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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why am I self Employed?

In one sentence here is my answer: I prefer working to build MY fortune instead of someone elses.

Think about that VERY overlooked concept. If you are an employee then your time, energy and talents are being leveraged by your employer and YOU are only getting paid for the work that you do. Your employer is getting paid for the hard work that you and everyone else who is not a company owner completes. When YOU are self employed then everything you do both negative and positive has an impact on your wealth, on your fortune. The fundamental difference and difference in the mindset between those who are employed or self employed is so important to understand that it's worth repeating in a sentence. When you are an employee you work to build someone elses fortune and when you are self employed you are working to build your own fortune and that fortune belongs to you! The latter is more rewarding trust me.

Ask yourself this question, seriously. Would you rather work hard to make someone else rich while your rewards are barely enough to pay the bills or would you rather work hard to pay your bills and make yourself rich? Of course you are going to choose the second option, everyone would. Then why would over 90% of all Americans in this opportunist country work so hard to build the wealth of someone else instead of their own? Two reasons... Fear and Laziness. Fear, because people are afraid to step outside of their personal comfort zones and that is unfortunate because they are missing out on EVERYTHING. Laziness because the over 95% of Americans living in the land of opportunity are not seeking the knowledge, planning the work and working the plan to be able to live their dreams.

Some people may be totally fine with working to build the fortune of an employer and that is fine. I am not telling anyone how to live their life. BUT, I am here to tell you that if you want more then it is possible and anybody can do it who is willing to do the things necessary to succeed. The government isn't stopping you. Your family and friends cannot stop you. The powers that exist in the universe aren't stopping you. Only YOU are stopping you and only YOU can turn that around. Step up! Take hold of your life! YOU have the power to create PERSONAL AND GENERATIONAL HEALTH!

If you are ready to step up or just have questions you would like to ask me then reach out to me and I will help stand you up.


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