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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seek out the positive

Source - Chris Simonian

"Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are." -- Miguel de Cervantes Spanish adventurer, author, & poet (1547-1616)

On your quest to becoming financially independent, there are two types of people you will run across:

1. Those that lift you up to greater achievements

2. Those that drag you down to "loserville"

Who do you associate with now? Category one or category two?

You need to be constantly examining your relationships: family, friends, co-workers, etc. Because you will turn into the people you hang around with.

For example, ABC news did a recent study aimed at people who were overweight and who could never seem to succeed with a diet.

What they found the problem to be was that these people's friends were all overweight as well.

However, when they all decided and committed themselves to lose the weight, they all did.

Surprised? Don't be.

There are positively charged people in this world who take charge of their lives and control their problems and then there are those who are negatively charged that let their problems control them.

I have noticed how negative people always seem to attract the bad in life. Illness, poverty, depression, obesity, and so on. Where the positive people are happy, energetic, motivated, healthy, etc.

Where do see yourself today?

I remember when I was in the negative category. I complained about my work, my boss, my family, my dead end relationships and so on. It wasn't until I decided to change my environment, that my life began to change.

I rid myself of all my friends that were holding me back, I made a decision not to talk to the "certain" family members that always looked on the negative side of any venture, and I ended any love relationships that were going nowhere.

I then committed myself to becoming financially independent.

I also committed myself to surrounding myself with winners and people who were locked onto my vision. I committed myself to getting healthy.

I made a commitment to my life.

As soon I made that commitment, my life began to change. Opportunities that were once barren, now flourished.

People that came into life were people with whom I admired and respected. In turn, they locked into my vision, believed in my abilities, were effected by my enthusiasm and they wanted me to succeed.

Most people don't have the guts to make that commitment.

Right now you have two roads for which to choose. The higher road of positive strength, or the lower road of negative dismay.

Figure it out and let me know what you have committed to.

Tom -

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