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Monday, November 15, 2010

The ultimate purpose of a job is to... - By Tom Birkenmeyer. Hey that's me!!!

...give you something to do to pay your bills as you work on your wealth in your spare time as well as your security and a greater sense of purpose in the world.

Jobs truly are a good thing as a temporary means to afford your cost of living while you work as part time as you need to to build up a passive income.  That's primarily why I spend my money on MADE IN THE USA whenever possible.  It's one way I can make a contribution DAILY that empowers YOU to step up and own your life so that you can be paid what your worth and live a better life. Or maybe for you personally a job is a good thing because that's all you want to do and have no higher ambitions for yourself and for serving others with a product or a service you can provide to them of value.  I'm not judging your motives for why you might want a job either temporarily or permanently.  That's a personal choice you make that you can either be happy or sad with.  However I do know most people hate their jobs.  And I also know that most people who love their jobs are one paycheck away from bankruptcy.  I also know that some people, whether they are in love with their job or in contempt of their job, have a much higher sense of purpose in their life than to build some elses dream.  Some people, whether they love their job or hate their job, want to be paid more than only 1/3rd of the value they bring to their employer.  Don't kid yourself if you're an employee then your corporate environment, your employer, and taxes are absorbing the overwhelming majority of the value you bring rather than you absorbing the value for the work that you do.  Seem fair?  Hardly not.  But that's the nature of the beast of being an employee.

Like it or not building up a passive income that you own has become a VERY practical matter.  Actually that's not entirely true it's ALWAYS been a very practical thing to do it's just that in the past ten years or so the Economy has underscored how important it is to have a passive income that YOU own.

What do I mean by a passive income?  Imagine this... You've worked at your job for X number of years, did everything you were suppose to do and suddenly your job is gone at no fault of your own.  Maybe your company downsized, maybe they off shored your job to India, maybe it has nothing to do with the economy who knows... The important thing for you is you tied all of your income and benefits to your job so it's all gone because you had all of your eggs in one basket, the wrong basket!  If you did just a little bit of something every day toward building a your own passive income  in your spare time during all those years you were employed then you'd still have an income along with your house and everything you own.  Odds are after years of doing just a little bit of something every day by this point your passive income would have taken over as your larger income.  Cool hey?  Can you imagine how much less stress would be created by the loss of your job?  Probably very little to none at all.

Another example of what I mean by Passive Income... Imagine you LOVE your job.  As a result, if you're like most people, there is nothing driving you to grow closer toward the full development of your human potential.  There are no "logs in the fire" to drive you to keep growing as a human being and maybe you lack the wisdom to realize that lifes great adventure is the continuous growth toward the full development of your human potential and the wise use of all your resources.  God knows I lacked that specific wisdom for the first 30 years of my life and I suffered for it after my comfortable job was off shored to India.  But shortly after I GAINED so much more.  I NEEDED to loose my job at no fault of my own or otherwise as I look back I fear I may not have done anything else to grow and contribute more to the world.  Thank you god for for throwing a big fat wrench into my original retirement plan. THANK YOU!  For a LOT of people contentment is the formula for a rotting mind and body.  Are you content in a job that you love?   If so, has it stunted your personal growth?

 Another example of what I mean by Passive Income... Going back to school for a higher education to better yourself is a popular thing now.  This is a good thing so long as the individual couples new knowledge with daily actions.  However; what most students are not doing is building up a passive income.  Most students today are students that are going back to school at an older age AFTER spending X number of years in the work force but fell on hard economic times which lead to their going back to school.  Now imagine this... YEARS before you fell on hard economic times you started to do just a little bit of something every day in your spare time to build up a passive income that you own.   Years of doing a little bit of something every day has resulted in HUGE growth in your passive income and YOU own it!  Now you have choices when hard economic times hit!  You can simply leave the job scheme and begin contributing to the world in your own way and on your own terms FULL TIME, you can go to school and not have to pick up another job to afford school as well as cost of living which is going to free up your spare time to spend with your family and friends, you can do whatever you want to do.   But if you're like most people and have done nothing to build a passive income then your options are extremely limited and that's a result of a daily slight error in judgment you have been making up til now compounded over a long period of time.

