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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Something about Money and false Altruistic Moral Egos..

Money by itself is stupid in my opinion BUT some of us have got to get over our FALSE altruistic sense of moral value when it comes to money.

- You know in your heart and in your soul that if only you had more money you could afford to put your kids through college.

- You know that if only you had more money you could afford home care for your parents instead of having to put them up in a nursing home, or, taking care of them yourself on top of everything else you've got to do and face the real possibility of clinically exhausting yourself.  That's a real scenario for most people between the ages of 35 and 50 years old.

- You know that if only you had enough money then if something were to happen to your job you'll be ok and your family will be ok.

- You know that if only you had enough money , god forbid something happens to you, your family will be taken care of.

- You know that if only you had enough money you could afford to eat healthy organic foods and consequently LIVE better and feel better.  If you desire to help others you know you'd be more capable to.

- You know that if only you had enough money you wouldn't feel the unapologetic squeeze of a merciless economy.

- You know that if only you had enough money then you wouldn't have to live in the fear that a  paycheck to paycheck life style tends to cultivate.

- You know that if only you had enough money then when an emergency comes up, they are inevitable it's not a question of if but when, you won't have to worry about how you're going to come up with the money.

- You know that if only you had enough money you could buy your freedom and buy back your life to spend your time how YOU want to spend your time and not how someone else demands that you spend your time.

And if you're feeling ambitious in a humanitarian point of view you know that if only you had millions and BILLIONS of dollars then a LOT of kids in the world who are literally starving to death would be fed and given the medical attention they need.   You know that we'd be closer to the discovery of a cure for heart disease and cancer which we so desperately need.

Imagine if you quit being selfish, you went out there and made as much money as you could and that money was instrumental in finally finding a cure for cancer and heart disease!   Can you imagine how much less pain and suffering would result from that?  I'm not just talking about the agony of the patients stricken with these diseases but I'm also speaking to the pain and sadness of surrounding loved ones.  Most of my grand parents and an uncle, so far, I've lost to cancer.  Everyone is affected by this I know all of you are to so I know you know what I'm talking about it's one of the most relatable things I can think of.

One of my life goals is to make a Billion dollars, donate 99.9% of it to leaving the world a better place than I was born into it, and donating the rest of the .1% upon my own death because I can't take it with me.  Just imagine if everyone would get over there false sense of altruistic moral ego about money and had desires to make as much of it as possible for the purpose of service toward others.  Imagine what kind of a different world we'd live in.

Here is something about money.  Money isn't evil.  It has no agenda.  It has no feelings.  People are both good and evil with shades of grey.  Money is not the root of evil or good.  Money is what you do it.  Money has as much to do with fueling evil as does the fork for making a fat person fat.  It's the philosophy that the person holds that drives money for good or evil.  Likewise it's the philosophy that the person holds that drives the person to use the fork to cultivate good health or bad health.    It's the philosophy that the person holds that drives the person to use a tire iron to fix a tire with it or to commit murder with it.    Money doesn't do anything to people.  People do things to people and some people have a very false altruistic moral ego about money.

I'm not going to vilify anyone who reads this and still has no desire to earn more money.  In fact I am totally fine with it one way or the other.  Mother Theresa was poor and she is among the most selfless people throughout the earths history.  But don't equate money to moral value because they really don't have anything to do with each other.

Here is your note of caution...

The thing about having this kind of money is it takes time to build. Years in fact.  I like knowing I'm in the 2 - 5 year plan instead of the 15 to 30 year plan (if you only have a job odds are you'll never get there anyway).  That time is going to pass by anyway.  Since it's going to pass by anyway and you have the benefit of knowing it's going to pass by it's up to you to decide if your dreams are big enough dreams that you won't be denied.

In America nothing stops you from being successful and you don't have to ask for permission to become successful.  In fact it's quite the opposite.  The tax code in America incentivizes wealth.  I'm living proof of that.  In 2010 if I did not own my own home based business I would have spent SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS PLUS more than I needed to.  Dang right this country incentivizes and creates opportunity.  No one will tell me otherwise.

Take advantage of the great opportunities in which you and I live and live your life in the service of others.

Tom - Diamond Independent Beachbody Coach

 "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world" - Anne Frank 1952

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