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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Live With Purpose - Part 4 - by Craig Holiday

Last week I talked about how our struggles are what make us true leaders. And I guess that was one of the things I understood years ago when I started my business. I understood that I had to do what didn't feel good. Because a lot of us in our lives we make poor decisions and we keep making the same decisions and we expect different results. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. You have to change the decisions that you're making. And one of the greatest things I always talk about when I mentor people is that this business is a blessing because we CAN change ourselves.

 I'm not asking you to change anybody else's life, just change yours. And model the life you want others to have, and model the overcoming of challenges, and model that change and watch what happens around you.     
People will come to you, people will gather around you, people will be drawn to you because you have that attraction - because you are a fighter and you can win the battles you have had in your life. From that you give others the courage to do the same.

 What makes your life less than it should be? Fear. Lack of confidence. Not believing in yourself. Maybe your life has been one of abuse, maybe your life has been one where no one has ever believed in you. Well, I can tell you right now, I may not even know who you are but I believe in you. I believe in you because I've seen lives change. I have seen lives change when someone cares enough about somebody to be there for them, to love them when no one else does - to speak truth into their life, to create visions for their life, to create dreams for their life and then to buy into those dreams.

 So many of us dwell on our past failures. That causes us to shrink in our life because we look at what we haven't done instead of what we CAN do. That's that voice inside of you that's constantly trying to convince you that you don't deserve anything more than you are. But see, I believe for every single one of us, that accomplishment is already there, that mountain top is already won - we just need to go and claim that in our lives.

 We have the potential, we have the gifts, we've been given the ability but for a lot of us - we have to get over the idea that we are average. We say to ourselves, "I've never seen that kind of success, I've never been an impactful person." But if I were sitting across the table from you or sitting in your living room having a conversation with you, you would see that I know what you can become. And all you have to do is embrace that and believe it about yourself. And once you own that about your life, you can give it to someone else. And that is the greatest gift you can ever give to anybody. The greatest gift you can ever give to someone is the gift of believing in them.

 You must believe in yourself so that then you can believe in someone else and transform their lives. You have a responsibility to be true to your purpose so that you can lead others to their destiny. Then their purpose in life can be fulfilled because you took the time in their lives to say, I care, I love you, I believe in you. And that's really what our role is in this kind of a business.

 Fulfill your purpose in order to be significant in the lives of all the people who are just waiting for you to be the person that leads them to their purpose, their significance. With that kind of attitude, you will never know where your influence will end. I believe in you. Own your destiny.

 Someday is today!

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