them have artificial ingredients while  amway touts "best of nature best of science" in their campaign ads. Science maybe but certainly not nature. Put your mind and body on an all nature nutritional plan and see, watch, experience, FEEL how your mind and body turns on in amazing ways for you. It really is something incredible.

Amways nutritionals is under the name brand Nutrilite. I visited their like page on facebook and asked, "Why are there sulfates and other artificial ingredients in the line of nutrilite products? What's the thinking behind that? Thanks"

Four days later their customer service department got back to me with the following:

"Whenever possible we use natural and naturally-sourced ingredients to deliver "the Best of Nature". This includes adding no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives to our products. However, we also formulate to deliver the "Best of Science" which includes delivering nutrients at levels demonstrated by science to offer health benefits. In some instances, it is not possible to deliver scientifically substantiated levels of nutrients using only natural sources in dosage forms that would be acceptable to consumers. NUTRILITE products are based on the best that nature offers while also delivering the best of science that may include the use of synthetically-derived nutrients."

My favorite part is the part I put in bold and underlined. It's my favorite for two reasons:

1. It shows their lack of integrity. If it were acceptable to consumers would they put pig fat in their nutritionals? When beachbody formulated Shakeology they made the hard unpopular decisions to keep it all natural. In fact they have been working for years to come up with an all natural vanilla flavor. The founder of beachbody, Carl Daikelar, literally said this to us, "Either we will find a way to make an all natural vanilla or their just won't be vanilla, period" THAT's INTEGRITY!!!!  It was met with a roaring cheer because that kind of honesty and heart is such a refreshing breath of fresh air.  People with a dream who are willing to pay the price for that dream don't want to hear a suit catering to popular opinion with a lame cookie cutter line. Amway would have bent over backwards for the wrong consumers and chalked it full of junk.

2. It's simply not true! Amway did not do their homework they took short cuts and put junk in their entire line of nutritionals. Amway is a business opportunity first which means the product fits around the business. With beachbody it's a fitness first deal. The Beachbody businss opportunity didnt even exist til NINE YEARS LATER! The Beachbody business is centered around the life changing products. With shakeology Beachbody did their homework. Beachbody spent TWO YEARS just formulating the flavor to keep it all natural and tasting wonderful. THAT'S DEDICATION!!! And guess what?  That kind of dedication is being felt around the country and soon around the world in the tear jerker success stories of Shakeology users.

I appreciate the response from Amway to my question. It's just not a philosophy supportive of optimum health and wellness. It makes me all the more proud to be involved with Team Beachbody.  If you are willing to pay the price to achieve your dreams you are going to be a happier, healthier, more fulfilled human being than the person always looking for the shortcuts.  The beautiful thing about Shakeology, among other things, is that shakeology doesn't require any discipline.  A seven year old boy explained it perfectly to me the other day.  He said, "Shakeology tastes like chocolate only it's better than chocolate".... Hello?!?!  No discipline required whatsoever to get up every morning and drink a tall glass of chocolate awesomeness.  And then the rest of my day is amazing because I just put the best nutrients possible into my body free of any garbage so my body really comes to life for an amazing day every day. 

If this turns you on, getting your desert on every day for optimum health with a glass of shakeology every day, turn to your Team Beachbody coach and say to him or her, "I want my glass of chocolate awesomeness every day show me how to get started!"  and I'm sure your coach will be more that happy to give you the hook up :-)  If you don't have a coach I'll be your coach just let me know.

Be awesome!
p.s.  Ohhhhhhh yeah shakeology is also available in Greenberry for you weird non chocolate lovers :-)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oprah Winfrey, Latin America, Shakeology BIG things happening...

Hey Everyone! I want to let you know what's going on.

To date The Team Beachbody coaching opportunity has only been available in the united states. In a few weeks we are expanding globally for the first time in the companies history. First stop is south of the border. We are expanding into mexico and latin america. Later this year we hope to expand into canada, then europe, australia etc... That's the first bit of big news I wanted to share with you. The other bit of big news is that Oprah Winfrey just published a TEN PAGE article in her "O" magazine about Shakeology. Shakeology is our core product. Everything Oprah touches turns to gold. If she recommends a book it gos to number one the following week. She has an incredible ability to move LOTS of people toward bettering themselves and that's why I'm excited about this. When you think about the timing of this big endorsement from oprah just before going global for the first time in our history it's like a DREAMY scenario to me. Before these two big factors even became discussion around here I had already gotten into the best shape of my life using these products AND declared my financial independence via the Coaching opportunity. Now we have these two big events taking place to add to what was already an unbelievable opportunity to transform both your health and your financial situation simultaneously.

So that's what's happening right now. Oprah has already officially gotten in our corner with a very flattering ten page article in her magazine and a big untapped market is opening up in just a couple weeks.

Lastly I want to invite you to join me in this coaching opportunity. It's about transforming your health and your wealth and helping others around you do the same with these products. I don't know if it would be for you or not but I want you to at least take a look and see if it turns you on or not. I recorded a video this morning and uploaded it to my youtube channel:

If you're into it I want to bring you in while the global market place is still entirely untapped. Be a founder with me and let's do something real significant in the world in which we live that is literally dying of obesity.

Call / write me,

Look me up on facebook: Tom Birkenmeyer

Friday, April 1, 2011


PREGNANT MOMMIES TO BE...... FELLOW BEACHBODY COACH SAYS: I've been using Shakeology since before my pregnancy and continue to use it (I'm due in 2 weeks) and unlike most pregnant women, my blood pressure is on the low side of normal. Each time I go in I'm around 100/60 or less. High blood pressure during pregnancy is life-threatening so my doctor couldn't be happier. - Katie Peavy

An update from Katie: I said that back in June and gave birth to a perfectly healthy 7 pound 10 ounce boy at the end of June. I have also used Shakeology to take off all the baby weight. - Katie Peavy

Ask me about Shakeology friends.

p.s. She lost all the baby weight to! That's a BIG talking point in itself