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Monday, December 14, 2009

Who do you spend more time with?

Fellow entrepreneurs ask yourself this question… Who do you spend more time with regarding your respective business the willing or the unwilling? Which ever your answer is think about your answer with an open mind as you continue reading...

There are some people who just need to know that what they are doing is 100% going to work and that is enough for them to do the things necessary to accomplish their goals. They have faith. Not blind faith but instead a real substantial faith simply because there is no doubt. I like to call them opportunists. On the other hand there are people who 100% know the same information and it makes no difference; they quit and consequently fail anyway thereby robbing themselves of their dreams. For one to know what to do to accomplish ones goals and then not do those things every day is for one to live a life of regret instead of fulfillment.

I’m not talking about people who simply aren’t interested in your opportunity. Love the un interested just the same whether they are interested or not. I’m specifically addressing those whom you work with who absolutely know what to do to achieve their goals and quit anyway. That is sadly the tragedy of most peoples lives. The golden years for 19 out of every 20 people in this country are not so golden and it's entirely a result of their daily choices.

Why would someone have a solution at their disposal that they have no doubt would work for them and then neglect to take advantage of that every day? I wouldn't spend time thinking about that if I were you. The more time you spend on "why" the longer you keep yourself out of the field of opportunity.

I’ve witnessed too many entrepreneurs spending time and frustration trying to “convince” the un willing; trying to figure out “why”. Stop! If you want to spend your time more productively you need to keep yourself in the field of opportunity. The best way to do that is to not worry about “why”. Instead work with the willing; the opportunists. There are always going to be more than enough people to grow a thriving business opportunity with who just need to know that what they are doing is absolutely going to work out. Your mission is simply to find people who are looking for you. As you find each other build your dreams with those who are worth your time and effort.

The people who seem to be hell bent on regret instead of fulfillment will eventually open their mind and change the way they think when they are ready or they won't. If they do or don't it is not of your making. The opportunists you team up with will support you and grow with you. The unwilling will drag you down and out of the field of opportunity. Keep that in mind the next time you're tempted to try and “convince” an unwilling person. Make it habitual to keep yourself in the field of opportunity so that you can accomplish your objectives in a shorter amount of time with less frustrations and disappointments.

Entrepreneur / Independent Team Beachbody Coach

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