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Thursday, October 8, 2009

My routine to Live FREE of illness and disease

This whole routine I programmed is designed to help keep a person healthy and living illness FREE.

I haven’t been sick in 2 ½ years and counting. I use to get sick, violently sick several times a year with the changing seasons. Everyone I know right now in Oct. of 2009 is either sick with the flu or a nasty cold except me. I drink my daily Shakeology, I eat reasonable most of the time and I exercise regularly. But I also do something so amazing first thing every morning that I can actually physically and mentally feel keeping me from getting sick every time I do it. I don’t even have a name for my little impromptu routine but maybe someday I will. I video recorded myself doing my routine, that seems to work so well for me, to share with as many people as possible in hopes of giving you something new to think about and maybe even try regularly at your own discretion. If I help a few more people repel all cause illness during a change of seasons then that would make me a very happy fitness enthusiast :)

Some tips:
Do this even before flossing!

When doing squats retract your shoulder blades, open up your chest, sit back in heels but don’t fall back, keep your back straight, engage all core muscle groups to stabilize your body, don’t flex your knees more than 90 degrees, and keep your mouth as far away from your butt as possible. No joke! Visualize keeping your mouth far away from your butt and that will help you maintain all of those other variables I mentioned that makes for a good squat.

On all of these movements, postures and sequences I’m lifting my chest, opening my chest, and rolling my shoulders back. This is what allows the cardio vascular system and circulator system to jump start and work to help prevent you from getting sick. Focus on opening up your chest more and eventually it will become second nature to you. Don’t just arbitrarily do these movements, postures and sequences. Focus on those muscles being stretched so you get a better stretch and a better facilitation of nutrients to those joints and muscles. Otherwise you’re defeating the purpose of this routine; leaving yourself more vulnerable to all cause illness.

Most importantly; Breath! Breathe long deep slow breaths through all movements. You need to do this several times a day to saturate the blood with oxygen. Oxygen = energy and nourishment for the bodies cells. You also keep moisture from building up in your lungs by exercise the full capacity of your lungs. Moisture build up in the lungs leads to bacteria which leads to sickness. I’m not sure how well the microphone picked up the sound of my breath but if you listen closely you can hear me taking nice therapeutic like full breaths.

My first thing out of bed early morning impromptu Routine that I don’t have a name for yet:
- Drink a glass of water and rub the sleep out of your eyes, yawn etc.

- Huggers with neck rolls followed by another yawn and some funky stretch I did with my arms and chest. I’ll call it the chicken stretch ;) It felt right at the time. This is impromptu after all ;)

- Reach up and clasp your hands above your head. For all of these reaching movements make sure you “scoop” your abs so that your low back is not hyper extending. Reach up towards the sky and stretch your whole body out in a comfortable way early in the morning.

- Reach up again without clasping your hands together; bring arms back down in a good morning descending stretch. Pretend there is a wall behind you that you are standing against and you are scraping the wall with your elbows and wrists.

- Two bi lateral straight arm raises and back down again. At the top do a toe raise to begin waking the legs up.

- Widen your stance a little more than shoulder width apart and lower yourself into a sumo stance prayer squat. Remember to keep the shoulders back, stick out your chest and open it up even in prayer.

- Two more bi lateral straight arm raises starting in a sumo stance prayer squat.

- Lower yourself back into sumo stance prayer squat and abduct both arms 90 degrees and hold for a few breaths.

- Bring straight arms straight out in front; still in a sumo squat with a straight back; hinge forward. Come as close as you comfortably can to bringing your arms and trunk parallel to the floor. Try to create a straight line from your finger tips to your waist. Hold for a few breaths.

- Bring arms around back and over head; clasp hands together; still bent over. You can round your back here if you would like.

- Straighten your back out and extend your trunk upright allowing arms to come down behind you. While upright keep your hands clasped, pull your shoulders back, and keep your chest open; stretch your chest muscles.

- Bring feet together, bring hands to prayer, and follow sequence of arm movements in the video.

- Transition into chair pose as I demonstrate in the video.

- Come up out of chair pose and hyper extend back (optional, but really all of these movements are optional)

- Follow video for arm movement and prayer sequences.

- Bend forward at the hips like a hinge for trunk flexion; keeping back straight and shoulder blades squeezed together; arms abducted 90 degrees for a breath.

- Allow arms to come down toward the ground and round the back for forward fold for a breath.

- Straighten back out and squeeze shoulder blades together again for a breath and alternate between flat back and forward fold with your back rounded for a breath each.

- On the final forward fold hold it for a few breaths. With each exhalation see if you can reach a little lower while maintaining straight legs. Flex your quads to help keep straight legs.

- Come back up, roll up one vertebrae at a time; when you get to rolling your head up couple that with rolling your shoulders back and sticking your chest out.

- Clasp hands behind your butt, straighten arms, and open your chest for a nice stretch.

- Topas stretch. Palms should be facing up and arms should be straight.

- Take a full, slow, deep breath with prayer hands. Take one last full, slow, deep breath in mountain pose or the anatomical position. Open your chest up and don’t shrug your shoulders.

- Do anything else you need to do to take care of yourself and prime yourself for your day.

That’s it! I bet you feel better after doing that right? You’re probably even ready to eat breakfast by now. If you have it in you to do a light workout because you have extra calories to burn go for it! Just don’t do any one single movement, pose, or exercise that you can’t continuously perform for longer than three minutes or it’s too intense. With that kind of intensity without any food in you yet you risk catabolizing your own muscle tissue and weakening your metabolism.

Just some of the key benefits to my first thing out of bed early morning routine:
Allows for a gradual, calming transition from morning “grogginess” to waking up and feeling energized.

Jump starts the cardio vascular system and circulatory system; strengthening immune response; helps preventing all cause illness.

Improves mental focus and enhances your ability to alleviate/manage stress for a more productive day.

Energy distribution throughout the bodies cells; consequently you feel better with more sustainable energy throughout the day beginning at the very beginning of the day.

Lubricates and nourishes all major joints of the body; giving a person a better feeling of mobility.

More easily able to eat and digest breakfast.

For more info on Living Healthy visit my Website: Passion Fitness

Please note: the information given on my website is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Always consult with your physician before you begin any exercise program. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercise or diet, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

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