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Friday, April 22, 2011

Become Change

I know we live in an economy that is incredibly unkind and that the price of gas is way to high. I know we live in a market place that is largely exploiting people struggling just to get by.  I know in a market place so dominated by corporations it's all about cut throat and seniority which only exists in pyramids which corporations are; they are pyramid schemes. 

Knowing what you know you've got to ask yourself... Are those the perfect reasons for change or are they the perfect reasons not to change and go for the "even keel" which does not exist?  Of those two philosophies to live by which side of the fence of people are going to have more than the other side?  I know the answer is obvious but I'll say it anyway.  It's the side that sees the state of our economy as perfect reasons to CHANGE that has the real shot at winning and having much more than the side who sees the state of our economy as perfect reasons to not change and maybe keep waiting for "someday" that does not exist; that delusion of someday that most people subscribe to.

The change I'm talking about is the change that takes place inside yourself not the things going on around you that you have no control over.  You have no control over the economy, the price of gas, corporations etc... If you're waiting for those things to change before you change then you're in your own way of having more.  That's how you stay in "fight to survive" mode year after year in a vicious circle of no end unless YOU change first.   When you change first everything else changes for you.  Most people work against this natural law of the earth that's existed for thousands of years and the only possible outcome of fighting any natural law is you will loose.

If you are waiting for things around you to change first then YOU are your own biggest obstacle.  Not the economy, not family drama, not gas prices, not your job or your boss... YOU are your biggest obstacle.  Change your philosophy to one that supports you and ONLY THEN will you gain real power to change your life because you will finally be out of your own way.  There are enough obstacles in your path without you being one of them so cut it out and change.  Get out of your own way. 

Score some victories over your struggles and give hope to other people who could use some hope and encouragement to score some victories over their own struggles.  We are impact creatures like it or not.  CHANGE from the inside, pay the price to crystallize your dreams into reality, tell your story to anyone who will listen, and be part of a wave of change that people all around you so desperately need.  Let them know nothing else changed until YOU changed first.  You can do it because you are an impact creature.  Impact positively.  Go out there and do it but first start with YOU because there is no other way you can effectively change your life and positively impact others around you.

-Independent Team Beachbody Coach, Tom 

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