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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Freedom Isn't Free, Freedom Isn't For Everyone - Voluntary VS. Mandatory

Why do so many people mean to get in shape, start their own business, follow their dreams or take hold of their life in general and never seem to follow through? Because those kinds of activities are voluntary. When it becomes mandatory then it gets done. Most people will follow through with something only if it becomes mandatory (I.E. the threat of being fired by an employer). If being fit and healthy were mandatory to avoid being fired I guarantee you everyone would be in shape and eating right year around instead of just before summer and never learning how to workout right or eat right anyway. I am not advocating mandatory fitness by any means. I am advocating personal autonomy AND exercising personal autonomy which seems to be lacking big time in our great nation sadly.

Many do not follow their dreams because following dreams is not mandatory and it shouldn’t be mandatory. Your boss for example is not going to fire you or penalize you for not following your dreams. Real independence is when you no longer depend on an employer, or anyone for that matter, to get things done. Lets face it, being independent is not for everyone because some just don't have the mind set for independence and are not even willing to open their minds to such a mind set of exercising more personal autonomy and taking hold of their life. Many people feel a strong sense of “neediness” to be employed by someone else otherwise they won't get anything done. It's a sad but true reality and a severe lack of personal independence and autonomy. Surrendering your dependency to someone else such as an employer is not living independent which is contrary to popular belief. Some of my friends are employed and they LOVE what they do which is totally different than the common person (which happens to be most people) who go to work motivated by only a paycheck to pay the bills and stay just over broke. It is an important distinction to make because independence or dependence derives from the two very different kinds of motivation here. I am speaking to people who are motivated by a paycheck that keeps them just above broke but want out of that scenario of dependency to an employer. Who I am NOT speaking to are people motivated by a paycheck that keeps them just above broke and not wanting out of that scenario of dependency to an employer. To each their own I am not here to judge, only to teach those who want the knowledge and help to reaching their dreams of independence.

An independent person will exercise personal independence and autonomy to take hold of their life and follow their dreams with nothing but the DRIVE they feel from the inside (often motivated by what they witness going on in the outside environment). THAT my friends is a picture of a truly independent human being practicing personal autonomy. An employer will make certain things mandatory but those things will not include following your dreams because the companies success is irrelevant to your dreams anyway. Only YOU can make your dreams mandatory. Even my friends who work for an employer who love what they do are independent human beings because they are motivated NOT by their employer but by their passion for what they do.

So what is it you want? Do you want more energy? More strength? More health and feelings of wellness? More time? More money? To be self employed? To make a fortune doing something you love? The moment you are motivated by your passion is when you start on a path toward independence. The moment you begin to exercise your own personal autonomy is when you begin to become an independent human being. When you decide, commit, and succeed you have reached true independence and freedom to do all the things that you ever wanted to do. Decide, Commit, Succeed happens to be the Team Beachbody philosophy. Those three words sum it up beautifully AND is adaptable to whatever that YOU want it to mean for YOUR life.

My call to action for YOU is to think about what you want in life and let THAT motivate you. If you take that first step then you can put yourself on a path that leads to the things that YOU want. If you don’t take that first step then I can promise you that you will never make it to step number two which means unless you are the heir to a millionaire uncle you will always have what you’ve already got and nothing more. If being an independent business owner and having more health appeals to your sense of passion I invite you to get in touch with me Today.

Tom – Independent Beachbody coach / Independent Business Owner and Teacher

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