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Friday, May 7, 2010

My friend Shevaun proves you can build bone density back up

 Exercise, especially weight-resistance exercise, allows calcium & magnesium to be better absorbed by bone since bone responds to external mechanical stress. Ladies if you're on a calcium magnesium supplement you need to lift some weights or you're wasting your money on those supplements. If you're not supplement you need to lift some weights anyway. The treadmill isn't going to do it.  My friend and fellow Team Beachbody coach Shevaun Williams is living proof of a significant degree of control that we do have over our own bodies!!!

"I have osteoarthritis in my hips & spine & my mom suffered so many broken bones.. She fell & fractured her pelvis, was unable to walk & died 8 weeks later... both ChaLEAN Extreme & P90X~ have contributed to a 37% bone density increase over the last 18 months!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lift ladies lift!!!!! I’m completely off the Fosamax & all pain meds because of TEAM BEACHBODY!!!!!

I rarely talk about my "stuff" cause it's personal & painful.. but it needed to be told.. We watched her suffer needlessly...every time I have a dexa scan the tech & my doc are so amazed at how my skeletal has improved.. I still have small fractures and always will, but I’m building new bone! I don't need to wear the posture bra anymore!! When I started ChaLEAN Extreme I could only do 12.5 in shoulder presses. Now I’m pushing up 22.5! Every time I want to give up I picture my mom cheering me on! She refused to do strength because it was too hard...if only.... my hips are stronger because I power walk 7-9 miles daily & do squats & lunges.. I will not give up or in! Keep moving it ladies!!! I owe it all to TEAM BEACHBODY!!!!!!!!!!!
" – Shevaun Williams


If you would like to try the programs Shevaun has had so much success with Click the shop link and browse to "ChaLEAN Extreme" by Trainer Chalene Johnson and "P90X" by Trainer Tony Horton: Passion Fitness

Passion For Fitness

1 comment:

  1. Nice post,

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