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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Personal Training by Tom Birkenmeyer (Almost!) :)

"As soon as I can take the exams and register a dba with my county clerks office my personal training business is open! This is just for you to sink your teeth into for now. Numbers 2 and 3 of my services are already open so read on SIGN UP :)"

I offer services in three ways. 1.) Personal training services. 2.) Independent Beachbody Coaching services. Some people do best with one or the other or both. I can help you decide which way is best for you if you would like. Let me know! 3.) Because my business will take business away from other personal trainers I have something for you as well to level the playing field for all of us.

1.) My personal training services. - highly affective in getting you the results you want. I come to you in the comforts of your own home or we can meet at another mutually agreed upon location such as a park.

Single Person Sessions:

$60 pay as you go
$55 when you purchase a package of 10
$50 when you purchase a package of 20

Group Session (2 - 3 people)

$80 pay as you go ($27 - $40 per person)
$75 when you purchase a Package of 10 ($25 - $40 per person)
$70 when you purchase a Package of 20 ($23 - $35 per person)

Group Session (4 - 5 people)

$100 pay as you go ($33 - $50)
$95 when you purchase a Package of 10 ($32 - $48)
$90 when you purchase a Package of 20 ($30 - $45)

Group Session (6 – 9 people)

$120 pay as you go ($13 – $15 – $17 - $20)
$115 when you purchase a Package of 10 ($13 – $14 – $16 - $19)
$110 when you purchase a Package of 20 ($12 – $14 – $16 - $18)

Group Session (10 or more people)

$11 per person

2.) My Independent Beachbody coaching services - entirely FREE for LIFE, not as a personal trainer but as a coach, and is highly affective at getting you results. All you have to do is sign up WITH ME for the Team Beachbody Club (only $2.99 per week billed quarterly to remove all guess work out of your nutrition), get on a Beachbody daily multi vitamin or Shakeology or both, purchase a Beachbody program that you will commit to faithfully and you automatically get my COACHING services FREE for LIFE. If you are within driving distance I will even show you how to get started in person and measure your progress every 30 days or so. While I’m there on those every 30 days or so I will gladly help you with any problems you may be having and answer any questions. I can even show you some modifications so that you get the most out of any workout.

You have the option of hiring my personal training services AND signing up with me in Beachbody simultaneously if that works for you. If you sign up for my independent Team Beachbody Coaching services then my personal training services, for some people, is not really necessary. It just depends on your budget and your wants. I don’t believe in asking people to spend unnecessary money especially in this economy. As your Independent Beachbody coach I will be able to help you make healthy life style changes, better food choices, motivate you, hold YOU accountable, and ultimately help you develop into a fully functional independently healthy human being for yourself and your family.

Here is a rough breakdown of my Independent Beachbody coaching services and process (notice no price list here because my independent Beachbody Coaching services are free):

  1. Contact me before, during, or after you sign up for the Team Beachbody club so that I can answer your questions, help you decide which program would be best for you, and which daily multi vitamin or Shakeology would be best for you for staying in compliance and for accomplishing your goals.

  2. Sign up with me for “The Club” here:
    Sign up for the
    and pick out a Beachbody program. Picking out a program is hugely important. I don’t want you to be miserable in your workouts. The body innately wants to be worked out or it wears out more quickly with age! Picking out a program that is fun to do is essential here. I LOVE that I get to workout every day simply because I have a blast doing them and that is what I want to show you.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the club area online. This service is open to you 24/7. In the club you can generate very personalized meal plans based on your goals, built in vegetarian options are available, detailed preparations for if you like to cook from scratch or not, you can print up grocery lists so you know exactly what to buy and how much of what to buy to meet your meal plan needs, you can expand your network of support endlessly with other club members, you can keep diaries and journals, track your progress in relation to your goals, you can even enter contests to win money; up to $25,000 just for working out as a club member. I have several friends who have won $300, $1,000, $10,000 and even the grand prize of them all which goes to show it’s very possible you could end up winning a contest just for working out as a club member!

