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Saturday, August 14, 2010

In a 3 year time span you can turn ANYTHING around

August 12th 2010 marks my three year anniversary that I signed up for the Team Beachbody Coaching and fitness opportunity.  August 16th marks day one of my first round of P90X.  Here is a small but potent before and after comparison between then and now...

Before Team Beachbody:
I was badly out of shape / easily winded / beginning to develop ugly skinny fat around my gut
I was poor / ZERO income / no benefits / no job because it was off shored to India
I was attending college full time and a half so I had no time
I owned nothing except a car and some musical stuff I purchased before my job was off shored
My personal freedom was VERY limited because of my lack of time, money, and health

After 3 years of Team Beachbody:
I'm in the best shape of my life.  (I managed to accomplish this in only the FIRST 90 days from using P90X)
I'm making more money than I've ever made at a JOB (JOB = Just over broke)
I'm no longer poor if I see something I want I can generally buy it without trying to squeeze blood from a turnip
At age 32 I retired from day job life (the on going fruitless job search) and bought a home in CASH NO MORTAGE!!!  (A feat most people never accomplish in there entire lives and I accomplish it in less than three years from having nothing to where I'm at now)
My range of personal freedom has HUGELY increased because I have more time, money, and health and that is why I continue doing this.  It's for the freedom NOT the money.

None of this is meant to impress you.  It's meant to impress upon you what's possible if you're willing to do just a few simple things every day that most people are not willing to do (unless you're doing alright and wish to change nothing then you're already fine).  If you're not willing to do what most people aren't willing to do then you'll always have what most people have.  And if you wait til tomorrow then you have a logistical nightmare because tomorrow never comes it's always a day away.  You're ship is already here, docked and waiting for YOU.  I didn't accomplish because I waited. I accomplished because I signed up, got in the game, and stayed in the game consistently.   Any of you, if you want to, can take any two or three year time span and change EVERYTHING in your life if you are willing to pay a price of good ol' fashion hard work and discipline.

Do the right actions every day long enough to give it a chance to work and time will be working for you instead of against you.  I promise!  It's a universal law it happens every time.  OWN YOUR LIFE even the parts that are painful or seem totally unfair.  That's how you gain real power over your life.  It's not the government, your friends, family, it's certainly not your job, it's YOU; the same person who can turn it all around :-)  But if it's not you then you have no power to change anything.  Own it!  :-)

A couple philosophical articles that I've used to propel me out of financial and physical devastation to a MUCH better place.  I hope that you can be enlightened by them.  Especially the one by Jim Rohn...

The cost of waiting for tomorrow  - Me
Action VS. Self Delusion - Jim Rohn

Tom - Passion For Fitness 

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