If you're reading this thinking to yourself, my god I have done nothing all these years to get ahead and now I'm broke, don't beat yourself up.  Be upset if you need to make some changes.  Being upset doesn't bother me.  After all a LOT of people need to be upset first before action comes.  I needed it. Apparently I needed to be devastated, upset, and pissed off.  My feelings lead to a discovery process which was VERY painful.  Through my journey that I became very active in I finally started to openly put good things into my brain, change my philosophies, and shape my life on my terms and how I wanted it shaped.  In a sequence of events it went like this... Devasted / hurt feelings --> discovery process ---> putting the blame fully on my own shoulders ---> correcting the errors of the past namely my philosophies because philosophies are behind everything ---> developing and shaping my own life how I wanted it.

See most people have no problem reaching devastation and hurt feelings.  We don't even need any help getting there it just happens it's part of lifes great adventure.  Some people even embark on a discovery process but where most people fail and prevents them from succeeding is the Blame game.  "It's the economy, it's politics, its my friends, its anything but me".  You already know that you have very little to no control whatsoever over politics, the economy, whats going on over in Asia etc.. so why then blame those things you have no control over?  By doing so you rob yourself of all your power over your own life.  That's not an intelligent thing to do.  If you think I'm wrong then keep surrendering your power to whatever it is you're blaming and see if your situation is any better a year from now.  I've seen it in the lives of everyone who fights that fundamental and ya know what?  They are not in the same boat today as they were a year ago, they are in a WORSE boat than they were in a year ago. The even keel belief is a false belief to.  Even keel doesn't exist you're either moving up or down the mountain.  If you can figure out a way to pause time then perhaps even keel can occur.  But then if you pause time you'll just be in the same undesirable situation forever so that wouldn't really serve you either.  Time has got to keep moving forward so that you can harness the power of time to work for you.  But the caveat to that is if you're not positioning your daily actions for time to work for you then it's going to work against you, always.

The moral of my blog is if you work a job to afford the cost of living while in your spare time you build a passive income by providing continuous value to a lot of peoples lives, helping them live a better life, then you can live your life however you want to live it.  Fire your boss, keep your boss, absorb lost wages without even noticing, go to school, stay at home, go on missionary trips to help children in South America, travel, spend more time with family and friends, contribute more to the world you live in, etc...  You can do anything with a passive income.  But if you do what most people do, which is nothing, then you're options are extremely limited by your daily slight error in judgment.  And maybe you want limited options which is fine I'm not telling anyone how to live.  But most people don't want limited options.  If you're like most people and want more freedom then DON'T DO WHAT MOST PEOPLE DO!  Don't think like they think, don't talk like they talk, don't specialize in what they specialize in.  Walk away from the 95% of Americans who aren't doing anything to realize their dreams.  There is no other way to shape your life how you want.  It typically takes years but if you get started TODAY NOT TOMORROW then your day will arrive sooner.  But most people won't which makes it EASIER for the 5% to get ahead.   After all, if everyone did it then the bar would be set higher making it more difficult to be among the 5% crazy enough to go after their dreams.  Next time you see a 95% percentile love them and thank them for making your journey easier.  You've just gotta take that journey and get started today.

In all scenarios it's only a two step process to pull yourself out of an undesirable situation, or a future undesirable situation that you haven't woken up to you yet, so you may be better situated in the future.  1.  It's YOUR fault.  OWN IT.  It may not be your fault if your job was off shored to India, or that your hours were cut, or that your job treats you unfairly and without the integrity you deserve, or that you might not even know it yet but one day you will experience a rude awakening from your employer and you have no passive income to make up for the UNPREDICTABLE rude awakening etc.. But it is your fault that you are in a position of Extreme dire vulnerability because you did nothing to build up a passive income that you own so that when the unpredictable would happen you'd be fine.  Unpredictables are part of life it's not "IF", it's "WHEN". So be ready for that.  No one is stopping you from doing that but YOU.  Get out of your own way!  In the USA you do not have to ask for permission to be successful.  You don't have to get permission from anyone, certainly not your employer, to build up a passive income in your spare time that will eventually DWARF your job income that you OWN.  Knowing all of this, it is absolutely your fault if you've tied all of your income and benefits into your job and suddenly your income is ZERO if something happens to that job.  It's your life, own it! Til you Own it, your employer owns it.

