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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wake up, Step up, and Own your life! You're over 18 aren't you?

"Either you are in charge of your time or you allow yourself to be the puppet of everyone else’s demands. Someone is always in charge–I recommend it be you." - Darren Hardy

If 100% of your income is tied into your job then you're 100% vulnerable to loosing all of your income. It only takes one unfavorable event to happen at your job that you have no control over and it's all gone. Are you comfortable with that? And when it's gone it's not because your job is gone, it's because YOU did nothing all these years since you turned 18 to work in your spare time on your wealth.

It's funny... The number one reason people give for having ONLY a job is security. Job security is a delusion that most people subscribe to. We even teach our kids not to put all your eggs into one basket. The reasons are obvious! Then why do you, if you have only a job, put all your eggs in one basket of this kind of importance? If you loose all of your income you will feel it in every aspect of your life. Having only a job is the single most riskiest thing you can ever do with your life.

As for me, and the minority of other people, I'm going to keep on betting on myself rather than on an employer who could cancel all my income even if I want to keep it. I'm NOT going to put all my eggs into a basket that I have no control over. I'm NOT going to tie all my income or ANY of my income or ANY of my destiny into any variable I have no control over. Most of you are doing exactly that and most of you are doing it in the delusional name of "security".

I challenge you to look in the mirror and say, "I'm going to bet on YOU from now on. Today I'm drawing a line.", and begin doing a little bit of something every day in your spare time to begin working on something YOU own that can finally give you that security you've been subscribing to a few years down the road. Why wouldn't you do that for yourself? You can't use security for a reason anymore.

The next few years are going to pass by anyway just like the last few did that made you no more secure or closer to your promises all these years later. Do something different to become secure in the next few years. Your job is not going to get you there. Time will take you there if you actually do something every day even if it's just a little bit of something in your spare time. And if you don't the only other option time has is to expose your daily slight error in judgment which you will FEEL as you experience with age. It's inescapable. Time will either promote you or expose you depending on what YOU do with your time. Time does not pause; even keel is a myth.

The aim of my article is not to insult but to wake someone up. To get a thank you from someone expressing how badly they needed to read an article like this. Some people "woke" me up a few years ago and because they were not worried about if they would insult me or not I heard what I needed to hear, I suffered the humility I needed to suffer, and now my life will never be the same as it was a few years ago.

It's your life. Step up and own it! THAT is REAL security :-) YOU were meant for greatness. No single life was ever created arbitrarily. You've just got to believe the truth that you are meant for greatness and then become great a little bit at a time through little daily good actions.


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