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Thursday, April 23, 2009

“I will try it out and see how I do” = ultimate failure

“I will try it out and see how I do”

Why would someone go into independent business ownership with that philosophy? Is it because they are afraid of trying and failing? Is it more acceptable for someone to try with half measures and fail than it is to give 100% and fail? Of course it is. But, it is also a road block to success in any business, period. Winners in business are not frail people. If they were frail they would not be winners precisely because they had the guts to give 100%. Do you have guts? Unless there is some logistical reason, such as falling into a permanent coma, then there is never a good reason to give yourself the opportunity to fail once you decide to become an independent business owner.

When you become an independent business owner realize the possibility for winning. Winning is only possible because failure is also possible. Without the possibility of failing then winning is a certainty. If you choose to be somewhere in the middle just hanging out on the fence by “trying it out to see how you do” then you will always fall to the losing side of the fence because in order to win you have to have guts and take action while laziness and half measured efforts foster failure.

There are people helping hundreds or thousands of other people and making millions doing what they love and then there are other people who attract no one to their business or very few because they made ULTIMATE failure an option. I say “ultimate failure” meaning before you give yourself a chance to succeed you fire yourself by quitting a business that belongs to you. Day to day failure is something completely different from ultimate failure. Day to day failure is failing your way to success. You cannot learn and grow yourself without failing day to day.

I sponsor some who say, “I’m going to do this thing and be great at it!” and guess what? They are making money doing something they love. I sponsor some who against my advice will say, “I will try it out and see how I do” and guess what? They are not my sponsors who are making money or helping too many other people. Some of them will see the light so to speak and come around, and some may not. I guarantee some of you will join my organization with the right philosophies and do great and some of you will join with the wrong philosophy and not do so great. The interesting thing about that is both kinds of people will have read this same exact article presented in the same exact way and in the same exact light. So then why are there two very different outcomes? It depends on the individual person. Beyond that I cannot answer it because I do not know.

The moral of the article is this… For the love of yourself and others around you do not give ultimate failure an option or in my experience of observation that is exactly what will become of your business. The fact that others with the right philosophies are winning should profoundly impress upon you the possibilities of what you can attract toward your business if you simply do not sell yourself short. If you decide to take up the ultimate responsibility and reap the reward of personal autonomy and freedom by being a multi level business owner I want you to succeed! That success for me personally means obtaining health, wealth, time, and complete personal autonomy and freedom all just for doing something that I LOVE doing. I want to impress that concept and that possibility upon YOU so that hopefully you will NOT give yourself the option to ultimately fail in the end.

Now take hold of your life and go after what you want while avoiding all reservations that give way to a more acceptability of ultimate failure! Choose to Win and then do it! If you are interested in my specific opportunity and the ideal person that I enjoy sponsoring then go to my Independent BeachBody business page. If you see a possible match between you and myself get in touch with me and we will set up an appointment to talk and determine if we are indeed a good match.

Be well and good luck,

Tom – Independent Winner and BeachBody Business Owner

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