My call to action to you, if you love or hate your job, is to start doing a little bit of something every day in your spare time to build up a passive income that you own.  If you think you have time to put this off because you're comfortable then remember this... Most people spend years building up a passive income before it can replace the income from their job.  If you put this off and in the next one or two years something happens to your job then you are 100% responsible for your financial scenario.  And odds are the something that happens to your job will be something unpredictable.  Even if you're job is secure because you work for the government!  What's going to happen to you if need to come up with ten thousand dollars emergency money FAST?  But still, the most important part of all of this, is continued personal growth don't stagnate here no matter how comfortable and set you are.   Get started and get started today.  And here is the best part about building a passive income that you own... The money is something secondary unless you're broke then it becomes a temporary primary need for obvious reasons.  If you're providing value to people that helps them live a better life then you're going to feel like your life has real purpose behind it.  Making money by itself fills no real purpose.  It's what you do with it to fuel more ideas to help MORE people live happier healthier more fulfilling lives.  I'm not an Independent Team Beachbody coach because I'm motivated by wealth. Money serves VERY little motivation for me.  It's the freedom that it buys me and the larger capacity to do more to help others live better, period.  And consequently I have more wealth than I've ever had before in my life thanks to a fundamental change in my philosophies coupled with the Team Beachbody Opportunity.

For me this is TRUTH that I will not subject to popular vote especially considering the masses are broke, unhappy, or just not where they want to be.  If you want to be successful don't gauge popular opinion except perhaps in a service or product you plan to add value to peoples lives with.  But NEVER subject your truth and your personal philosophies to popular opinion because that is how you will lose.

Some will jump on this fundamental I'm writing about, others won't, but what is your truth?  And as you answer what your truth is maybe you need to go into a discovery process before you decide what your truth is.  As you realize your truth listen to and pay attention to the feedback from the universe.  95% of the material I write about and speak about are fundamentals.  And as Jim Rohn Says, "fundamentals are old".  They don't change!  Fundamentals have been around for thousands of years and are going to be around for thousands of years.  I'm not making this stuff up because you/I can't make up new fundamentals they've been around much longer than you or I have been around for!  So knowing what I know about fundamentals, and as you decide what your truth is, I know that fundamentals offend some people.  Fundamentals aren't meant to offend, insult, or to fight against.  Fundamentals are meant to be worked with and harnessed for our own gains.  That's a choice people make at no fault of the fundamental!

What I'm getting at here is this...

I know that people fighting fundamentals are still stuck in their own same undesirable situations a year later.  You MUST pay attention to that kind of feedback from the universe if you want to move closer to the full development of your own human potential and shape your life how you'd like it to be.  And if you don't want anything in your life to change then you don't have to worry about it.  But that's not really true either.  Some people subscribe to the idea, "If I just keep rolling along keeping the status quo then my personal status quo will not change either" and that would be a false belief whether you think so or not.  If you're not moving closer to the full development of your human potential then your moving away from it.  And if you're moving away from it then you're rotting in both mind and body.  You're always either going up or down the mountain there is nothing else even if you think there is.  If you think there is then that makes you more vulnerable to the process of rotting to death whether you believe it or not.  That's a fundamental!  Don't lull yourself into a complacency about these things because that's another fundamental that if you fight against you will rot.  If you want to rot it's cool with me no judgment here it's your life live it how you want to.  I just think you should know in case it might turn on a light bulb for some of you to "set a better sail" this year than last year and arrive at a more favorable destination a year from now.  After all, the whole purpose for my writing this blog is to empower some of you step up and own your life.  That is a GOOD thing.

Work your JOB to fuel your spare time activity the RIGHT way for a more fulfilling future.  That's how you win :-)


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