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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Read Shakeology Stories and Testimonials Submitted by Real People

I’m not leaving ANYTHING out I’m including both positive and negative feedback I’ve gotten from my Shakeology users. In all honesty it’s a pretty safe thing to do because I’ve NEVER received any negative feedback.  Just sayin :) Read...

“Shakeology made my body come alive. I look forward to each and every day. I finally realized that I can accomplish something because I now have the energy and the strength” Cammie Lusk (Watch her Youtube video from her Million Dollar Body Contest Victory

“I tried Shakeology today for the first time and I was full after just drinking half the glass! Thanks Tom for introducing me to it!!” Lorna Walmsley

"I just could not get the pounds off! P90X and Shakeology has changed that!"- Amy Harper

"HOLY SUPER DELICIOUS, BATMAN!!! I just made my first chocolate-peanut butter Shakeology..... WOW!!! I can't believe this stuff is healthy for you... :D I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!" - Colleen McCalip. 

"I was so impressed with Shakeology that I became a Beachbody Coach." Teresa Heaney. 

“I have noticed huge improvements on my digestive health and even though I used to have just occasional heartburn, I haven't had it as long as I have been using Shakeology every morning for breakfast. I make mine with skim milk and I believe that the milk also helps out.” Karen Marie Powell

“In addition to loosing weight, saving a ton of money in groceries, and feeling better Shakeology eliminated my hot flashes! :-)  I started Shakeology in July of ‘09 and no hot flashes since!  But right now I wouldn’t mind a hot flash or two as it’s only 18 degrees outside…brrr *laugh*” Angela Gee Bray

A few months later Angela adds:
“I haven't been sick either!!! My allergies still make me eye-itchy and sniffly sometimes, but NEVER SICK!! No colds, no flu, no stomach viruses, no sinus infections- nothing!! It's awesome.  Still now more hot flashes since before Shakeology and I’m 45 now!” Angela Gee Bray

"I honestly could not believe the difference in my energy level. I also could not believe that my sweet cravings were gone...I actually feel the difference if I miss a shake one day; my body craves it. It is delicious and satisfying, I feel full after I drink it..." - Paula, NV

“I just posted about how ever since I started drinking Shakeology (6mo ago) I have not been sick once...not even a cold! I have been keeping this info to myself for fear of saying it out loud as that would be bad luck :)” Pria Elisabeth Orth

“I have not been sick at all since Shakeology in November! Usually get 1 bad cold from the kids in the winter sometime. Everyone else was sick but me :)” Dave Prochaska

“I'm Type I Diabetic and Shakeology has been great. Never felt better in my life!” Austin Demary

"I feel healthier on the days I drink Shakeology, which has to be every day for me." – Mary Ann Kobes.   

"Shakeology is a necessity in my life now. It boosts my energy and my metabolism." – Beth Young.

"I had a few stubborn pounds to lose, and thanks to Shakeology I was able to do that!" – Mindy Kinsella.

“My dad for the past year or so has been in and out of the hospital for for multiple heart issues so I got him shakeology.  Two weeks after that I got a message from my step mom saying they have both been taking shakeology, their digestion and regularity is better, they feel better, dad is moving around more, they have more energy.  A month into it my dad goes back to the doctor and his doctor takes him off two of his heart medications, his cholesterol is down, he lost thirty pounds, I get to have my dad around longer because of shakeology.” Jimmy Nelson

“I feel more energized and lighter when I work out.  It satisfies me for 2 – 3 HOURS. After my shake I have to remind myself to eat I am not helps to regulate my blood sugar and my craving for sweets and chocolate. I have used metrx, eas, slimfast, ensure, myoplex and other meal replacement shakes and they just do not compare.  The satiety is truly amazing! I’m bi-polar/OCD and I use yoga, Pilates and exercise to fight depression. Without it I would be on meds and a mess. Last year I started turbo because I was deeply depressed; fat, my mom was dying; my dad was hospitalized. It was either the hospital for me or take charge of my health, so I took charge. My doc tapered me off the meds; helped me to channel the negative emotional energy into positive exercise. I conquered the OCD by confronting it. Beach Body, exercise; health are my passion.” ShevaunWilliams

