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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Design the life of your Dreams

The purpose of challenges, difficulties, and setbacks is for you to gain the wisdom to design the life of your dreams.


If you're broke, in poor health, if your relationships suffer, if you're shy, scared, if you don't have enough time to spend with loved ones because you're too busy and too broke, the whole reason why god or nature puts challenges in front of you is to give you the opportunity to gain the wisdom to have more of the things you want and less of the things you don't want.  The problem with most of you is your belief system.  You actually believe challenges, difficulties, and setbacks are these events that happen that get your way when in reality  that is the complete opposite from the truth!  If your personal truth says that challenges, difficulties, and setbacks are in the way of where you want to be then that is why you are not only broke, but broke a year from now to.  If you're in poor health, if your relationships suffer, if you don't have enough time to spend with loved ones because you're too busy it's because you do not have a belief system that supports having more of the things you want and less of the things you don't want, period!  To believe other wise is how you remain in the same undesirable situation a year from now.  To put off getting started on change from within yourself, your belief system, is how you remain truly stuck in the same undesirable situation a year from now. 

 The god of your choosing, or nature, does not want you to be stuck.  Life is 10% what happens to you but it's 90% how you respond to what happens to you.  Do you know what this means?  This means you have enormous power over your life!  The power is within YOU!  It's not what happens to you, it's YOU!  You're belief system and your personal philosophies.  If you want to be the designer of your own life then change your belief system.  There is no other way.  IF you want to remain stuck, sliding backwards in your life, then cling to the same belief system you've always had.  If you want to keep chipping away at your own self image until eventually you've entirely given up on your dreams then continue to believe something will happen first before you change.  That's classic delusion and a delusional belief system will eventually kill you.

Unfortunately that is by far the most common belief system out there.  Most people actually believe they are going to change from within AFTER life happens.  This belief system is totally opposite of how the set up of the universe works.  The set up of the universe, in which we are guests, says that nothing changes until you change.  It doesn't say you change second.  NO!  The first step is for YOU to change.  Most of you out there have this grand plan of saving change within your self for step number two.  And you actually think it's going to play out that way, it's just a matter of time.  If that's your plan that is how you will stay broke, out of shape, in bad relationships year after year after year until suddenly this self sabotaging self - delusional devastating belief system you have kills you right after you entirely give up on your dreams.   Don't foster a belief system in yourself that's contra indicative of the universe the only possible outcome of fighting the set up is, you loose.

If things are rough, if things are bad, whatever those things are, you should be praying for challenges to land right in front of you so you can go to work to gain the wisdom to over come those challenges.  That's how you pull yourself out!  Without the challenge what is there to pull yourself out of a hole with?  Nothing!  You've got to understand that without gravity the wright brothers would not have been able to invent flight. Flying would not be possible without gravity.  Coming out of poverty, or poor health, or an undesirable situation would not be possible without challenges setbacks and difficulties.  Without them there is nothing to grab onto for the purpose of pulling yourself out.  Sadly what most of us do is we put our head in the sand hoping the challenges will go away.  They don't go away.  They don't even remain the same.  MORE challenges just keep piling up and then you begin to feel like you're drowning all because of doing nothing to gain the wisdom to over come those challenges.

 The god of your choosing, or nature, wants you to have an abundance of wealth, health, nurturing relationships, and all the things you want for a good life.  That's why god and nature gives you challenges, setbacks, and difficulties!   They are opportunities to get all of those things that you want!  Quit looking at them as things that get in the way you're killing yourself doing that!  Use them to pull yourself out of your hole so that you can shift your fight from fighting to survive to fighting to THRIVE!  It's much more fun to fight to thrive than to fight to survive!  You see, once you gain the wisdom to pull yourself out of your hole you're going to be able to handle those same challenges more efficiently from now on.  But, even better than that, there are going to be new challenges you're faced with to gain even MORE wisdom, to personally grow even more so that you can have more abundance of wealth, health, nurturing relationships and whatever else that YOU want to live the life of your dreams by YOUR design.  This is cool stuff isn't it?  Are you excited yet to grab new challenges by the horns to pull yourself up to higher places??? You should be!  Are you truly going to look at challenges, difficulties, and set backs differently now?  Truly?

Let me give you my own example because I want you to know I'm not talking about something that I'm not already practicing and familiar with myself.  You need to know that I'm not someone who has always had it easy.  Quote the contrary.  I had everything working against me.  But that just gave me more opportunity to grab onto to gain all the more wisdom that changed my life forever. I've had my share of difficulties and set backs.  In fact I feel badly for anyone who hasn't had the difficulties to gain the wisdom to design the life of their dreams.  People with a comfortable enough life tend to lull themselves into enough complacency to do nothing meaningful with their lives and that is unfortunate.

I did everything I was "suppose" to do.  I was born, I went to school, I got a job, I was on time, I worked hard building someone elses dream, I worked productively to build someones elses dream, I traded my time for money just like most of you are doing, and my reward for working hard to build someone elses dream was to have my job, which 100% of my income an benefits were attached to JUST LIKE MOST OF YOU, was off shored to India at no fault of my own.  I found myself at 30 years old jobless, zero income, zero benefits, nothing!  After 12 years of my working adult life I had ZERO income to show for and no JOB.   Add to that I was in bad physical shape.  I was rotting, just like most of the U.S. population.  My belief system wasn't working for me!  My belief system was working against me.  Just like most of you!  My personal philosophies brought me to this place where I was devastated.  It wasn't my job abandoning me or the bad economy or politics or any of that junk.  It was all me and my devastating personal philosophies and an un supportive belief system.

