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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shakeology Vs. Muscle Milk

I was attracted to the title, "Muscle Milk", and I was asked about it so I thought I'd look into it. I LOVE milk and you can't deny the dense life nourishing nutrients of natural milk. In my opinion if you're a fan of natural Milk you're a fan of Life itself :-)


The maker of Muscle Milk, CytoSport, does not use all natural milk ingredients.  I examined the ingredients list of about a dozen of their shakes, powders, and bars. ALL of them contain artificial flavors. Most of them contain Sucralose which is an artificial sweetener that the body is not made to metabolize properly. If you're a diabetic you're in even greater danger from Sucralose. Most importantly, ALL of the Muscle Milk bars I looked at actually contain partially hydrogenated oils. Trans fats!  Forget about the artificial sweeteners and flavors for a moment. Trans fats are poisonous there is not a single positive or even neutral physiological affect it has over the body. Nature doesn't produce it. It's not healthy. The big reason any food manufacturer uses trans fat is to reduce spoilage thereby making the item cheaper. Families spending hundreds of dollars per month in health care related costs as a result of consuming trans fats regularly are not actually coming out ahead over all even though they saved a few pennies here and there buying cheaper nutritionals. Read about about it in my article: Cholesterol, then fats and triglycerides

Sadly Muscle Milk and CytoSport is just another company, in my opinion, depending on the ignorance of their consumers for a profit.  VERY unethical in my opinion.  Without that essential change in consumer demand for all natural wholesome ingredients we so desperately need CytoSport and other companies like it will continue feeding a national food supply that is NOT doing what it's intended to do, that is, to keep us Healthy.

Get Shakeology: Team Beachbody, the maker of Shakeology, profits by getting people healthy and changing lives with all natural wholesome nutritionals and exercise, period. Shipping is Free for life and you'll get two Free workout DVDs for a comprehensive approach to getting healthy.

Or sign up for the coach discounts and get 25% off in addition to Free shipping for life and two Free workout DVDs. click the Coach link to sign up for the Big 25% discounts.

Passion For Fitness 

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