“Tom, I haven't been sick since Halloween, I stopped drinking my SHAKEOLOGY like a wk before I got sick, just ran out of OJ so didn't drink it. I just started drinking it again this week, guess what, this week I'm BETTER!!! SHAKEOLOGY ROCKS!!! I'll drink it everyday for the rest of my life!!! Just wanted to share that with you!” Tina Drake

“I had my first Shakeology this morning!! I don't think I’ve ever tasted something so good for me that tastes so YUMMY!!!  IF you think this shake is anything like slimfast or any other weightloss/protein shake you have tried I can tell you you're wrong!! I have never tasted anything like this. It’s really amazing that it's actually good for you. I’m not selling it, have nothing to gain by convincing anyone, other than I know it's good for you and you will benefit from it in so many ways. If you are wondering at all, TRY IT!!”  - Emily Simonson Bouma

A few weeks later Emily writes again...

“I am just amazed by these products. I have watched what I eat for all of my adult life. I’m a boxing coach and nutrition is a big deal to us. But, honestly, between the nutrition and the p90x workouts, I have never felt better in my life!!” Emily Simonson Bouma

“Shakeology, yummy, day 3 of Shakeology religiously and my cough and sniffles are almost gone, my ears are totally unstuffed and I feel 95% better! Great considering Sunday I felt like death warmed over.  You know what else I love about the shakeology shakes? I didn't believe it until I’d had it several days in a row, it really does stave off hunger for hours unlike anything else I’ve ever tried, usually if I eat anything loaded w/ vitamins like this, about 2 or 3 hours later, I get super hungry, but 2 or 3 hours after my shakeology, I’m totally not hungry!  My friend swears by the Acai juice from GNC, so she talked me into wasting over $20  on a bottle of it, I took 2 ounces a day for a month and felt absolutely nothing.” Kathleen Anstrand

“I had my first Shakeology this morning and it is so yummy!!! I just did it with the choc and skim milk!!!! I placed my order this morning with my coach!!!!” Michele Kline

“I think Shakeology does greatly reduce menopausal symptoms” Lora Cummins

Drinking Shakeology "my cholesterol was cut in half on my last doctors visit this month and the blood pressure medicine that the doctor tried to put me on was thrown away under the direction of my doctor!!" David, Oklahoma

“MY GF'S DR (YES DOCTOR) said she should try the SHAKEOLOGY and she has DIABETES! SMART DR!” – Stacie Mille

"Shakeology is a great way to fight junk food and sweet cravings, increase energy, get regular, and it tastes fabulous!" Dottie Wood.

"I'm not getting my groceries for free so Shakeology was already paying for itself I just had to sign up for it to begin reaping the health benefits" - Shakeology user who saves $150 + a month in groceries and is 20 times healthier for it. She went on to tell me over the phone that even if she had to put out extra money for it the health benefits are more than worth it

"I feel good naked. That's how I feel" anonymous user

“I just posted about how ever since I started drinking Shakeology(6mo ago) I have not been sick once...not even a cold! I have been keeping this info to myself for fear of saying it out loud as that would be bad luck:)” Pria Elisabeth Orth
“Shakeology a thing that you just have to try yourself....IT IS LIKE NO OTHER DRINK on the market! The taste is AWESOMELY DELICIOUS!!!”  Tracy Boyd   

“I prefer the chocolate blended with milk and frozen berries. Some mornings I like to blend it with brewed coffee (or espresso) and ice. YUM YUM! I'm totally addicted to Shakeology!” Katie Peavy
“You just don't know how grateful I am that you introduced me to Shakeology! Feeling good is something so many people take for granted. I haven't felt at 100% in over ten years, so this is the biggest blessing I've had in over a decade. I think that's unbelievable! I thought it was going to taste nasty, like the protein shakes.  I stand corrected!  It tasted better than I thought it would.  I only used water, can imagine how nice it would taste with soy milk.  I actually wanted another one right after but gotta wait till tomorrow :P  I want it to last till next month when the next comes, so I’ll have to show some restraint!” Samantha B