When most people are abandoned by their job who do they blame for suddenly having zero income and benefits?  Most people blame the economy.  That's how most people remain broke year after year.  And if you are most people you've got to hear this because most people will not change in a meaningful way without feeling uncomfortable enough and even embarrassed enough first.  This was certainly true for me.  I depended on my parents at 30 years of age to survive.  It was uncomfortable for me.  It was embarrassing.  I felt shame in myself.  I don't even know how I was able to get a date being 30 years old depending on mom & dad to get by.  It was not a good place for me to be psychologically.  At least that's what I thought at the time.  But looking back with all this new wisdom I've acquired since then to pull myself out of that mess I know that was exactly the state of mind I needed to be in to create the change within myself that was absolutely NECESSARY to change and design the life of my dreams.

 So what did I do in my poor no income sorry state???   I spent $40 to sign up for the Team Beachbody opportunity and then dropped another $200 into it because I felt it was necessary and I was dead serious about not being broke still a year from then.  I didn't wanna be broke still a year later I was SICK OF IT!  I attended a seminar at a hotel lobby in the Chicago area with a bunch of other people.  Everyone was interested in the company and the various opportunities to get healthy a financially independent.  But yet those same people, who had the comfy cushion of an income from a job, just couldn't see spending any money on this to better their situation.  In fact I've been told I was totally crazy for doing so in my no income situation.  I was told I should be waiting til I had more time and money til I got started.  Is that stupid?  To wait til I have more time and money to start doing something that will give me more time and money?  That doesn't make sense that's stupid!

Guess what?

All those people that put it off til they had more time and money are still putting it off and that is NEVER EVER going to change they will continue to be broke year after year after year unless they change on the inside, FIRST.  Think about what happened at this seminar for a moment this is real life stuff here this can be applied to any situation not just this seminar.  This is a reflection of life and human nature itself!!   I was the guy with NO income and NO time because I was attending college full time and a half and my job was off shored to India and I was the guy who signed up.  Isn't that backwards?  YES!  It is backwards.  It's a completely backwards way of thinking in comparison to how most people think and that is why I am the guy who not only pulled himself out of a devastating situation but I kept running with my BACKWARDS THINKING and eventually fired my boss and bought a house in cash just a couple years later at age 32!  This is something most people do not do in the course of their entire lives!  But all those people interested in the opportunity think they are acting in their own self interest by waiting till they have more time and money til they actually start doing something that will give them more time and money.  To me, THAT is backwards!  And to them, I am backwards!  And we both have our own results or LACK OF results to show for such drastically different belief systems.  Which perspective of backwards would YOU rather be??? Seriously ask that question to yourself it's worth asking and answering to yourself!  Especially if it gets you to FINALLY walk away from how most people think so you can FINALLY design the life of your dreams!

I'm doing really well for myself now all because I started consistently doing the things most people are not willing to do.  But guess what?  I am still faced with challenges.  That doesn't go away.  But I adapt to them much more eagerly than I did at first.  Broke Tom saw challenges as events that got in my way.  The new and improved Healthier and wealthier tom sees challenges as stepping stones to success.   Broke Tom avoided challenges like the plague.  Heck now a days if I don't feel I have enough challenge in my life then I know it's time to make new goals.  I will actually WRITE DOWN AND DATE new goals just to be presented with new bigger challenges.  You need to get it out of your head that if you just overcome current challenges that they will somehow stop.   Nope!  Just the opposite is true.  The more wisdom you accumulate for the purpose of overcoming challenges the bigger the future challenges that come your way.  Since life is a mix of difficulties and opportunities anyway and there is NOTHING you can do about it because it is the set up of the universe which we did not create, why not learn to embrace difficulties, challenges, and setbacks as the opportunities that they ARE for the purpose of designing the life of your dreams?   You will be MUCH happier if you exercise the complete control you have over your response to both difficulties and opportunities.  But if you are still with me then by now you must realize that difficulties ARE opportunities only disguised as events that get in the way.  It's the WISE and enlightened person who sees a challenge, a difficulty, or a setback as REAL opportunity.  How does THAT sit in your belly?  It should sit very sweet like in your belly.  It should fill your spirit with an eagerness to meet a tough situation and have some fun with it while you design your own good life.

Do you want to improve your situation?  Then stop treating challenges, setbacks, and difficulties as events that get in the way and start using them CONSISTENTLY for stepping stones to design the life of your dreams.  There is no other way.   If you're waiting for your ship to come in before you get started I've news for you.  Your ship is NEVER coming.  It's already here docked and waiting.  The longer you make your ship wait the more it decays making it harder and much more costly to get started. Waiting, I hate to say it, is STUPID!   If you're being stupid then quit being stupid and get started it's your life so own it you're the only that can!

It starts with a decision followed by a commitment.  Commit consistently enough with enough heart in the game and you WILL succeed.  I don't know how long it's going to take you to get there.  But that time is going to pass anyway either for you or against you.  If you sit on the side lines of your own life and WAIT while watching others then not only is your situation not going to improve but your self image is going to diminish and over enough time THAT will kill you.  If you've made the decision and your willing to commit but not sure how to get started let me know.  I can recommend the same books and audio that helped me shape my life. If you're interested in the same vehicle I'm using to shape my life after I made the decision and commitment then let me know and I can show you what I am doing so you can decide if what I'm doing is a good fit for you or not.  Does that sound fair?  Whatever you do, do something!  Step closer to your dreams so your dreams step closer to you.  Start walking away from how most people think and start that walk today.

 I hope the gears in your brain are turning by now.  I hope you're beginning to wonder how different the next 5 years of your life could be from the last five years if you just swap out some old philosophies for some new ones and change a few things.  I hope you quit waiting for tomorrow to own your own life.  And I hope that if you'd like me to show you what I am doing that you ask me today rather than tomorrow.

Your life is a master piece and every day is a micro-cosm of that much larger master piece.    Design your own master piece how YOU want it.


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