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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get some Guts and Own it! Light yourself on Fire and let the world watch you Burn!

Just a fair warning.  This article falls into the category of Tough Love.  If you're afraid of the power of reflection, if you're not willing to take a hard look at where you have been and are at right now then you may want to skip over this article (Or Read it anyway, light yourself on fire and let the world watch you burn!). My goal with any Tough Love article is to reach people willing to see them as they are today unfettered by anything, but willing to make some changes to change everything for their future.  Don't leave yourself in the mess my friends.

I've been laid off  more than once, I've been fired by a new boss who didn't like me, my most recent job was off shored - outsourced to India for cheap labor.  All of this was at no fault of my own except for the fact it was entirely my fault for leaving myself vulnerable to the mercy of an employer for the first 12 years of my working life.  If you work for an employer then you are just as vulnerable.  I know a lot of you are hurting out there and already have a sense of what I'm talking about.  Maybe you've already been laid off, off shored, hours have been cut, income has been cut, maybe you're forced to pick up a second job and you no longer have any free time for yourself, maybe you're looking for new work and no one is hiring, maybe the job you're applying for has forty plus applicants per position and the perspective employer is exploiting the situation with an insulting starting wage for the "lucky" hired person. 

For the love of your self and your own self worth - quit blaming your employer, the economy, politics, the government and everything else!  Likewise if you're the rare person in todays economy who is a very successful employed individual don't fall into the trap of crediting your employer for that success because then you have to credit your employer for a sudden down turn in your working life if your employer cuts your hours, your wages, or your job!

Listen to how average people selectively shuttle responsibility about their job situation.  When they get a pay raise they say, "I got a pay raise!".  When they get laid off they say, "My boss laid me off!".  When a good thing happens they say, "I did it" but when a bad thing happens they say "The Boss did it".  The same thing happens with both average kids and average adults attending school.  When a student gets an A on a test the student will say, "I got an A!" but when the student gets an F the student says, "My teacher gave me an F!".  I'm telling you that's complete bull!  If you do this you are not owning your life!  If you don't own your life you have no control over what happens to you!  If you have no control over what happens to you then who does?  Who or whatever you're blaming does and it's YOU whos empowered that whomever or whatever to have that control over your own life.  God knows I was guilty of the same thing and It devastated my life until I turned that around and YOU can to.

When you get a pay raise, or an A on a test, odds are you deserved it and you deserve credit for it.  If you're willing to own your successes you've got to be willing to own your failures to.  You can't have one without the other and expect to own your life.  Average people try to have one without the other and consequently average people are not well off.  If you loose your job or get an F on a test then make the decision to OWN IT.  That's the Only way to liberate yourself from the clutches of someone other than yourself and gain True REAL power over your life to take yourself out of the mess your in today to change everything for tomorrow. 

If you rely on the economy, politics, the government, your employer, then you Do Not own your own life, destiny, or your money.  Once I personally took real ownership over my life, my destiny, and my income then everything started to change.  Taking that kind of ownership isn't for wimps.  It look a lot of courage for me to blame myself for all that had gone wrong and landed me in a place of devastation when my job and my only income had been shipped over seas to India.  But I did the courageous thing and took ownership anyway!   It was no fault of my own that my job was sold out from underneath me but it was entirely 100% my fault for leaving myself 100% vulnerable to the mercy of an employer at a job that I liked very much.

For the first 12 years of my working life I did not own my income.  Employed individuals do not own their income.  In my opinion it's a scam.  Even at the job that I truly loved!  I loved the people I worked with, the work I was doing, the companys customers I interacted with, I loved what I was doing I was planning to work their til retirement!  But in terms of my employment and my income it was a scam without question and there is No moral integrity in that.

Now maybe you're ok with not owning your own income.  Maybe you don't mind going for the popular "job security" while in reality you're job and income are 100% vulnerable at the mercy of your employer.  If you're income is 100% vulnerable at the mercy of your employer then where is the "Job Security" everyone talks about and goes for?  IT'S NOT THERE!  IT DOESN'T EXIST!

"Job Security" is the carrot stick they keep in front of you to deceive your ambitions except there is no carrot on the end of the stick.  It's simply not there.  Even dogs at the race track get an actual Bone to chase around until the race is over then it stops so they get to catch up to it wagging their tails in delight.  In a job market we are generally treated as less than dogs and I'm disgusted with it.  The truth is they are willing to pull you away from your family forty plus hours per week under a false pretense of "Job Security".  They know how important your family is to you.  That's why they invented "Job Security" from thin air.  You need a good solid reason to spend that much time a week from your family and "Job Security" or "Income security" is it!  Except what they don't tell you is that "Job Security" and "Income security" does not really exist it's just there to get you to leave your family and come to work so you can live pay check to pay check til they no longer need you.  Is that worth your time away from your family?  Don't you deserve better?  Do you want to remain that vulnerable forever?  Believe me this applies to you if you love or hate your job. I know this from my own experience I LOVED my last job.

If you love your job that is great you should love what you do if you're going to spend forty plus hours of your week away from your family doing it.  But don't love your job for the "job security" scam.  Unless it's a government job then the whole job security notion is a Lie.  I hope that stirs up some emotion in you.  If it does that's a good thing.  It means you may be motivated to take action to put yourself in a position of less vulnerability.  If you feel nothing then it makes you all the more vulnerable to have your entire income taken from you without a backup.

I will never ever have to depend on an employer again in my life.  If I didn't do the TOUGH thing and blame myself for having no income when my last job was off shored to India then I'd still be blaming the economy and living an average life trying to make ends meet.  Average stinks!  Average people never seem to get ahead.  A few Break out of Average and those are the few that get ahead.  But to have the things that most don't have you Must be willing to do the things most aren't willing to do and you'd be surprised how incredibly easy they are to do.  But they are also easy not to do and therein lies the problem for average people.  Those easy to do things that are so incredibly life changing are easy not to do. 

If you want more than average you've got to own your life!  It doesn't matter where you've been or what your history is.  Greatness or Average in the future is determined by the things you do right Now.  Right now you can keep on keepin on and reap an average or less than average reward for tomorrow.  Or you can Own your Life, Your Income, Your mistakes, Your successes, and reap something far better than average for tomorrow.  Remember, someday tomorrow will be right here and Now.  Where will you be tomorrow?  Will you still be vulnerable and average?  Or will you OWN your life?

**** If you choose to OWN your own life let it start TODAY!****

Five frogs sat on a lily pad.  One decided to jump off.  How many were left?  All five of them!  All of them are still sitting their.  The one frog only decided to jump.  I know people who have decided to get Shakeology, or P90X, or Insanity, or join me in the Team Beachbody business opportunity.  The journey starts with a single step, not with thinking about taking a step!  Plenty of people accumulate knowledge but still dwell on the failure curve.  Knowledge by itself is useless.

Once you decide to jump off the "lilly pad" the process is Simple...  Do, learn, refine, and repeat.

Are you ready to OWN IT?

If you answered with a resounding "YESSS" then you're the person I'm looking for to partner up with, teach, learn, and grow with!

OWN IT <---Click the coach link, call me, jump off that "lily pad" and Own it!!

Tom - Independent Team Beachbody Coach
Passion For Fitness

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