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Friday, March 5, 2010

Put Yourself First So You Can Help the Many

“I can’t put myself first there are too many people who need me and I have to generous of a heart to do so!”

The most selfless thing you can do is PUT YOURSELF FIRST IN YOUR LIFE.  Self neglect makes you less capable of helping others.  If you’re argument for self neglect is so you can more effectively help others then you have no argument and your ACTIONS are rather quite selfish than selfless even if you mean well.

Without great health, vitality, and clarity of mind you can’t be as affective as you could have been if only you had put yourself first.  There is nothing selfish about this philosophy.  Putting yourself first so you can help the many is the single most unselfish philosophy there is!  It may be hard for some to wrap their mind around but the honest to god truth is if you put yourself first, with selfless intentions, you will be able to act more selflessly in helping others than you could have otherwise.

It’s frustrating for me, as someone actively working in the world to help people live healthier lives, to hear someone say they are too busy helping other people to help themselves.   They even denote pride in using their generous giving nature to justify trashing their own lives in the name of helping others.  They are dead wrong in thinking they are somehow more affective in helping others while they just let their own health go.  I don’t know about any of you but I don’t even want help from someone trashing their own life in the name of helping me.  I’m too selfless to expect or want that out of anyone.

I’m not only speaking to people trashing their own lives in the name of helping other people.  I’m also speaking to those receiving help from those trashing their own lives to do so.  A totally selfless act when you see someone trashing their own life in the name of service to someone else would be to talk to that person about the selfless act of “me time” so that they can be more capable in living their passion of helping the many more effectively without eventually self destructing.  For every person who refuses to at least decompress once and a while that same person will inevitably suffer a nervous break down, clinical exhaustion, a Monday morning stroke right out of bed, possibly even death.  It may not happen today or next year but you should know that it WILL happen in your lifetime if YOU do not take care of yourself.  It’s much better to intervene on yourself now rather than by the force of nature later.  You will not pass on of natural causes peacefully in your sleep at a ripe old age if you don’t take care of yourself as often as you need to.

Take a bath, read a good book, listen to good audio, watch a relaxing movie, meditate, pray, exercise every day, eat wholesome nutritious food everyday, drink a Shakeology every day, go for a walk in a peaceful area, go fishing, go for a bike ride, go for a jog, go out for a nice dinner, spend time around people who make you feel good, listen to music that allows you to decompress, take a vacation, take in a massage, have a small bowl of an all natural ice cream after lunch, enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate, have a glass of red wine once and a while with your dinner, light some candles, practice yoga, do whatever you’ve got to do to put yourself first so you can help the many more effectively and do it REGULARLY!  If you took a bath or a shower just once and stopped you’d start stinking very quickly.  Your mental, spiritual, and physical health work the same way.

Put yourself FIRST so you can help the many,

Passion For Fitness

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