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Friday, May 14, 2010

What makes Team Beachbody so different than Anything else you've been approached with?

Every business opportunity says you should join their organization because they have all these patents and whatever else.  I don't know about all those patents and stuff but if you can go out into the real world, the world you and I actually live in, and randomly ask ten people if they've ever heard of you without a single "yes" then who cares about those patents!  About 8 out of 10 people in America is already familiar with Team Beachbody or a product of Team Beachbody such as P90X because they either saw a TV Infomercial or they know someone whos life was positively transformed by a Team Beachbody Product.

Here are 9 reasons why I believe Team Beachbody truly is the most powerful opportunity in existence in the Real World that you and I both live in:

We are NEEDED more than ANY other industry in America in our History
80% of all deaths in America, today, is a result of chronic illness due to life style choices.  Our life style CHOICES, namely what we put into our mouths and the lack of physical activity in our lives, is the number one killer in America and still continues to climb.  Homicide ranks dead last in a list of the top 15 causes for death in America.  Even our kids for the first time in our entire history are eating their way (under the care of their parents or guardians & public schools) to diet related diseases and DYING.  The new consumer demand for casket makers in America is for the Short and Wide Caskets.  This is an inexcusable reality we've created as a nation and we need to reverse it.  It's the only responsible thing to do in any spirit of good conscience.

Harness the power of TV and National Branding
Team Beachbody spends $90 plus Million a year on TV infomercial advertising. In 2010 they've stepped it up to $124 Million dollars on TV infomercial advertising! That means if you're in this opportunity you get to leverage $124 Million dollars this year in free advertising for your own business. With that kind of advertising comes Name Brand Recognition. About 8 out of 10 people have seen the P90X, Turbo Jam, Hip hop abs, or Insanity Infomercial. It's VERY easy to talk to someone about this opportunity if they are already familiar with its products. We have 5 number one infomercials including the ALL TIME longest running and Most Successful Infomercial in American TV history, the P90X infomercial! No other opportunity out there can claim that! Only WE can claim number 1 and so can you as a Coach in this opportunity. Talking to people about a product they've never heard of is difficult. Talking to people about THIS is Easy. Harness it!

Free Customers
The TV infomercials generate customers. LOTS of customers; between 20,000 and 40,000 per week! With a 25% bump in advertising expenditures in 2010 their stands to be a lot more. Get in on this TODAY timing is always Everything because once you miss it you cannot go back in time and re capture. Timing is a Life Lesson not just a Team Beachbody thing.  Procrastination is the Cornerstone of ALL poverty.  Team Beachbody gives all those customers to qualifying coaches for Free. This is the ONLY network marketing company in the world doing this for it's affiliates. These aren't people ‘thinking’ about signing up. These are people who have already signed up and are buying product to get healthy. Team Beachbody is entrusting us to help them along their way as a peer support network. And guess what? You get to offer this same thing to your prospects to inspire them to sign up with you!

Win Cash for Weight Loss
Team Beachbody always has lots of different cash prize incentives just for loosing weight and getting healthy. This isn't nickel and dime stuff.  Some have won up to a quarter million dollars in cash prizes. Every day in the on-line super gym you get a chance to win up to $1,000 just for working out!  As an Independent Team Beachbody Coach you get to offer this incentive to ALL of your prospects whether they are interested in being a business partner or just interested in getting healthy.

Free Business Partners
Team Beachbody is currently working on a new infomercial aimed at inspiring individuals to take up the coaching opportunity. This will be the first Business Opportunity TV infomercial for Team Beachbody. Given their track record of creating number one national infomercials odds are favorable this infomercial will be off the charts. It will also be another first of it's kind that no one else is doing except Team Beachbody. Once you get to a certain point Team Beachbody is literally going to start dropping business partners into your organization to help you build your business. Just Imagine that for a second!!! There is actually going to be an Infomercial on TV that is going to drive business partners into your organization!  No other opportunity is doing this!

Work with top earners
If you've ever joined a network marketing company before and you've teamed up with someone who hasn't had much success it's like an amateur golfer trying to teach another amateur golfer how to play golf. If you're truly serious about building a business you need to team up with a team of professionals who have a proven track record of success. We have a LOT of people who have that track record of success that you get the opportunity of working with to build your own business. How much easier is it going to be for you to really get started and build your own home based business the right way if you don't have to re invent the wheel? In fact, Yours Truly (ME!), has had lots of success and I've had success at helping others in my Team build a successful home based business of their own to. If you're willing to do just a few simple things that most people aren't willing to do then I can help you become your own success story in your own Home based business that YOU own! Are you ready for that?

You will Have the Full Endorsement of the American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association just recently Fully Endorsed All Team Beachbody products and the business opportunity. It's true! They have NEVER supported a fitness company before in their history til now. They fully endorse P90X, Turbo Jam, Hip Hip Abs, SHAKEOLOGY, even the Coaching Opportunity! Everything! They just threw a big ole blanket over us and endorsed everything! Everyone is familiar with the American Diabetes Association and their mission. This is going to be VERY easy for us to go out and talk to people about this. You Get a chance to represent a product and a company that you can say the American Diabetes Association fully endorses! As if the infomercial name brand recognition wasn't enough! This is truly special guys and gals. No other home based business opportunity can touch this. They just can't! As far as endorsing the Coaching opportunity goes, my theory is that the ADA saw that even in the business opportunity we always put Fitness First! We do not make ANY Money for signing people up. We make money when product is moved and people are getting HEALTHY. Since your own fitness is the foundation of your business in this business there is also a lot of accountability added toward being a coach. Some people sign up for the coaching just for the accountability! This is a fact… Customers are either on or off the wagon. Coaches are ALWAYS on the wagon of health and fitness!  It's the accountability!

Impact product
Our products change lives and that is seriously still an understatement. Many times our products even save lives along with a lot of misery that would have lead up to the end. All of our programs come with both exercise and meal planning because you can't have one without the other and expect to get healthy. Not only that but all of our programs also come with community support, customer service, and a Free personal Coach to make absolutely sure they succeed IF they want to! No other fitness company in the nation is offering everything all bundled up into a ‘one stop shopping' package. Only WE are doing that and then we go the extra mile of throwing in a FREE Coach!

The ability for YOU to offer ALL of this to your prospects!
You get to utilize all of these powerful tools and assets but you also get to offer these same powerful tools and assets to YOUR prospects to! No other home based business opportunity is going to give you this kind of attraction to offer to your prospects so that you can more easily grow a thriving business of your own, period.

I hate to sound like a TV infomercial myself but seriously there is no better opportunity or time to free yourself from the clutches of a economy that's devastating so many of you. The moment that you sign up with me and begin building something that belongs to YOU is the moment you begin to become less and less vulnerable to the mercy of your employer, the economy, the government, your unstable pension etc until you're able to FINALLY declare total financial independence on YOUR own terms! I'm living proof this is an awesome business because I'm doing it! I no longer need a day job and I will show you how to start at the very bottom and go to the very top PART TIME.

Next Steps
1. Sign up: (Click the Coach Link and Call me) 
2. Start Building with our system; the same system that I was able to declare my financial independence with!
3. Succeed just by being actively immersed in this today, a year from now, and every day in between

I hope that you now see how unique and exciting this business is. I also hope that you understand that no other company is doing what Team Beachbody is doing for us. But it's up to you to make the final decision. I hope that you join us and I hope that whatever you do in life you do it with the greatest amount of happiness and success.

Passion For Fitness 

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