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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Be a GRAND Lover Of Life and a Student and Teacher To Others

"I'm also SO FED UP with exercising, I'm just too lazy! And caring about eating is just well, annoying. I hate the way human body 'works'."

I wont cite the source from where I got this from but this is a real person that I feel represents how some other people may feel about exercise and nutrition. I'll call this person Jane for argument sake.

Not to sound harsh but the problem with this view is extreme ignorance. I asked Jane "why?" and followed up with "where did you learn about exercise and nutrition and how the human body 'works'?". Jane sadly bought into the fads, the myths, the pre packaged hope in a box, the quick and easy, the over night miracles, the rumors, and the spend tons of money on fancy gadgets ideas. The reason some people buy into fruitless programs and methods is because they are EASY and require little to no effort in learning. Some of these fruitless and even harmful programs and methods may or may not be physically demanding but the common denominator is that they are all EASY and require little to no effort in learning. Any program or method that has you arbitrarily going through the motions without teaching you anything is a BAD program or method.

An understanding, a purpose, and even a feeling of wellness in physical activity and good nutrition comes down to your personal philosophy. If you are lazy in learning then you will end up like Jane and miss out on being more durable and less vulnerable in the real world. If you are lazy in learning you must change your personal philosophy IF you want a better life, period. If you are not lazy in learning you have a much better chance at success in anything and everything which leads to a better life for yourself and your family.

The learning process is one VERY important reason why it is pure choice for me to be an independent beachbody coach. The programs, the club, the plans, the supplements etc... It all comes with an education IF you are not lazy in learning and plug yourself into the process. This is an education that you take with you for the rest of your life and it will enable you to do great things to help other people live healthier lives. If you really care about someone, show them how they can enjoy life more. I can tell you first hand that I am enjoying life more than before because I have gained an amazing ability to almost never get sick anymore, I am strong, It takes a LOT to fatigue me so I am able to do MUCH more than before, my mind is more focused, my self esteem is miles higher than before, I'm able to enjoy my food more because of my stellar metabolism and less inhibited taste sensors etc... If you really care about people the best thing you can do is learn a valuable skill that improves the quality of life and then teach it to others. That is why I am an independent beachbody coach.

The human body innately wants physical activity AND natural foods that can be digested and metabolized, much of which is used for energy production. The harshest thing you could do to your mind and body is to hate LEARNING, exercise, and nutrition and then lead a sedentary lifestyle. Once you become an adult you gradually begin to loose what you don't use. This includes the loss of muscle, bone density, immune response, vitamins and minerals in the skin that keeps you looking young (buying the best makeup cannot possibly substitute that), metabolic functions, respiration, mind focus, nervous system functionality and a host of other things that will you inevitably loose over time. Gradually loosing these things over time exacerbates the natural aging process, makes you winded more easily over time, more susceptible to illness and disease, more difficult to fight off illness and disease, inhibits cognitive thought etc... In a nut shell you become less durable and useful in the real world while becoming more vulnerable to injury, illness, low self esteem, unsuccessful tasks, lower energy etc... Who wants that???

This article is part of my effort to weed out the lazy who don't want to change and simultaneously appeal to those who are HUGE lovers of life. Life is a cabaret man live healthy and feel spectacular :) IF you would like to join me in joining Team Beachbody I'd be honored. Join me right here:

Tom - Grand lover of Life and student and teacher to others.

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