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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do you have the Character to achieve something great as defined by your own goals?

Babe Ruth lead the professional baseball league in strike outs but he also lead the league in home runs. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. The wright brothers spent years failing until their tireless inexhaustible refinements brought them to inventing the airplane and its first successful flight at Kitty Hawk. I personally hear excuses and have to deal with people flaking out of appointments without so much as a phone call more often than most are willing to endure but I bought a new house in cash, retired from the day job life, and declared my personal independence all at age 32 years old and in the best physical health of my life.

Do you have the guts, the drive, the persistence, the character, the philosophies ingrained within you to fail over and over until you achieve something great through personal growth and development? That "something great" is different for everyone so lets just call it personal freedom to encompass everything for everyone.

I retired from day job life and purchased a new home in cash all at age 32. This is a purchase 95% of Americans are never able to make in their whole lifetime. Consequently 95% of Americans are not willing to fail 10,000 times, lead the league in strike outs, or spend years of their efforts failing until their tireless inexhaustible refinements achieve something life changing. The 5% is equally as deserving as the 95%. That's not a judgment statement. Some of those in the 95% are happier than some who are in the 5% and vice versa. My belief is that the universe has a mysterious way of rewarding everyone by way of deserving accordingly. In other words, if you want to reap first you must sew.

The "I don't want to try anything new if I can't do it right the first time" philosophy is a sure fire formula for failure and the universe in its mysterious powers will reward accordingly. Not the kind of failure that brings you closer to success, but the kind of failure that brings a person to loser-ville.

I am financially free in an economy that is currently devastating tens of millions of people. I am more physically fit and free than I've ever been in my life all while my country's bill of health is the worst its ever been not just in our own nation, but in the history of the entire industrial world. Money isn't everything and what better nation to lead by example than the United States.  We are the richest nation in the world and the most disease riddled. We are the only nation in the world who's poverty stricken people are over fed, under nourished, and fat.

My ultimate vehicle for claiming my own personal independence, my own freedom, living my American dream is the Team Beachbody Coaching Opportunity.

I endure more excuses, more nos, more negative everything than most people. But I have more of my own freedom than most people. Financially speaking I'm in the top 5%. For people only in their 30s I am in the top 1%. Do you think its worth going through all the negative people? YES!! It is. Besides I'm also surrounded by many very positive nurturing people just within this absolutely wonderful team of Coaches. And that is why I succeed. I am involved! I'm connected! And you can be to IF you want to.  I sift through the weeds and place my focus, my energy, and my emotional stock into positive nurturing kind of people.   I minimize my involvement and sometimes terminate my involvement in people who make me sick because my success depends on it and there is no honor in letting someone, including friends, drag you down with them.  Don't you agree?  If someone loves you they won't insist on dragging you down with them.  Instead, if they love you, they will nurture and support you and hopefully rise up with you if they are sinking and need to make some changes to.

A good question for you to ask yourself to see if the Team Beachbody opportunity is right for you would be, "Am I willing to go through the weeds, the thorns, the hot sun, the rocky grounds and the negative people to get to the fertile soil, the positive nurturing people, the calm cool days, the fruits, the prize, and ultimately gain my own personal freedom? Am I willing to do the things that most people are not willing to do so that I can have the things that most people don't have because I deserve it for doing those things most won't do? Am I willing to stop thinking about it, exit "analytical paralysis" and enter into action???"

Ask yourself those questions and be honest because I know this opportunity is not for everyone. If you're not willing to absolutely commit yourself to personal growth then this opportunity is not for you. If you are then it is. I'm not just talking a good game here my life has changed in every way forever and I want yours to change to IF you want it to. This is an awesome business, I'm proving its an awesome business, you can prove its an awesome business with your own future success story.

Team up with me in Team Passion Beachbody Coaches. Its not just me, it's us. There are many of us in Team Passion and in Team Beachbody. It's a people helping people business bringing the fun and the passion into what we are doing driven by a meaningful purpose and many, many forged friendships.

Are you ready to make some changes and to be part of a Team?

Call me lets get started in this process. 262-344-1733.


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