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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Diets are Evil

The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our health. Not to think so is naive. You can have all the money in the world but if you go through your day feeling tired, fatigued or weak, unable to alleviate the daily stresses that we all experience, you can't be living your life to the fullest.

Diets are evil

Because of their temporary nature, diets don't work. The people who do lose weight end up gaining it back again once they come off the diet and they gain it back more quickly this time. Instead of dieting, change your lifestyle. The changes you make to the way you eat should be sustainable for the rest of your life.

The insidious nature of "Diet" food is that it robs you of enjoying your food all the while the quality of your life is continuing to diminish, not improve. I'm not sure I can think of a bigger slap in the face than to sacrifice an innate joy for food in an effort to get healthy all the while in reality you're only diminishing the quality of your life as you get older.

I'm drinking Shakeology every day and eating REAL food, not diet food. The satiety in my nutrition is unmatched by junk food and much better for me in contributing directly to living a good life full of sustainable calming like energy. There is a very wide spread detrimental misconception that in order to eat healthy you have to eat food you don't enjoy. That devastating philosophy can only come from a person who just simply needs to learn about food. Some people go year after year without knowing that eating real food tastes better than junk food all the while improving the quality of life. You've got to keep learning so you can make the discoveries that you can use in your life to better your life; other wise you'll go year after year without knowing you can make a few simple changes to get better and have more. Stop learning and you begin sliding backward instead of forward. There is no such thing as an even keel you're either getting better or you're getting worse.

Subscribe to a nutritional philosophy of eating REAL all natural whole foods to be enjoyed and that the body can metabolize for fuel instead of storing as fat. That's how you gain a real sustainable calming like energy throughout the day. That's how you fuel your workouts for a more invigorating workout instead of feeling sick from it. That's how you live a better life.

Passion For Fitness

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