  4. In a few days your program will arrive along with any other purchases. You have my expertise and help for free for life in my capacity as a coach with an academic background in exercise and nutrition so use me! Read all of the contents of your respective program. I can’t say this with enough emphasis… Make yourself take all of your “before” pictures and measurements as outlined in the program materials. It’s time sensitive that you do so. You will never have an opportunity to do this again once your body starts changing. I cannot emphasis this enough!

  5. Write down your goals and what you want to get out of this (i.e. more energy, toning, weight loss, flexibility, total fitness, eating healthy so you can be around a long time for your kids to teach them as well etc.) If you just keep them in your head and not on something tangible like paper then your goals will never seem real enough to do whatever it takes to accomplish them.

  6. Write down any obstacles that have kept you from reaching your goals in the past.

  7. Communicate this with me so that I may help you figure out how to overcome these obstacles. I don’t want anything to get in the way of the learning and doing processes. Those obstacles that kept you from your goals in the past must be dealt with or you risk being stopped by those same obstacles again.

  8. Pick a date on the calendar to begin day one of your Beachbody program then circle that date on your calendar with a marker so that it looks absolutely ridiculous and stands out. Keep that calendar somewhere out in the open so you see it several times every day.

  9. Day one has come. Time to work out and work on the all new you! Remember to focus on making healthy life style changes more than focusing on results. The results will come and they could even come faster than you think if you follow the program including the performance nutrition you will get from the club that you signed up for.

  10. As you embark on your initial conditioning and improvement phases utilize all available assets of your support structure and club materials. Never give up on yourself. You don’t give a baby a deadline to learn how to walk or forget it do you? Of course not so don’t give yourself that option when it comes to your health either.

  11. Success!!! Accomplish your goals and begin the very rewarding new phase of your new life, the maintenance phase! It’s time to maintain your new found stellar health and over all feeling of wellness, FOR LIFE :) The maintenance phase should be filled with variety and new challenges to keep yourself from relapsing forever. Breathe and enjoy your life. Always look for new mountain peaks to climb to keep yourself from getting bored. The maintenance phase is meant to reward yourself with in stellar health and wellness for the rest of your life so treat it as such and it will treat you VERY good in return :)

Most fitness outlines don’t quite go this far. I include the journey and success in this process because you MUST see yourself winning in the end. If you can’t see yourself winning from the beginning then you may sabotage your success before you even get started, making your efforts meaningless. Successful people share a few common personal philosophies that make them successful and one of those common personal philosophies is this… Your attitude before you even get started will determine success or failure in the end.

A Team Beachbody philosophy and three step process that I think beautifully sums up success is this… Decide. Commit. Succeed.

3.) Are you already a personal trainer? I realize I have a huge advantage over you and am taking business away from you if you’re not already supplementing your personal training services with something else. I know personal trainers throughout the country and EVERYWHERE personal trainers are loosing clients due to the economy. Some have even gotten out of the profession all together because their income dropped too much to afford the cost of living and the last minute cancellations got to be too much of a frustration. I invite you to expand your personal training services with me. A “bad” economy has no affect on my income whatsoever. I have actually increased my income this past year while everyone else saw a drop in theirs, especially my personal trainer friends who have not expanded. Expand your personal training business into Independent Beachbody coaching and grow your income back up again to levels higher than previous earnings. Other personal trainers are doing it, I am doing it, and it’s taking business away from those all over the country who won’t expand. You will actually have the added benefit of having me show you exactly how I do it so that you don’t have to re invent the wheel. If you are looking to increase revenues and not have to worry about clients quitting because of the summer, holiday spending, or a bad economy, then watch this short presentation:
VideoPresentation for Personal Trainers

Are you ready to expand? Join me

Oh yes, ANYONE can be a coach with me.
All you need is to make your health a priority in your life and a willingness to help others. Most Independent Beachbody coaches are not personal trainers and are earning extra money anyway. Join me

Tom – Independent Beachbody coach and Personal Trainer (almost) :)

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