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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Model it and LIVE it

More than anything I want to partner up with people who are sick and tired of seeing so much suffering that is so preventable and reversible if only more people would step up and be the model of a healthier life style our cultural problems with obesity and childhood type 2 diabetes would begin reversing.

Modeling it and actually LIVING IT is what inspires people to change not talking about it.  If you're only talking about it you're still part of the problem.  The talk and inaction has gotten so bad that now a days our kids are literally dying from this problem along with adults.

It's inexcusable to continue to be part of the problem. We live in an unsustainable existence when the majority of the population is over weight and modeling a "rot to death" life style that our kids are emulating.

Step up, hate apathy enough to kill it, and be part of the solution.  We have infinite powers to end the trend of obesity and diabetes.  Stop rotting and grow.  Our kids will model our behavior.  Don't let it be a behavior of cowardly talking a good game all the while taking no initiative.  Lets do this!


My "Hate apathy enough to kill it" video

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