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Monday, July 21, 2008

Are you up for a challenge?

Many of us make New Years resolutions every year... but do they work ?

A fellow coach created this challenge and I wanted to share it with everyone who is up for a meaningful enormously beneficial challenge.

If you are looking to get your life back on track, loose weight, get in shape... be healthy again I have a challenge for you to kick start your program...

If you do not currently have a workout routine in place contact me and I'll help you get going on this...

Lets set a goal and take on the challenge for the next 30 days to start with... then we can add on from there if you would like...

The Challenge:
1. You must be willing to follow a food program (MDB Club, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or other.) It must be an established food program.
In other words, you cannot make up your own program!

2. You must be willing to work out at least 6 days per week - it doesn't matter how long the workout is (a 20 minute workout is still a workout!) AND log your workouts into WOWY each day. You need to stay dedicated to your exercise program as much as your food program! Your workout can be walking, jogging, biking, other activity at a gym or at home or any Beachbody workout program.

3. You need to drink 8-12 glasses of water per day.
YES! Water is important to your diet! Not only does it help flush out all the toxins in your body, but it helps speed up your metabolism!!

4. You must participate in this message board as often as you can (at least once per week). This is important to stay focused and accountable and help support each other. Of course, participation in other message boards is great, but you need to participate in this one at least once per week hopefully more if you can.
(I will direct you to the message boards)

5. You must connect with your MDB Coach (or other mentor) at least once per week via email. This is another way to stay focused, accountable and supported. This is very important! (that would be me... I would love to help keep you accountable)

The reason I love this challenge is because it tackles specific reasons why so many of us set fitness goals, and fail. Lets get fit and stay that way for life.

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