“I cancelled my gym membership about one month into turbo jam! At first I thought I needed the gym membership for the know, treadmill and stuff but I actually saw more results in my body after one month on Turbo Jam then I did in 20 years going to the gym! Turbo Jam shrunk inches off my abs that I had believed to be "genetic" and nothing could be done about it! I wrote a letter to the gym and told them to cancel my membership ASAP! That was last march of 2009 and ever regretting it!!!!” Christina M Sears

“I use to get nauseated every morning and it was terrible. Only a few days into Shakeology I woke up without feeling nauseous for the first time in a long time! I have not had a nauseous morning since then and that was over 6 months ago!” Joyce Birkenmeyer (My Mom!)

“For me personally, I am saving well over $200 a month from not having to buy the tons of produce every week. I am new to Shakeology, but I love it and already my friends are wanting to jump on the bandwagon. It seems like a lot of money to pay out for Shakeology at first, but when you're able to cut out your produce if you are already eating healthy, you are going to save a LOT of money! And for the people who are eating junk food and hardly spending any money, even if you have more out of pocket expense, think of it as paying a little to have a few years added on to your life. How priceless is that?  It's so true, I really am. If I were to buy all the fresh food I would require on a daily basis, my grocery bill would amount to nearly 400 per month just for me alone. I know this because I have done it. I have had to skimp on nutrients and try to make it up by taking vitamins to save money but I ALWAYS physically felt like crap. Now all I spend on food for myself a week is around $30-$40, and I get everything I need! Add Shakeology in for about another $30 and even with those two combined, I have still cut my grocery bill in half. And I'm not missing out on any foods I love. That is with me buying everything I wanted to eat. (Non-healthy items excluded of course!) Now add in all my Dr. visits for health problems like high cholesterol, blood pressure, heart problems, general sicknesses which I will no longer have to worry about. Co-pays are around $20 a pop. I was having to visit the Dr. at least once a month, so drinking Shakeology is saving me another 240 a year in Dr. visits plus medicines are expensive. It gives me the energy I need to complete a workout, which gives my mood a real boost! So you can even potentially save on mood herbs and medicines like antidepressants. I'm sorry this is such a long post, I'm just so grateful for what good things Shakeology is doing in my life, and if you cut out one day a week of going out to eat, you've pretty much paid for it, even without all the other savings.” Samantha B

Shakeology Website and Ordering 

Watch this short 12 minute video to learn about the Enormous Health Benefits of Shakeology:

If you want to run Shakeology by your Doctor or other Health Care professional by all means please do.  Here is a printer friendly nutritional data sheet: (It's not uncommon for a Health care professional to want some Shakeology for themselves after reading the nutritional data. If your health care worker would like some please refer him/her to me at where my contact info and ordering info can be found.)

These are just a “few” of the testimonials I’ve received from Shakeology users. It grows nearly every day! I represent a couple hundred products. This one product alone generates more life changing stories than all my other products combined; making this one product the most beneficial product I have ever represented, ever.

My Shakeology users are men and women, young and old, diabetic and non diabetic, pre diabetic, over weight and under weight, sufferers of many types of chronic pain, the regularly sick with the change of the seasons, the regularly sick for no apparent reason, the chronically ill that doctors cannot figure out, sufferers of hot flashes, sufferers of irritable bowl syndrome and other gastro intestinal problems, sufferers of nausea, fatigued regularly with low energy, the over all healthy, the super athletic, the couch potato, the busy person, the retired person, the list goes on and on. Every day I’m AMAZED at the health problems some of my users have had that doctors have not been able to treat successfully or cure.  Doctors and Health Care Providers NEED to know about Shakeology.  Please refer them to me.  To this day EVERY single user of mine who has tried Shakeology loves it! This is how I will help over turn the trend of obesity in our great nation. This is how people can most affectively get healthy and feel better in a safe and sustainable way.

Passion Fitness

The contents on this Site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health provider with any questions you may have regarding your unique needs and medical condition.

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